diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index c1cc5cf9..746b7e5d 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ ## All language +* 【2024-02-21】[CorsixTH / CorsixTH](https://github.com/CorsixTH/CorsixTH) - Open source clone of Theme Hospital * 【2024-02-20】[karpathy / minbpe](https://github.com/karpathy/minbpe) - Minimal, clean, code for the Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) algorithm commonly used in LLM tokenization. * 【2024-02-20】[I-S00N / I-S00N](https://github.com/I-S00N/I-S00N) - * 【2024-02-19】[google / magika](https://github.com/google/magika) - Detect file content types with deep learning @@ -124,6 +125,7 @@ ## Python +* 【2024-02-21】[FujiwaraChoki / MoneyPrinterV2](https://github.com/FujiwaraChoki/MoneyPrinterV2) - Automate the process of making money online. * 【2024-02-19】[xaitax / CVE-2024-21413-Microsoft-Outlook-Remote-Code-Execution-Vulnerability](https://github.com/xaitax/CVE-2024-21413-Microsoft-Outlook-Remote-Code-Execution-Vulnerability) - Microsoft-Outlook-Remote-Code-Execution-Vulnerability * 【2024-02-19】[maurosoria / dirsearch](https://github.com/maurosoria/dirsearch) - Web path scanner * 【2024-02-19】[yize8888 / maotai](https://github.com/yize8888/maotai) - i茅台,葫芦娃预约脚本 @@ -242,6 +244,7 @@ ## Go +* 【2024-02-21】[INotGreen / XiebroC2](https://github.com/INotGreen/XiebroC2) - Go编写的多人运动渗透测试图形化框架、支持lua插件扩展、自定义多个模块、自定义shellcode、文件管理、进程管理、内存加载、反向代理等功能 * 【2024-02-20】[fossabot / clash](https://github.com/fossabot/clash) - A rule based proxy in Go. * 【2024-02-19】[bepass-org / bepass](https://github.com/bepass-org/bepass) - A simple DPI bypass tool written in go * 【2024-02-19】[blushft / go-diagrams](https://github.com/blushft/go-diagrams) - Create beautiful system diagrams with Go @@ -267,6 +270,7 @@ ## C +* 【2024-02-21】[microsoft / Sora](https://github.com/microsoft/Sora) - The Microsoft Research Software Radio (Sora) is a programmable software radio platform based on the commodity multicore CPU in a host PC. The SDK provides the drivers, user mode 802.11a/b/n samples, and a debug plot tool. * 【2024-02-19】[icyguider / UAC-BOF-Bonanza](https://github.com/icyguider/UAC-BOF-Bonanza) - Collection of UAC Bypass Techniques Weaponized as BOFs * 【2024-02-18】[jasonporritt / rg351_m8c](https://github.com/jasonporritt/rg351_m8c) - m8 headless for rg351 devices * 【2024-02-17】[jcs / progman](https://github.com/jcs/progman) - progman.exe^H^H^H^H @@ -298,6 +302,7 @@ ## C++ +* 【2024-02-21】[hyprwm / hypridle](https://github.com/hyprwm/hypridle) - Hyprland's idle daemon * 【2024-02-18】[dosbox-staging / dosbox-staging](https://github.com/dosbox-staging/dosbox-staging) - DOSBox Staging is a modern continuation of DOSBox with advanced features and current development practices. * 【2024-02-17】[jesyspa / linear-cpp](https://github.com/jesyspa/linear-cpp) - An attempt at a C++ tutorial. * 【2024-02-17】[MalwareTech / EDR-Preloader](https://github.com/MalwareTech/EDR-Preloader) - An EDR bypass that prevents EDRs from hooking or loading DLLs into our process by hijacking the AppVerifier layer @@ -326,6 +331,8 @@ ## C# +* 【2024-02-21】[xuzeyu91 / AntSK](https://github.com/xuzeyu91/AntSK) - 基于.Net8+AntBlazor+SemanticKernel 打造的AI知识库/智能体 +* 【2024-02-21】[msdart / solana-sniper-bot](https://github.com/msdart/solana-sniper-bot) - Solana sniper bot, is a software tool created to snipe tokens on DEX * 【2024-02-20】[Sh3lldon / FullBypass](https://github.com/Sh3lldon/FullBypass) - A tool which bypasses AMSI (AntiMalware Scan Interface) and PowerShell CLM (Constrained Language Mode) and gives you a FullLanguage PowerShell reverse shell. Feel free to modiy and DM if you find some bugs :) * 【2024-02-20】[Ali10555 / FakeRopeSimulation](https://github.com/Ali10555/FakeRopeSimulation) - Creates a fake simulated rope, connecting between 2 point. * 【2024-02-18】[milanm / DesignPatternsInUse](https://github.com/milanm/DesignPatternsInUse) - Most common Design Patterns you need to know, with examples in C#. @@ -359,6 +366,7 @@ ## Html +* 【2024-02-21】[IsraC0d33 / Proyecto1Marcas](https://github.com/IsraC0d33/Proyecto1Marcas) - Esta pagina es un Trabajo/Proyecto en equipo que busca replicar la página que se muestra abajo, con todos los conocimientos adquiridos en la asignatura de Lenguaje De Marcas. * 【2024-02-19】[dupontgu / qr-file-share](https://github.com/dupontgu/qr-file-share) - Share small files from an offline source using only a QR code * 【2024-02-18】[dmtrKovalenko / cypress-real-events](https://github.com/dmtrKovalenko/cypress-real-events) - Fire native system events from Cypress. * 【2024-02-18】[hemansnation / 7-Day-AI-ML-Fundamentals-Workshop](https://github.com/hemansnation/7-Day-AI-ML-Fundamentals-Workshop) - 7 Day AI ML Fundamentals Workshop The purpose of this FREE workshop is 1. To give you a boost of getting started with AI. 2. A life-long community with a similar mindset. 3. strong grip on fundamentals that the advanced concepts will be easy to understand. @@ -388,6 +396,8 @@ ## Css +* 【2024-02-21】[XNM1 / linux-nixos-hyprland-config-dotfiles](https://github.com/XNM1/linux-nixos-hyprland-config-dotfiles) - Linux 🐧 configuration based on NixOS ❄️, Hyprland, and Catppuccin Macchiato theme 😸 for a consistent, complete, and customizable experience. 🚀 +* 【2024-02-21】[bgola / bikeanjo](https://github.com/bgola/bikeanjo) - source code for sistema.bikeanjo.com.br * 【2024-02-19】[bmFtZQ / edge-frfox](https://github.com/bmFtZQ/edge-frfox) - A Firefox userChrome.css theme that aims to recreate the look and feel of Microsoft Edge. * 【2024-02-19】[Zarbalou / ilyass-port](https://github.com/Zarbalou/ilyass-port) - * 【2024-02-19】[joeroe / risotto](https://github.com/joeroe/risotto) - A minimalist, responsive hugo theme inspired by terminal ricing aesthetics. @@ -440,6 +450,7 @@ ## Unknown +* 【2024-02-21】[didicodes / javascript-dev-bookmarks](https://github.com/didicodes/javascript-dev-bookmarks) - A collection of articles that will help you get better at JavaScript. * 【2024-02-19】[cristopherRR / cristopherRR1](https://github.com/cristopherRR/cristopherRR1) - 1 * 【2024-02-19】[SeoYoungHo / SeoYoungHo1](https://github.com/SeoYoungHo/SeoYoungHo1) - 1 * 【2024-02-19】[VijayGunturu / VijayGunturu1](https://github.com/VijayGunturu/VijayGunturu1) - 1