Install the required test libraries:
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
The quickest way to run the unit tests is to use pytest to run multiple tests in parallel.
pytest -n auto
It is also possible run all unit tests using Python's built-in test framework. This will take quite a long time (e.g. 10 minutes) to complete:
python -m unittest
It is also possible to run the set of tests for one area by providing the name of the Python file containing the tests:
python -m tests.test_mp4
Will run every test in the tests/ file.
To specify one or more tests within that test file, a list of test functions can also be added to the command line:
python -m tests.test_views TestHandlers.test_availability_start_time
To run the unit tests inside a Docker container:
docker build -t dashlive .
docker run --mount type=bind,source=`pwd`/tests,destination=/home/dash/dash-live/tests \
-it --entrypoint /home/dash/dash-live/ dashlive
To check test code coverage:
coverage run -m pytest
coverage html
This will create a htmlcov
directory containing a ./htmlcov/index.html
file. That index.html
file contains information about the code coverage
of all of unit tests.
Install JavaScript libraries:
npm i
To run the tests:
npm run test
To produce a coverage report:
npm run coverage