diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 9c348225..d8e49296 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ ## All language +* 【2024-11-16】[bluesky-social / pds](https://github.com/bluesky-social/pds) - Bluesky PDS (Personal Data Server) container image, compose file, and documentation * 【2024-11-15】[haydenbleasel / next-forge](https://github.com/haydenbleasel/next-forge) - Production-grade Turborepo template for Next.js apps. * 【2024-11-15】[motiondivision / motion](https://github.com/motiondivision/motion) - A modern animation library for React and JavaScript * 【2024-11-14】[microsoft / TinyTroupe](https://github.com/microsoft/TinyTroupe) - LLM-powered multiagent persona simulation for imagination enhancement and business insights. @@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ ## Python +* 【2024-11-16】[g0ldyy / comet](https://github.com/g0ldyy/comet) - Stremio's fastest torrent/debrid search add-on. * 【2024-11-15】[aigc-apps / EasyAnimate](https://github.com/aigc-apps/EasyAnimate) - 📺 An End-to-End Solution for High-Resolution and Long Video Generation Based on Transformer Diffusion * 【2024-11-13】[dockur / macos](https://github.com/dockur/macos) - OSX (macOS) inside a Docker container. * 【2024-11-13】[home-assistant / supervisor](https://github.com/home-assistant/supervisor) - 🏡 Home Assistant Supervisor @@ -114,6 +116,7 @@ ## Javascript +* 【2024-11-16】[lucahammer / tweetXer](https://github.com/lucahammer/tweetXer) - Delete all your Tweets for free * 【2024-11-15】[InternLM / MindSearch](https://github.com/InternLM/MindSearch) - 🔍 An LLM-based Multi-agent Framework of Web Search Engine (like Perplexity.ai Pro and SearchGPT) * 【2024-11-11】[muxinc / media-elements](https://github.com/muxinc/media-elements) - A collection of HTMLMediaElement compatible elements and add-ons * 【2024-11-06】[frappe / lms](https://github.com/frappe/lms) - Easy to Use, 100% Open Source Learning Management System @@ -137,6 +140,7 @@ ## Go +* 【2024-11-16】[openai / openai-go](https://github.com/openai/openai-go) - The official Go library for the OpenAI API * 【2024-11-11】[helm-unittest / helm-unittest](https://github.com/helm-unittest/helm-unittest) - BDD styled unit test framework for Kubernetes Helm charts as a Helm plugin. * 【2024-11-11】[JohannesKaufmann / html-to-markdown](https://github.com/JohannesKaufmann/html-to-markdown) - ⚙️ Convert HTML to Markdown. Even works with entire websites and can be extended through rules. * 【2024-11-04】[MightyMoud / sidekick](https://github.com/MightyMoud/sidekick) - Bare metal to production ready in mins; your own fly server on your VPS. @@ -157,6 +161,7 @@ ## C +* 【2024-11-16】[soedinglab / MMseqs2](https://github.com/soedinglab/MMseqs2) - MMseqs2: ultra fast and sensitive search and clustering suite * 【2024-11-15】[eclipse-mosquitto / mosquitto](https://github.com/eclipse-mosquitto/mosquitto) - Eclipse Mosquitto - An open source MQTT broker * 【2024-11-13】[pvvx / THB2](https://github.com/pvvx/THB2) - Custom firmware for Tuya devices on the PHY622x2 chipset * 【2024-11-10】[Cateners / tiny_computer](https://github.com/Cateners/tiny_computer) - Click-to-run debian 12 xfce on android for Chinese users, with fcitx pinyin input method and some useful packages preinstalled. No termux required. @@ -177,6 +182,7 @@ ## C++ +* 【2024-11-16】[cra-ros-pkg / robot_localization](https://github.com/cra-ros-pkg/robot_localization) - robot_localization is a package of nonlinear state estimation nodes. The package was developed by Charles River Analytics, Inc. Please ask questions on answers.ros.org. * 【2024-11-12】[NASA-SW-VnV / ikos](https://github.com/NASA-SW-VnV/ikos) - Static analyzer for C/C++ based on the theory of Abstract Interpretation. * 【2024-11-05】[unum-cloud / usearch](https://github.com/unum-cloud/usearch) - Fast Open-Source Search & Clustering engine × for Vectors & 🔜 Strings × in C++, C, Python, JavaScript, Rust, Java, Objective-C, Swift, C#, GoLang, and Wolfram 🔍 * 【2024-11-05】[lailongwei / llbc](https://github.com/lailongwei/llbc) - 一个简洁、高效、跨平台、多语言支持的服务端开发框架,面向Service及Component,底层c++实现。 @@ -246,6 +252,7 @@ ## Unknown +* 【2024-11-16】[langchain-ai / langgraph-studio](https://github.com/langchain-ai/langgraph-studio) - Desktop app for prototyping and debugging LangGraph applications locally. * 【2024-11-14】[gantFDT / icraft](https://github.com/gantFDT/icraft) - iCraft Editor - Help you easily create excellent 3D architecture diagrams * 【2024-11-03】[lucia-auth / lucia](https://github.com/lucia-auth/lucia) - Authentication, simple and clean * 【2024-11-02】[elevenlabs / elevenlabs-examples](https://github.com/elevenlabs/elevenlabs-examples) -