This is part of oh-my-emacs.
This file contains some advanced features or packages which could make emacs look unlike emacs. So ensure you have some basic knowledge and experience before loading this file.
Windows | Ubuntu/Debian/Mint | ArchLinux | Fedora | Mac OS X | Mandatory? | |
texlive | texlive-full latex-beamer | texlive-most texlive-langcjk | texlive-all | Yes | ||
ack-grep | ack | ack-grep | ack | ack | ack | No |
ag | the_silver_searcher | the_silver_searcher | the_silver_searcher | the_silver_searcher | No |
- texlive is required by evil, since evil need
tomake info
. However, I don’t think it is a good idea to install the huge texlive just to build evil, so I’ve made a patch for it.
Package | Status | Description |
evil | Required | Finally, the Emacs OS get a good editor. |
evil-leader | Required | <leader> key for evil. |
evil-surround | Recommended | Surround.vim for evil. |
expand-region.el | Recommended | Expand and select. |
vimpulse | Deprecated | Use evil instead. |
viper | Deprecated | Use evil instead. |
ag.el | Recommended | Better than ack. |
helm-ag.el | Recommended | Helm interface to ag. |
ack-and-a-half | Deprecated | Yet another emacs front-end to ack. |
ace-jump-mode | Recommended | A quick cursor location minor mode for emacs. |
As a poke at Emacs’ creeping featurism, vi advocates have been known to describe Emacs as “a great operating system, lacking only a decent editor”.
I must say that emacs is a great platform, but lacks a quick and effective editor like vi, fortunately, there comes evil.
“Evil is an extensible vi layer for Emacs. It emulates the main features of Vim, and provides facilities for writing custom extensions.” IMHO, evil is a great successor to Vimpulse, vim-mode and ViperMode.
By default, oh-my-emacs turn-on-evil-mode
on text-mode
and prog-mode
since emacs has only three basic major modes, you’ll get evil enabled in almost
all modes which focus on editing, by editing I mean, modes such as c-mode
would turn-on-evil-mode
, however, modes such as dired
, info
would not turn-on-evil-mode
by default. And since Info-mode
didn’t has a
parent mode, so we need to turn-off-evil-mode
If you need to turn off evil temporarily for a single buffer, use
M-x evil-local-mode
instead of M-x evil-mode
, since the latter will turn
off evil-mode globally, which means, evil-mode will be turned off for the whole
Emacs session.
(defun ome-evil-setup ()
;; (define-key evil-insert-state-map (kbd "C-[") 'evil-force-normal-state)
(setq evil-auto-indent t)
(setq evil-regexp-search t)
(setq evil-want-C-i-jump t)
(lambda (mode-hook)
(add-hook mode-hook 'turn-on-evil-mode))
(lambda (mode-hook)
(add-hook mode-hook 'turn-off-evil-mode))
(ome-install 'evil)
The keyboard is a real and heavily occupied estate in both Emacs and Vim. Specially, just about every key is already bound to a command in normal state Vim. Fortunately, Vim provides an easy way to define additional mappings on these keys. It’s called a mapleader.
Evil leader just provides the <leader>
feature from Vim to evil, which
provides an easy way to bind keys under a variable prefix key. The default
binding of <leader>
is \
, which is not easy to reach, so oh-my-emacs bind
it to <SPC>
, you don’t use <SPC>
to move right, ha? Some other people
prefer to bind the <leader>
key to comma ,
, but ,
already has a
in evil normal state).
BTW, oh-my-emacs will use helm in evil-leader if available. Since I’m a heavy
user of helm, I personally bind lots of keys with evil-leader just for helm. So
now you can do helm-ind-files
simply by <SPC> e
, for example. Enjoy it.
I also bind some keys to git-gutter.el, so you can just stage your commits when editing your document at your fingertips.
(defun ome-evil-leader-setup ()
(evil-leader/set-leader "<SPC>")
(unless (featurep 'helm)
"e" 'find-file
"b" 'switch-to-buffer))
(eval-after-load "helm"
(require 'helm-projectile)
"f" 'helm-for-files
"l" 'helm-locate
"y" 'helm-show-kill-ring
"t" 'helm-top
"m" 'helm-man-woman
"o" 'helm-occur
"j" 'helm-M-x
"e" 'helm-find-files
"b" 'helm-buffers-list
"h" 'helm-projectile-find-file
"r" 'helm-recentf
"H" 'helm-projectile)))
(eval-after-load "helm-ag"
"a" 'helm-projectile-ag))
(eval-after-load "expand-region"
(setq expand-region-contract-fast-key "z")
(evil-leader/set-key "xx" 'er/expand-region)))
(eval-after-load "magit"
(evil-leader/set-key "g" 'magit-status))
(eval-after-load "quickrun"
(evil-leader/set-key "q" 'quickrun))
(eval-after-load "git-gutter-mode"
"s" 'git-gutter:stage-hunk
"n" 'git-gutter:next-hunk
"p" 'git-gutter:previous-hunk))
"k" 'kill-buffer
"d" 'dired
"z" 'repeat
"0" 'delete-window
"1" 'delete-other-windows
"2" 'split-window-below
"3" 'split-window-right)
(ome-install 'evil-leader)
As I said, smartparens
is the ultimate pair management solution for
Emacs. So why evil-surround?
evil-surround is a port of vim-surround to evil. I think you can treat
as a complement of smartparens
in pair changing, deleting
and adding, while smartparens
is good at pair inserting and operating.
IMHO, no editors can compete with Vim in pure text editing speed[1]. So I
think evil-surround
is still worth a try. Here is an excellent and concise
tutorial for vim-surround
. Note that there may be some minor differences
between evil-surround
and vim-surround
. However, for daily use, they’re
almost the same.
(ome-install 'evil-surround)
Often we need to select text. We select since we want to limit our operation to
a small region. For a long time, people select text by C-@
and then manually
moving the point with C-f
, M-f
or something similar.
However, most of the time, we want to select text by semantic unit, such as sentences, paragraphs, s-exps, code blocks, instead of just select character by character, or word by word. So there comes expand-region.el, created by magnars, the author of emacsrocks.
As its name, expand-region
can expand/contract the selected region by
semantic units. Just keep pressing the key until it selects what you
want. Here’s a live demo of expand-region from emacsrocks.
Again, oh-my-emacs defines two extra lazy keys with the help of evil-leader
thus, in normal-state evil, you can trigger (er/expand-region)
by <Leader>
, and then expand/contract the region by hitting x
or z
If you are in evil-insert-state
, you can trigger (er/expand-region)
. Ah, in this case, smartparens
is your good friend. You can select the
region, then QUOTE the region with smartparens
pairs. Sounds amazing, ha?
Just try it and you will love it.
(defun ome-expand-region-setup ()
(global-set-key (kbd "C-=") 'er/expand-region))
(ome-install 'expand-region)
ace-jump-mode is a minor mode for Emacs, enabling fast/direct cursor movement in current view. “You can move your cursor to ANY position (across window and frame) in emacs by using only 3 times key press.”
To tell the truth, I still don’t why it it called “ace-jump”. Seems AceJump first appears as an Intellij plugin. EasyMotion provides a similar feature to Vim.
Oh-my-emacs adopt evil-leader and bind serveral keys to ace-jump-mode commands:
<Leader> c
<Leader> w
<Leader> l
By default, <Leader>
is <SPC>
, so you can use <SPC> c
to activate
, and move you cursor quickly and directly. Enjoy it.
(defun ome-ace-jump-mode-setup ()
(when (and (featurep 'evil) (featurep 'evil-leader))
"c" 'ace-jump-char-mode
"w" 'ace-jump-word-mode
"l" 'ace-jump-line-mode)))
(ome-install 'ace-jump-mode)
ag, the silver searcher, a code searching tool similar to ack but much more faster. It searches code abot 3-5x faster than ack, and “The command name is 33% shorter than ack, and all keys are on the home row!”. I’ve used it for serveral months and it’s amazing.
Projectile has builtin support for ag(projectile-ag
) via C-c p A
(when (executable-find "ag")
(ome-install 'ag))
helm-ag.el provides interfaces of The Silver Searcher with helm.
(when (executable-find "ag")
(ome-install 'helm-ag))
- Evil has some conflicts with smartparens due to cursor position. I should
temporarily disable
when I do operations likesp-up-sexp
. Maybe I can get this bypost-command-hook
or smartparens’spost-command-handler
? Or just usedefadvice
[1] See vimgolf for funny things.