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This repository consists of all the FreeCodeCamp Ziplines which are successfully accomplished.

Intermediate Front End Development Projects

  • Random Quote Machine selects a quote randomly from a bunch of quotes and displays it.
  • Weather App consists of an API which gives us all the data needed on the basis of the person's location and from there I take the weather i.e. is it hazy, cold etc and on the basis of the temperature it changes the background.
  • Wikipedia Viewer is based on the Wikipedia API which gives us the information about all the Wikipedia articles that have the searched word or phrase in them with the links of the specified articles.
  • After the Wikipedia Viewer, comes the JSON API project in which I used the given API to get the JSON data and from that manipulated the data to get the channel link, logo and also check whether the channel is online or not to get the show name if the same came to be online.

Advanced Front End Development Projects

  • Javascript Calculator is just a simple calculator that is made using javascript only having the main concept as the "eval" function which evaluates the arithmetic expression present in the form of a string.

    • Every button press invokes a function which adds the value of the button to the string which is finally evaluated when the = button is pressed.
    • Another thing that is taken care of here is that when the = button is pressed, if the number of operands are greater than the number of operators, then only the string is evaluated otherwise "Error" is shown.
  • Pomodoro Clock is a timer for distribution of breaks between study. In this mini-project, setInterval is used and the timer is put to 1 sec which changes the value of variables which contain the timer minutes and seconds. Using the setInterval, a function is executed which decreases the value of variable timersec by 1 if the variable timersec is not previously 0, and if the variable timersec is zero, then the value of timermin is decreased by 1 and the value of timersec is restored to 59 and this goes on further every second. When the value of both timermin and timersec is 0, the timer for break starts, and when the timer for the break ends, timer for study starts the same way.

  • Tic-Tac-Toe is a game that we all used to play during our childhood and it has been an integral part of the same. So, this is the mini-project for the javascript coded version of the game which lets you first choose whether you will be playing with X or O and then by default starts with Vs. Player mode which can be changed to Vs. Computer mode if needed. For this one, an array of buttons are created which is used as a matrix to manipulate the values by which it is computed which is the winner - X or O.

  • Simon Game is a classic childhood memory game in which we have to remember a pattern of the colours to win the game. So, this is the last one in the Advanced Front End Development Projects of Freecodecamp which requires using of all the previously built concepts at the same time. I used an array here to store both, the pattern entered by the user and the pattern generated randomly by the program. At each of the button presses, both the arrays are compared and user is informed if (s)he inputs it wrong otherwise it goes on until user gets to twenty correct button presses which makes him/her win the game.

Codepen Links:

Front End Certification

Here is the link to my Certificate: