Low severity security issue.
Issues related to performance.
Features improving the product.
Issues contributing to product roadmap.
Further information is requested.
The issue concerns security but does not expose a direct attack vector.
The issue is not being implemented but only analyzed and planned.
Issues contributing to sprint goal.
Issues owned by the AI team.
Team covering store and finance matters.
Issues with this label are in the ownership of the console team.
Issues owned by the data team.
Issues owned by the delivery team.
Issues owned by technical writing team.
Issues with this label are in the ownership of the integrations team.
Issues with this label are in the ownership of the platform team.
Issues owned by the QA team.
Issues with this label are in the ownership of the tooling team.
Issues with this label are in the ownership of the web team.
Enhancement of our tech stack.
Issues contributing to tech roadmap.
Temporary label used only programatically for some analytics.
Issues that are resolved and their solutions fulfill the acceptance criteria.
Issues that will not be worked on (invalid, outdated, out of scope...).