Example configuration with OpenID Connect authorization code flow.
-- # configure a new web application in Azure with OpenID and code flow (see
-- the provider documentation)
-- # in this application the redirect url must be be “<url of your
-- server>/auth_oauth/signin” and of course this URL should be reachable from
-- # create a new authentication provider in Odoo with the following
-- parameters (see the portal documentation
-for more information):
Single tenant provider limits the access to user of your tenant,
-while Multitenants allow access for all AzureAD users, so user of foreign companies can use their AzureAD login
-without an guest account.
+- configure a new web application in Azure with OpenID and code flow
+(see the provider
+- in this application the redirect url must be be “<url of your
+server>/auth_oauth/signin” and of course this URL should be reachable
+from Azure
+- create a new authentication provider in Odoo with the following
+parameters (see the portal
+for more information):
Single tenant provider limits the access to user of your tenant, while
+Multitenants allow access for all AzureAD users, so user of foreign
+companies can use their AzureAD login without an guest account.
- Provider Name: Azure AD Single Tenant
- Client ID: Application (client) id
@@ -439,32 +442,38 @@ Allowed: yes
- replace {tenant_id} in urls with your Azure tenant id
Example configuration with OpenID Connect authorization code flow.
In Keycloak:
# configure a new Client
-# make sure Authorization Code Flow is Enabled.
-# configure the client Access Type as “confidential” and take note of the client secret in the Credentials tab
-# configure the redirect url to be “<url of your server>/auth_oauth/signin”
+- configure a new Client
+- make sure Authorization Code Flow is Enabled.
+- configure the client Access Type as “confidential” and take note of
+the client secret in the Credentials tab
+- configure the redirect url to be “<url of your
In Odoo, create a new Oauth Provider with the following parameters:
-- Provider name: Keycloak (or any name you like that identify your keycloak
+- Provider name: Keycloak (or any name you like that identify your
+keycloak provider)
- Auth Flow: OpenID Connect (authorization code flow)
-- Client ID: the same Client ID you entered when configuring the client in Keycloak
+- Client ID: the same Client ID you entered when configuring the client
+in Keycloak
- Client Secret: found in keycloak on the client Credentials tab
- Allowed: yes
-- Body: the link text to appear on the login page, such as Login with Keycloak
+- Body: the link text to appear on the login page, such as Login with
- Scope: openid email
- Authentication URL: The “authorization_endpoint” URL found in the
OpenID Endpoint Configuration of your Keycloak realm
-- Token URL: The “token_endpoint” URL found in the
-OpenID Endpoint Configuration of your Keycloak realm
-- JWKS URL: The “jwks_uri” URL found in the
-OpenID Endpoint Configuration of your Keycloak realm
+- Token URL: The “token_endpoint” URL found in the OpenID Endpoint
+Configuration of your Keycloak realm
+- JWKS URL: The “jwks_uri” URL found in the OpenID Endpoint
+Configuration of your Keycloak realm