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Fixing injection of events

This is a raw log that describes thought process, tools and techniques that were used:

  • Discovered a bug when was updating project to support 13: SetTestActionSetsTextProperlyTests was failing.
  • Wrote a test of injecting IOHID events (KeyboardEventInjectorImplTests).
  • The cause of bug with text is somewhere inside KeyboardEventInjectorImpl.
  • I set breakpoints in -[UIApplication handleKeyHIDEvent:]
  • The function was called as expected.
  • Started debugging a sample app (not in a test mode) running in a simulator.
  • Pressed some keys on hardware keyboard. The same method was called handleKeyHIDEvent:.
  • Opened UIKitCore in Hopper (disassembler) /Applications/
  • At this moment I already wasted a lot of time and started to write this log.
  • Felt hopelessness. Thought about using private API of UIKeyboardImpl? But it is a wrong idea, because I'll have to not only recreate the exact logic of -[UIApplication handleKeyUIEvent:], but also to support it in the future. The less private logic is used the better.
  • Opened -[UIApplication handleKeyUIEvent:] in Hopper:
/* @class UIApplication */
-(void)handleKeyHIDEvent:(struct __IOHIDEvent *)arg2 {
    r14 = arg2;
    var_38 = self;
    rbx = [[self _responderForKeyEvents] retain];
    rax = GSEventGetHardwareKeyboardType();
    rax = rax & 0xff;
    var_40 = rbx;
    if (*(int32_t *)_handleKeyHIDEvent:.lastSeenType == rax) {
            rbx = 0x0;
    else {
            *(int32_t *)_handleKeyHIDEvent:.lastSeenType = rax;
            rbx = 0x1;
    r15 = [*(var_38->_eventDispatcher + 0x8) _physicalKeyboardEventForHIDEvent:r14];
    rax = [var_38 GSKeyboardForHWLayout:0x0 forceRebuild:rbx & 0xff];
    rdx = r14;
    rcx = rax;
    [r15 _setHIDEvent:rdx keyboard:rcx];
    var_30 = r15;
    rax = [r15 _isGlobeKey];
    r15 = var_40;
    if (rax != 0x0) {
            rax = [UIKeyboardImpl sharedInstance];
            rax = [rax retain];
            r12 = [rax handleKeyCommand:var_30 repeatOkay:0x0 beforePublicKeyCommands:0x1];
            [rax release];
            if (r12 != 0x0) {
            else {
                    rax = [var_30 _isKeyDown];
                    rdi = var_38->_physicalKeycodeMap;
                    if (rax != 0x0) {
                            rsi = @selector(addObject:);
                    else {
                            rsi = @selector(removeObject:);
                    (*_objc_msgSend)(rdi, rsi);
                    rax = [r15 _keyCommandForEvent:var_30];
                    rax = [rax retain];
                    r12 = rax;
                    if ((rax != 0x0) && ([r12 _buttonType] != 0xffffffffffffffff)) {
                            rbx = *_objc_msgSend;
                            r13 = [[UIPressInfo alloc] init];
                            r14 = rbx;
                            [r13 setType:[r12 _buttonType]];
                            if ([var_30 _isKeyDown] != 0x0) {
                                    intrinsic_movsd(xmm0, *0x102a288);
                            (r14)(r13, @selector(setForce:));
                            rax = (r14)(var_30, @selector(_isKeyDown));
                            (r14)(r13, @selector(setPhase:), ((rax ^ 0x1) & 0xff) + ((rax ^ 0x1) & 0xff) * 0x2);
                            (r14)(var_30, @selector(timestamp));
                            (r14)(r13, @selector(setTimestamp:));
                            (r14)(r13, @selector(setSource:), 0x1);
                            (r14)(r13, @selector(setContextID:), BKSHIDEventGetContextIDFromEvent((r14)(var_30, @selector(_hidEvent))));
                            (r14)(*_UIApp, @selector(_prepareButtonEvent:withPressInfo:), var_30, r13);
                            (r14)(var_38, @selector(sendEvent:), var_30);
                            (r14)(var_38, @selector(_finishButtonEvent:), var_30);
                            [r13 release];
                    [var_38 handleKeyUIEvent:var_30];
                    [r12 release];
                    r15 = var_40;
    else {
            rax = [var_30 _isKeyDown];
            rdi = var_38->_physicalKeycodeMap;
            if (rax != 0x0) {
                    rsi = @selector(addObject:);
            else {
                    rsi = @selector(removeObject:);
            (*_objc_msgSend)(rdi, rsi);
            rax = [r15 _keyCommandForEvent:var_30];
            rax = [rax retain];
            r12 = rax;
            if ((rax != 0x0) && ([r12 _buttonType] != 0xffffffffffffffff)) {
                    rbx = *_objc_msgSend;
                    r13 = [[UIPressInfo alloc] init];
                    r14 = rbx;
                    [r13 setType:[r12 _buttonType]];
                    if ([var_30 _isKeyDown] != 0x0) {
                            intrinsic_movsd(xmm0, *0x102a288);
                    (r14)(r13, @selector(setForce:));
                    rax = (r14)(var_30, @selector(_isKeyDown));
                    (r14)(r13, @selector(setPhase:), ((rax ^ 0x1) & 0xff) + ((rax ^ 0x1) & 0xff) * 0x2);
                    (r14)(var_30, @selector(timestamp));
                    (r14)(r13, @selector(setTimestamp:));
                    (r14)(r13, @selector(setSource:), 0x1);
                    (r14)(r13, @selector(setContextID:), BKSHIDEventGetContextIDFromEvent((r14)(var_30, @selector(_hidEvent))));
                    (r14)(*_UIApp, @selector(_prepareButtonEvent:withPressInfo:), var_30, r13);
                    (r14)(var_38, @selector(sendEvent:), var_30);
                    (r14)(var_38, @selector(_finishButtonEvent:), var_30);
                    [r13 release];
            [var_38 handleKeyUIEvent:var_30];
            [r12 release];
            r15 = var_40;
    [r15 release];

  • Spotted this line [rax handleKeyCommand:var_30 repeatOkay:0x0 beforePublicKeyCommands:0x1]

  • It was called in sample app, but not called if events were injected.

  • I'm trying to find the if, that evaluates differently in those two cases.

  • It is probably this if: if (rax != 0x0) {

  • Started debugging -[UIApplication handleKeyUIEvent:] (I was using symbolic breakpoints).

  • rax = [r15 _isGlobeKey]

  • r15 = [*(var_38->_eventDispatcher + 0x8) _physicalKeyboardEventForHIDEvent:r14]

  • So I need to see what is inside r14:

    Printing description of $r14:
    Timestamp:           122221775156402
    Total Latency:       10974528 us
    SenderID:            0x0000000000000000
    BuiltIn:             0
    ValueType:           Absolute
    EventType:           Keyboard
    Flags:               0x1
    UsagePage:           7
    Usage:               4
    Down:                1
    PressCount:          1
    LongPress:           no
    ClickSpeed:          0
  • _physicalKeyboardEventForHIDEvent in Hopper:

    /* @class UIEventEnvironment */
    -(void *)_physicalKeyboardEventForHIDEvent:(struct __IOHIDEvent *)arg2 {
  • So I have to find a member _eventDispatcher of type UIEventEnvironment in UIApplication

  • I found a register (randomly) with UIApplication and called _methodDescription to see its members.

    Printing description of $rdi:
    <UIApplication: 0x7fd88ad032f0>
    (lldb) po [0x7fd88ad032f0 _methodDescription]
    <UIApplication: 0x7fd88ad032f0>:
    in UIApplication:
    	Class Methods:
    		+ (Class) safeCategoryBaseClass; (0x108f2a573)
    		+ (BOOL) _isSerializableAccessibilityElement; (0x108f2ac80)
    <...and lots of text...>
  • There is neither _eventDispatcher nor eventDispatcher

  • r15 = [*(var_38->_eventDispatcher + 0x8) _physicalKeyboardEventForHIDEvent:r14]; returns UIPhysicalKeyboardEvent, because _setHIDEvent:keyboard: is used later in code and it is implemented only in UIPhysicalKeyboardEvent

  • Setting breakpoint in -[UIPhysicalKeyboardEvent _setHIDEvent:keyboard:]...

  • The app didn't stop at breakpoint

  • But -[UIEventEnvironment _physicalKeyboardEventForHIDEvent:] have been executed.

  • Perhaps it is returning nil.

  • So I got a register with self of type UIEventEnvironment (randomly found it):

    Printing description of $rdi:
    <UIEventEnvironment: 0x60000354c180>
  • Executed this:

    (lldb) po [0x60000354c180 _physicalKeyboardEventForHIDEvent:0x0000600002b53640]
  • Everything is right! Case solved.

  • Inspecting what real event looks like (real means from real keyboard):

    Timestamp:           123849542723129
    Total Latency:       7336915 us
    �[1mSenderID:            0x0ACEFADE00000004 NON KERNEL SENDER
    �[0mBuiltIn:             0
    AttributeDataLength: 48
    AttributeData:       01 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 0a 0f 0a 0d 6b 65 79 62 6f 61 72 64 46 6f 63 75 73 12 02 10 01 1a 05 08 c1 b1 f8 69 20 02 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
    ValueType:           Absolute
    EventType:           Keyboard
    Flags:               0x1
    UsagePage:           7
    Usage:               4
    Down:                1
    PressCount:          1
    LongPress:           no
    ClickSpeed:          0
  • Diff:

    This doesn't work (injected event):

    SenderID:            0x0000000000000000
    BuiltIn:             0

    This works (real event):

    �[1mSenderID:            0x0ACEFADE00000004 NON KERNEL SENDER
    �[0mBuiltIn:             0
    AttributeDataLength: 48
    AttributeData:       01 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 0a 0f 0a 0d 6b 65 79 62 6f 61 72 64 46 6f 63 75 73 12 02 10 01 1a 05 08 c1 b1 f8 69 20 02 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  • It seems that we have to do something with the event to make it be handled properly in _physicalKeyboardEventForHIDEvent

  • Searching code in github:

  • Found this:

- (BOOL)_sendHIDEvent:(IOHIDEventRef)eventRef
    if (!_ioSystemClient)
        _ioSystemClient = IOHIDEventSystemClientCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault);

    if (eventRef) {
        RetainPtr<IOHIDEventRef> strongEvent = eventRef;
        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
            uint32_t contextID = [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow._contextId;
            BKSHIDEventSetDigitizerInfo(strongEvent.get(), contextID, false, false, NULL, 0, 0);
            [[UIApplication sharedApplication] _enqueueHIDEvent:strongEvent.get()];
    return YES;
  • Transferred this code to the project. Calling BKSHIDEventSetDigitizerInfo alone fixed the problem. Other code was added just to fix problems cause by adding that call.

Moral of the story: maybe I should try to search the solution first. However, the previous solution was also found on github and it didn't work on iOS 13 and without reverse engineering I couldn't tell why. But you should always keep in mind that someone probably already solved your issue.