These properties in details are as follows.
Property | Description | Type | Default value |
appName | Application name for stack | string | dev |
alias | StageAlias in tag |
string | japan-hcls |
multiTenancy | Enable multi-tenancy mode | boolean | false |
awsProfile | Define your aws profile as same as that in cdk.json |
string | your_profile |
adminEmail | Send the temporary password to this email for signing graph application | string | [email protected] |
allowedIps | AWS WAF allowed this ips to access to the graph application. e.g.) ["" ] |
string[] | [""] |
ssmPath | The prefix of Paramater store in AWS Systems Manager which stores the parameters related to webapp | string | /omics |
userPoolId | The name of Paramater store in AWS Systems Manager for userPoolId | string | userPoolId |
identityPoolId | The name of Paramater store in AWS Systems Manager for identityPoolId | string | identityPoolId |
userPoolClientId | The name of Paramater store in AWS Systems Manager for userPoolClientId | string | userPoolClientId |
functionUrl | The name of Paramater store in AWS Systems Manager for functionUrl | string | functionUrl |
graphqlUrl | The name of Paramater store in AWS Systems Manager for graphqlUrl | string | graphqlUrl |
omicsBuckets | S3 bucket name of input and output for AWS HealthOmics | { input: string,output: string} | {input: "InputBucketName",output: "outputBucketName"} |