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File metadata and controls

556 lines (409 loc) · 24.2 KB

CiviCRM 4.7.17

Released March 8, 2017


Core CiviCRM

  • CRM-19815 Make pseudoconstant code generic in advanced search (9908, 9885, and 9799)

    This modifies handling of pseudoconstants (site-wide lists of options) from specific hard-coded situations to metadata-based fields. This results in removing slow joins and improves speed.

  • CRM-19492 When merging: require row to be taken across before changing row settings (9902)

    The interface for merging contacts is clarified so that merge options such as location type on a field are not available unless the field is marked to be merged from the contact which is to be deleted.

  • CRM-20175 Increase pager support to 9999 pages (9894)

    The page number box on search results now allows four-digit page numbers.

  • CRM-19934 Performance improvement on civicrm_acl_contact_cache (9807) (Partial work)

    The query for building an ACL cache is simplified to avoid a taxing OR clause.

  • CRM-19816 Improve activity search filters (9841)

    Using the API to search for activities involving a specific contact is simplified and standardized across the assignee, source, and target, plus the generic contact_id parameter.

  • CRM-19883 Activity Priority Field is Not Included in Advanced Search or Activity Reports (9816 and 9800)

    The Priority field is now available in the Activity Detail and Activity Summary reports.

  • CRM-19938 Make Civi to CMS email sync optional (9765)

    There is now an option to disable synchronization of a contact's email address with their CMS user account.

  • CRM-19930 Patch DB_DataObject::toArray() to sprintf only as needed (9735 and 177)

    Database query performance is improved by only running strings through sprintf() when actually necessary.

  • API - Allow downloading without installing (9898)

    The API still defaults to downloading and installing an extension, but a new parameter install can be set to FALSE in order to download without installing.

  • CRM-20034 Support "OR" params in api get (9844)

    Many entities can now be queried with sets of OR parameters, returning rows that meet one of several criteria. The API Explorer displays the AND/OR option when it is available.

    Separately, the Activity.get API now allows for searching by the ID of attached files and allows for joining on EntityTag.

  • CRM-19943 Improve tag management UI (9918 and 9787)

    A new drag-and-drop interface allows for editing, nesting, and coloring tags.

  • CRM-20061 Allow 'tables' as a parameter on the revert api (9862)

    This adds the opportunity to specify which tables to revert for a logged change.


  • CRM-20158 Store card type and last 4 digits of credit card (9876) (Preliminary work)

    The civicrm_financial_trxn table now contains fields to store credit card type (e.g. Visa, MasterCard, etc.) and the last four digits of the card number, if available. The fields are not yet used by any functions.

  • CRM-20022 Add Batch Title to Columns, Grouping tabs on Contribution Summary report (9838)

    The Contribution Summary report now has an option to display the title of the corresponding financial transaction batch.


  • CRM-19999 Soften error message when registration is closed for an event (9823)

    CiviCRM now says "Sorry" when you attempt to register for an event where registration is closed.


  • CRM-20196 Add a useful message when the user didn't setup bounce processing properly (9906)

    If you fail to set a domain in the Mail Accounts and send a message through CiviMail, a log message will note the situation.

Backdrop Integration

  • Add a default layout for CiviCRM admin and ability to configure/set to default. (15 and 20)

    CiviCRM for Backdrop now has a default layout for administration pages.

Bugs resolved

Core CiviCRM

  • CRM-19929 Implement pre hook for entityTag (9733)

    Updates to civicrm_entity_tag--tagging or untagging a contact or activity--now invoke hook_civicrm_pre().

  • CRM-20201 Manage Tags page does not work if a tag set does not have created by set (9919 and 9913)

  • (Regression) CRM_Mailing_ActionTokens - Degrade gracefully (9874)

    This fixes an issue where scheduled reminders and other non-CiviMail messages would fail if they inadvertently use CiviMail action tokens.

  • CRM-19453 In Windows System->Directories fails to display under Joomla (9890)

    This allows Joomla users on Windows to view the Directories settings page without errors.

  • CRM-20144 API contact.get group='x' yields ""DB Error: no such field"" (9884 and 9867)

    This reinstates the feature allowing for contacts to be searched by group (including smart group) using the API.

  • Display error message for activity processing (9882)

    The activity processor scheduled job now records the actual error message that occurred rather than a generic failure message.

  • ApiExplorer - Fix js error (9883)

  • CRM-19693 Don't show options for disabled components (9459)

  • CRM-19657 recurring contribution receipt comes from logged in user (9856 and 9842)

    This fixes a bug where receipts triggered by an administrator's actions or a scheduled job now come from system-wide information or the default email rather than the contact associated with the user who is triggering them.

  • CRM-19972 Add in Post upgrade message for addition of manage tags permission (9808)

    The "manage tags" permission was added in 4.7.13, but site administrators were not alerted about it when upgrading.

  • CRM-19184 Activities target contact list does not truncate (9846)

    When viewing activities, the list of contacts the activity is with should be limited to the first several. This fixes a regression that listed all the contacts.

  • CRM-18811 MySQL table and column aliases can contain spaces (8548)

    This fixes a problem displaying profiles that have location details for a location type that contains a space.

  • CRM-20015 token values with ampersand cause error when generating docx letter (9834)

  • CRM-19950 Wrong param passed to checkPermission function (9832 and 9810)

  • CRM-18464 Database Error upgrading to Civicrm 4.7 (9679)

    Some legacy sites had a foreign key from civicrm_action_schedule to mapping_id set as an index rather than a proper foreign key. Dropping that key as part of the upgrade to 4.7.alpha1 resulted in a failed upgrade. The key is now dropped more safely.

  • CRM-19979 GroupContact.delete does not work for contacts with status of Pending (9797)

  • CRM-19957 DB Syntax Error on all Search Form submission (9767)

  • CRM-19955 custom field image display in contact record retrieve incorrectly (9758)

    This fixes a problem where files uploaded to custom fields were retrieved according to the ID of the entity they're attached to, not the ID of the files themselves.

  • CRM-19926 Constituent Summary Report Filtered by Groups ignores children groups (9732)

  • CRM-18427 Submitted custom data values not reloaded on form when validation fails (9752)

  • CRM-19927 Error message when "Add to Group" is pressed with no group selected (9731)

  • CRM-19864 Incorrect URL in CiviCRM Resources dashlet on Joomla (9668)

    The Configuration Checklist link in the Resources menu was a frontend link in WordPress and Joomla.

  • CRM-20180 Several documentation links are malformed (9897)

  • Handle date formats through metadata (see CRM-19490, CRM-18387, CRM-20012, CRM-20011, CRM-15948, and CRM-19911) ((9888, 9845, 9843, and 9830)) (Preliminary work)

    A variety of problems periodically emerge with date fields, mainly due to the practically-unique ways of defining and handling each date field. The goal of this work is to define all date fields through metadata. Changes so far define the metadata for date fields, but the fields are still generated the old way.

  • CRM-19887 Activity Summary report gives DB error on sort by email (9690)

  • CRM-19982 Can't enter dates in 4.7.16. Can only enter characters in word "birth" (9831)

  • CRM-19947 custom multi profile: file upload display issue (9754)

    On profiles including fields from multi-record custom data sets, files uploaded in one record were appearing in other records on the same contact.


  • CRM-19956 Moving/Copying activities between Cases (9766)

    This fixes an issue preventing the selection of a destination case when moving or copying activities.


  • CRM-19830 Cleanup contribution search by making non-exportable fields exportable (9718)

  • CRM-19793 Redirect payment processors that fail result in ugly fatal - be prettier (9762)

  • CRM-19949 Notice appear when setup profiles contain common field with contribution page (9753)

  • CRM-19881: Time clobbered in receive_date and trxn_date for api contribution repeattransaction and completetransaction (9680)

    The API spec for the contribution gettransaction and repeattransaction actions did not contain time, so the receive date and transaction dates were set to midnight.

  • CRM-20145 line_item with $0 amount may error when creating civicrm_entity_financial_trxn (9866)

  • CRM-20048 PayPal IPNs not processed if "receiver_email" != "business" (9858)

    This resolves problems if a site's PayPal account has a receiver_email that is different from the main email address for their business account. CiviCRM now looks for the business email.

  • CRM-19908 Fundamental Fixes for Tax Math Calculations. (9711)

    This change defers rounding of tax amounts until after being multiplied by an item's quantity and avoids deriving a tax rate from the amount of tax on a line item.

  • CRM-19517 Show price field Options that use disabled Financial Types so they can be edited. (9763)

  • CRM-19802 Contribution page : missing translation (9587)

    This fixes the wrapping of translatable strings in Javascript within page templates.

  • CRM-19873 contribute.repeattransaction fails when contribution_recur_id is a test recurring contribtuion (9674)


  • CRM-20004 Event payment receipt sent twice (9933)

  • CRM-19964 Event registration creates contribution without line item (9774)

    This situation occurred if a price set was enabled, no price field was required, and a user registered for the event without any of the price fields having a value.

  • CRM-19918 Price field "Active on" date ignored in Edit Event Registration > "Change Selections" (9764)

  • CRM-20170 Fix attendee count on event summary report for free events (9887)

  • CRM-20013 Localization for participant status on Event Income Report (Summary) (9833)

    The participant status was showing the field name rather than the translated label.


  • CRM-20016 Fatal error processing bounces when email_id IS NULL (9837)

  • CRM-19924 Unsubscribe from a mailing sent to a parent group silently fails (9730)


  • CRM-19871 Default Membership Type not selected - Contribution Form (9704)

    The membership type on contribution pages was defaulting according to weight rather than the type marked as default.

  • CRM-19936 Membership line items are duplicated when a membership is created or renewed with priceset containing multiple memberships (9744) (Partially fixed)

    Bug was as described. The cause has been repaired, but the issue is still pending an action to repair the duplicate line items.

  • CRM-20010 Membership period_type is required in frontend but not in API. (9829)

  • CRM-19945 api.contribute.repeattransaction fails to renew membership under certain conditions (9792)

Drupal Integration Modules

  • CRM-19910 Drupal view contact sub type IN query (424)

    Views was attempting to filter contact subtype as a single-value field rather than a delimited multi-value field.

  • CRM-20051 Drupal 8 user view page, Profile information not displaying (428)

    CiviCRM's implementation of hook_user_view() needed to reflect a change to the hook function signature.

  • CRM-19960 Drupal 8 Standard Page title does not immediately disappear on contact record screen (9770)

  • CRM-19545 Custom field groups which do not directly extend the base 'Contact' disappear from Drupal view after applying patch CRM-18776 (417)

    This reverts a change for CRM-18776, which in turn was attempting to fix a bug with custom fields that apply to only certain types of an entity (e.g. activity types or financial types). That original issue is still outstanding.


  • CRM-20154 dedupe code improvement, remove unused autoflip parameter (9893 and 9873)

    This cleans up code and removes a parameter called autoFlip that was never fully implemented in the merging of duplicate contacts.

  • CRM-20181 Deprecate CRM_Core_Error::fatal() (9900)

  • MailingGroup API - Tighten up deprecations (9892)

  • More test output on intermittant error (9871)

    A test of reverting tables now sleeps for a second.

  • Remove mispelt param. (9853)

  • remove markdown files in /docs (9771)

  • civicrm_webtest.install - Restore access to edit message templates and tags (9785)

  • Update Test generated examples (9798)

  • CRM-20007 RepeatTransaction API does not use the Payment Processor's payment Instrument to determine Payment Instrument (9826)


This release was developed by the following code authors:

AGH Strategies - Andie Hunt; Australian Greens - Seamus Lee; Chanun Chirattikanon; CiviCRM - Coleman Watts, Kurund Jalmi, Monish Deb, Tim Otten; Francesc Bassas i Bullich; Freeform Solutions - Herb van den Dool; Fuzion - Chris Burgess, Eileen McNaughton; Hartmann Computer Consulting - Peter Hartmann; JMA Consulting - Edsel Lopez, Pradeep Nayak; John Kingsnorth; Lighthouse Design and Consulting - Brian Shaughnessy; Matthew Wire; MongoDB - A. Jesse Jiryu Davis; Sean Madsen; Semper IT - Karin Gerritsen; Skvare - Mark Hanna; Stephen Palmstrom; Wikimedia Foundation - Eileen McNaughton

Most authors also reviewed code for this release; in addition, the following reviewers contributed their comments:

Agileware - Agileware Team; Andrew Cormick-Dockery; Andrew McNaughton; Andrew Thompson; Blackfly Solutions - Alan Dixon; Borislav Zlatanov; Circle Interactive - Dave Jenkins; City of Winnipeg, Manitoba - Matt Allard; CiviCoop - Jaap Jansma; CiviCRM - Jitendra Purohit, Yashodha Chaku; CiviDesk - Nicolas Ganivet, Steve Kessler, Sunil Pawar; CompuCorp - Alessandro Verdura, Guanhuan Chen; Coop SymbioTIC - Mathieu Lutfy, Stéphane Lussier; Davi Alexandre; Erich Schulz; Jesper Angelo; JMA Consulting - Joe Murray, Jon Goldberg; Joinery - Allen Shaw; Klangsoft - David Reedy Jr; Korlon - Stuart Gaston; MC3 - Graham Mitchell; Monadnock Developmental Services - Charlie Wilder; Oxfam Germany - Thomas Schüttler; Palante Technology Cooperative - Joseph Lacey; Progressive Technology Project - Jamie McClelland; Skylark Technology - Owen Pearson; Spry Digital - Ellen Hendricks; Squiffle Consulting - Aidan Saunders; Systopia - Björn Endres; Tadpole Collective - Kevin Cristiano; Third Sector Design - Michael McAndrew; Upleaf - Osvaldo Gomez; Vakees K; Valéry Gouleau; Veda Consulting - Kajakaran Balakrishnan;