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File metadata and controls

224 lines (180 loc) · 11.4 KB

Apache Spark Structured Streaming S3 Connector

An Apache Spark Structured Streaming S3 connector for reading S3 files using Amazon S3 event notifications to AWS SQS.

Archicture Overview


  1. Configure Amazon S3 Event Notifications to send s3:ObjectCreated:* events with specified prefix to SQS
  2. The S3 connector discovers new files via ObjectCreated S3 events in AWS SQS.
  3. The files' metadata are persisted in RocksDB in the checkpoint location together with Spark Structured Streaming engine maintained offset. This ensures that data is ingested exactly once. (End to end exactly once requires the data sink to be idempotent.)
  4. Driver distributes the S3 file list to executors
  5. Executors read the S3 files
  6. After successful data sink processing, Spark Structured Streaming engine commit the batch

The RocksDB used by this connector is self-contained. The Spark structured streaming application using this connector is free to use any state store backend.

How to build

Prerequisite: install Rocksdb

Clone spark-streaming-sql-s3-connector from the source repository on GitHub.

git clone
mvn clean install -DskipTests

This will create target/spark-streaming-sql-s3-connector-.jar file which contains the connector code and its dependencies. The jar file will also be installed to local maven repository.

The jar file can also be downloaded at Change the jar file name based on version

Current version is compatible with Spark 3.2 and above.

How to test

  • To run the unit tests

    mvn test
  • To run the integration tests

    • Export the following environment variables with your values:
    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="<your AWS access key id>"
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="<your AWS secret access key>"
    export AWS_REGION=<AWS region to run the integration test>
    export TEST_UPLOAD_S3_PATH=<s3 path to upload test s3 files - s3:// >
    export TEST_REGION=<AWS Region of SQS>
    export TEST_QUEUE_URL=<SQS URL - e.g.<accountid>/<queuename>>
    export CROSS_ACCOUNT_TEST_UPLOAD_S3_PATH=<cross account s3 path to upload test s3 files - s3:// >
    export CROSS_ACCOUNT_TEST_REGION=<cross account SQS Region>
    export CROSS_ACCOUNT_TEST_QUEUE_URL=<cross account SQS URL>
    • run mvn test -Pintegration-test or mvn test -Pintegration-test -Dsuites='it.spark.sql.streaming.connector.S3ConnectorSourceSqsRocksDBItSuite' (S3ConnectorSourceSqsRocksDBItSuite only )

To setup cross account access: (following assumes S3 connector runs in account A to access S3 and SQS in account B)

  1. Add following to account B's S3 bucket policy
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "cross account bucket",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": [
                    "arn:aws:iam::<account A id>:user/<account A user name>"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<account B bukcet name>"
            "Sid": "cross account object",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": [
                    "arn:aws:iam::<account A id>:user/<account A user name>"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<account B bukcet name>/*"
  1. Create a new SQS queue and add following to SQS access policy
      "Sid": "__crossaccount_statement",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": [
          "arn:aws:iam::<account A id>:user/<account A user name>"
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "<account B SQS ARN, e.g. arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:xxx:news3filequeue>"
  1. Configure account B's S3 bucket to send event notifications to the new SQS queue

How to use

After the connector jar is install in local Maven repository, configure your project pom.xml (use Maven as an example ):


Code example

import com.amazonaws.spark.sql.streaming.connector.S3ConnectorSourceOptions._

val connectorOptions = spark.sqlContext.getAllConfs ++ Map(
  QUEUE_REGION -> "<AWS Region of SQS>",
  S3_FILE_FORMAT -> "csv",
  QUEUE_URL -> "<SQS URL - e.g.<accout id>/<queue name> >",
  PATH_GLOB_FILTER -> "*.csv",
  PARTITION_COLUMNS -> "valPartition",
  BASE_PATH -> "root path of S3 files"

val testSchemaWithPartition: StructType = StructType(Array(
  StructField("valString", StringType, nullable = true),
  StructField("valBoolean", BooleanType, nullable = true),
  StructField("valDouble", DoubleType, nullable = true),
  StructField("valInt", IntegerType, nullable = true),
  StructField("valPartition", StringType, nullable = false),

val inputDf = spark

A full running example is at src/test/scala/pt/spark/sql/streaming/connector/DataConsumer.scala which is included in spark-streaming-sql-s3-connector-<version>-tests.jar.

Use following command to submit to Spark on Amazon EMR (Assume spark-streaming-sql-s3-connector-<version>.jar and spark-streaming-sql-s3-connector-<version>-tests.jar are copied to EMR master node and under current directory).

spark-submit --class pt.spark.sql.streaming.connector.DataConsumer --deploy-mode cluster --jars spark-streaming-sql-s3-connector-<version>.jar spark-streaming-sql-s3-connector-<version>-tests.jar  <s3 new file root path> <SQS URL> csv <checkpoint location> <s3 path to write result>

This application receives s3 event notfication from <SQS URL>, reads the new files from <s3 new file root path> and save the result to <s3 path to write result>.

If run with OSS Spark, spark-submit needs to add s3a related configurations, e.g.

--conf spark.hadoop.fs.s3.impl=org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem --conf

Note: spark.hadoop.fs.s3.impl instead of spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.impl is used so that s3a can read s3:// prefixed file paths.

Run below to generate the S3 test files to be consumed by pt.spark.sql.streaming.connector.DataConsumer

spark-submit --class pt.spark.sql.streaming.connector.DataGenerator --jars ~/spark-streaming-sql-s3-connector-<version>-SNAPSHOT.jar ~/spark-streaming-sql-s3-connector-<version>-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar <s3 new file root path> <number of rows to generate> <number of partitions> <partition prefix string>

How to configure

Spark Structured Streaming S3 connector supports the following settings.

Name Default Description
spark.s3conn.fileFormat required, no default value file format for the s3 files stored on Amazon S3
spark.s3conn.queueRegion required, no default value AWS region where queue is created
spark.s3conn.queueUrl required, no default value SQS queue url, e.g.<account_id>/<queue_name>
spark.s3conn.queueType required, SQS only support SQS
spark.s3conn.queueFetchWaitTimeoutSeconds requred, 2 * longPollingWaitTimeSeconds wait time (in seconds) for fetching messages from SQS at each trigger. Message fetching is finished either messages fetched is greater than maxFilerPerTrigger or queueFetchWaitTimeoutSeconds expires.
spark.s3conn.maxFilesPerTrigger required,100 maximum number of files to process in a microbatch. -1 for unlimited
spark.s3conn.maxFileAge required,15d maximum age of a file that can be stored in RocksDB. Files older than this will be ignored.
spark.s3conn.pathGlobFilter optional only include S3 files with file names matching the pattern.
spark.s3conn.partitionColumns optional comma seperated partition columns. Partition columns must be defined in the schema. Use together with "basePath" option to read from S3 folder with partitions. For example, for file s3:///testdatarootpath/part1=A/part2=B/testdata.csv, set "spark.s3conn.partitionColumns" -> "part1,part2", "basePath" -> "s3:///testdatarootpath/"
spark.s3conn.reprocessStartBatchId optional start batch id for a reprocess run (inclusive). Note: a reprocess run will not consume new messages in SQS.
spark.s3conn.reprocessEndBatchId optional end batch id for a reprocess run (inclusive)
spark.s3conn.reprocessDryRun optional,true a dry run to list all the files to be reprocessed.
spark.s3conn.sqs.longPollingWaitTimeSeconds 10 wait time (in seconds) for SQS client long polling
spark.s3conn.sqs.maxConcurrency 50 number of parallel connections to Amazon SQS queue
spark.s3conn.sqs.maxRetries 10 maximum number of consecutive retries in case of a SQS client connection failure before giving up
spark.s3conn.sqs.visibilityTimeoutSeconds 60 SQS message visibility timeout
spark.s3conn.sqs.keepMessageForConsumerError false when set to true, the invalid messages with following reasons in SQS will be kept 1. the file is expired 2. the file doesn't match glob pattern 3. the file is already processed and persisted in RocksDB. This can be used with DLQ when for debug purpose

How to use S3 event notifications for multiple applications

If one S3 path's event notifications need to be consumed by multiple Spark Structured Streaming applications, SNS can be used to fanout to Amazon SQS queues. The message flow is S3 event notifications -> SNS -> SQS. When an S3 event notification is published to the SNS topic, Amazon SNS sends the notification to each of the subscribed SQS queues.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


Reference implementation Apache Bahir Spark SQL Streaming Amazon SQS Data Source.

RocksDB related code is reusing the work done by Apache Spark.