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Commit e2b3165

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docs: updating the readme to reflect the changes
1 parent e59dca8 commit e2b3165

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1 file changed

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@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ The `terraform-docs` utility is used to generate this README. Follow the below s
| Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
| <a name="input_create_sns_topic"></a> [create\_sns\_topic](#input\_create\_sns\_topic) | Indicates whether to create an SNS topic for notifications | `bool` | `true` | no |
| <a name="input_monitors"></a> [monitors](#input\_monitors) | A collection of cost anomaly monitors to create | <pre>list(object({<br> name = string<br> # The name of the monitor <br> monitor_type = optional(string, "DIMENSIONAL")<br> # The type of monitor to create <br> monitor_dimension = optional(string, "SERVICE")<br> # The dimension to monitor<br> monitor_specification = optional(string, null)<br> # The specification to monitor <br><br> notify = optional(object({<br> frequency = string<br> # The frequency of notifications<br> threshold_expression = optional(any, null)<br> # The threshold expression to use for notifications<br> }), {<br> frequency = "DAILY"<br> })<br> }))</pre> | n/a | yes |
| <a name="input_notifications"></a> [notifications](#input\_notifications) | The configuration of the notification | <pre>object({<br> email = optional(object({<br> addresses = list(string)<br> }), null)<br> slack = optional(object({<br> channel = string<br> # The channel name for notifications (e.g. #channel-name) <br> secret_name = optional(string, null)<br> # An optional secret name in the AWS Secrets Manager, containing this information <br> lambda_name = optional(string, "cost-anomaly-notification")<br> # The name of the Lambda function to use for notifications <br> username = optional(string, "AWS Cost Anomaly Detection")<br> # The username to use for notifications<br> webhook_url = string<br> # The URL of the Slack webhook to use for notifications<br> }), null)<br> })</pre> | n/a | yes |
| <a name="input_monitors"></a> [monitors](#input\_monitors) | A collection of cost anomaly monitors to create | <pre>list(object({<br> name = string<br> # The name of the monitor <br> monitor_type = optional(string, "DIMENSIONAL")<br> # The type of monitor to create <br> monitor_dimension = optional(string, "SERVICE")<br> # The dimension to monitor<br> monitor_specification = optional(string, null)<br> # The specification to monitor <br> notify = optional(object({<br> frequency = string<br> # The frequency of notifications<br> threshold_expression = optional(any, null)<br> # The threshold expression to use for notifications<br> }), {<br> frequency = "DAILY"<br> })<br> }))</pre> | n/a | yes |
| <a name="input_notifications"></a> [notifications](#input\_notifications) | The configuration of the notification | <pre>object({<br> email = optional(object({<br> addresses = list(string)<br> }), null)<br> slack = optional(object({<br> channel = optional(string, null)<br> # The channel name for notifications, required if secret_name is not provided<br> secret_name = optional(string, null)<br> # An optional secret name in the AWS Secrets Manager, containing this information <br> lambda_name = optional(string, "cost-anomaly-notification")<br> # The name of the Lambda function to use for notifications <br> username = optional(string, "AWS Cost Anomaly Detection")<br> # The username to use for notifications<br> webhook_url = optional(string, null)<br> # The URL of the Slack webhook to use for notifications, required if secret_name is not provided<br> }), null)<br> })</pre> | n/a | yes |
| <a name="input_sns_topic_name"></a> [sns\_topic\_name](#input\_sns\_topic\_name) | The name of an existing or new SNS topic for notifications | `string` | `"cost-anomaly-notifications"` | no |
| <a name="input_tags"></a> [tags](#input\_tags) | A map of tags to add to all resources | `map(string)` | n/a | yes |

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