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Update Choosing Compiler (microsoft#3331)
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packages/documentation/copy/en/modules-reference/guides/Choosing Compiler

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@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ Let’s examine why we picked each of these settings:
- **`verbatimModuleSyntax: true`**. This setting protects against a few module-related pitfalls that can cause problems for library consumers. First, it prevents writing any import statements that could be interpreted ambiguously based on the user’s value of `esModuleInterop` or `allowSyntheticDefaultImports`. Previously, it was often suggested that libraries compile without `esModuleInterop`, since its use in libraries could force users to adopt it too. However, it’s also possible to write imports that only work _without_ `esModuleInterop`, so neither value for the setting guarantees portability for libraries. `verbatimModuleSyntax` does provide such a guarantee.[^1] Second, it prevents the use of `export default` in modules that will be emitted as CommonJS, which can require bundler users and Node.js ESM users to consume the module differently. See the appendix on [ESM/CJS Interop](/docs/handbook/modules/appendices/esm-cjs-interop.html#library-code-needs-special-considerations) for more details.
- **`declaration: true`** emits type declaration files alongside the output JavaScript. This is needed for consumers of the library to have any type information.
- **`sourceMap: true`** and **`declarationMap: true`** emit source maps for the output JavaScript and type declaration files, respectively. These are only useful if the library also ships its source (`.ts`) files. By shipping source maps and source files, consumers of the library will be able to debug the library code somewhat more easily. By shipping declaration maps and source files, consumers will be able to see the original TypeScript sources when they run Go To Definition on imports from the libraries. Both of these represent a tradeoff between developer experience and library size, so it’s up to you whether to include them.
- **`rootDir: true` and `outDir: true`**. Using a separate output directory is always a good idea, but it’s _necessary_ for libraries that publish their input files. Otherwise, [extension substitution](/docs/handbook/modules/reference.html#file-extension-substitution) will cause the library’s consumers to load the library’s `.ts` files instead of `.d.ts` files, causing type errors and performance problems.
- **`rootDir: "src"`** and **`outDir: "dist"`**. Using a separate output directory is always a good idea, but it’s _necessary_ for libraries that publish their input files. Otherwise, [extension substitution](/docs/handbook/modules/reference.html#file-extension-substitution) will cause the library’s consumers to load the library’s `.ts` files instead of `.d.ts` files, causing type errors and performance problems.

### Considerations for bundling libraries

@@ -208,4 +208,4 @@ If you’re using a bundler to emit your library, then all your (non-externalize

A single TypeScript compilation (whether emitting or just type checking) assumes that each input file will only produce one output file. Even if `tsc` isn’t emitting anything, the type checking it performs on imported names rely on knowledge about how the output file will behave at runtime, based on the module- and emit-related options set in the tsconfig.json. While third-party emitters are generally safe to use in combination with `tsc` type checking as long as `tsc` can be configured to understand what the other emitter will emit, any solution that emits two different sets of outputs with different module formats while only type checking once leaves (at least) one of the outputs unchecked. Because external dependencies may expose different APIs to CommonJS and ESM consumers, there’s no configuration you can use to guarantee in a single compilation that both outputs will be type-safe. In practice, most dependencies follow best practices and dual-emit outputs work. Running tests and [static analysis]( against all output bundles before publishing significantly reduces the chance of a serious problem going unnoticed.

[^1]: `verbatimModuleSyntax` can only work when the JS emitter emits the same module kind as `tsc` would given the tsconfig.json, source file extension, and package.json `"type"`. The option works by enforcing that the `import`/`require` written is identical to the `import`/`require` emitted. Any configuration that produces both an ESM and a CJS output from the same source file is fundamentally incompatible with `verbatimModuleSyntax`, since its whole purpose is to prevent you from writing `import` anywhere that a `require` would be emitted. `verbatimModuleSyntax` can also be defeated by configuring a third-party emitter to emit a different module kind than `tsc` would—for example, by setting `"module": "esnext"` in tsconfig.json while configuring Babel to emit CommonJS.
[^1]: `verbatimModuleSyntax` can only work when the JS emitter emits the same module kind as `tsc` would given the tsconfig.json, source file extension, and package.json `"type"`. The option works by enforcing that the `import`/`require` written is identical to the `import`/`require` emitted. Any configuration that produces both an ESM and a CJS output from the same source file is fundamentally incompatible with `verbatimModuleSyntax`, since its whole purpose is to prevent you from writing `import` anywhere that a `require` would be emitted. `verbatimModuleSyntax` can also be defeated by configuring a third-party emitter to emit a different module kind than `tsc` would—for example, by setting `"module": "esnext"` in tsconfig.json while configuring Babel to emit CommonJS.

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