v1.5.0 Updated module to support 64-bit [TIMOB-18092] v1.4 Fixed a bug that prevented several of the "error" events from firing while interacting with achievements or the leaderboard. [MOD-533] v1.3 Fixed reportScore's documentation and example to properly use its arguments (should be category, then score). [MOD-438] v1.2 Updated documentation to warn about the LeaderBoard only displaying with 2 or more reported scores. [MOD-366] Fixed the example to properly call showLeaderBoard(identifier). It was missing the identifier. [MOD-366] Added an alert to the example to exclaim when a score has finished reporting. Added better validation to LeaderBoard and Achievements. [MOD-366] v1.1 Updated documentation for greater clarity and consistency with other Titanium modules. Fixed achievements. [MOD-327] Added the "isAvailable()" method to the module. BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed the "loggedin" event to "loggedIn" (with an upper case I) for platform consistency. Added the new "notLoggedIn" event. BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed "dataRecieved" event to "dataReceived" (spelling fix). v1.0 Initial Release