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iGEM ETHZ Logo iGEM ETH Zurich - iGEM 19 ETHZ Logo Libraries for Personalized Phage Therapy Build Status Coverage Status License: GPL v3

Project Abstract

Antibiotic resistant pathogens are a major threat to global health. Emerging superbugs are rapidly becoming resistant to available antibiotics, while the discovery of new antibiotics is falling behind. Phage therapy offers a potential solution that has achieved remarkable successes. However, it is limited by the number of pathogens that can be targeted by available natural phages. To address this limitation, we aim to increase the range of phage specificities. Host specificity is influenced by the affinity of the phage’s binding protein to the bacterial surface. We developed a system that integrates random codons in phage genomes at any locus of interest. This allows for the formation of phage libraries with novel binding proteins that alter the host spectrum. Our bioreactor selects and evolves the best variants. The observed phage-host interactions can be used to further improve library design. Our system could be the basis for personalized treatment of bacterial infections. We are currently testing three approaches to generate these libraries.

  • Yeast assembly: a plasmid containing the T7 genome is assembled by homologous recombination in yeast and a library of randomized oligos is inserted into variable region of tail fiber protein.
  • Recombineering: A randomised sequence present on a plasmid is inserted into the tail fiber gene in vivo by using E. coli's homologous recombination machinery.
  • In vitro: The tail fiber variable regions are ligated to the T7 genome in vitro by Gibson assembly.

Project Trailer

T007 - License to Lyse - iGEM 2019 ETH Zurich - Trailer

Hardware Reactor Abstract

Hardware Reactor

To ensure the clinical relevance of our library, the rapid selection of the best phage variants is necessary and ensured by our bioreactor. Three flasks for cell growth each have integrated temperature control and peristaltic pumps on top of continuous OD measurement using our self-built OD sensors. This enables the cultivation of bacteria under controlled OD profiles. Real-time data from ongoing experiments is fed into our model to predict host concentrations and adjust growth conditions accordingly. User-friendly software allows the implementation of other experimental setups with custom parameters and monitoring mechanisms. Remote access and alerts permit long-term experiments. Our prototype was of great use for our own long-term and large volume experiments which led to multiple iterations of hardware and software improvements. To allow others to benefit from our design, we extensively documented the hardware and software. This bioreactor offers a cost-efficient solution to perform complex experimental designs with ease.

Table of content

Case Study: Recombineering Library Experiment

The goal of this case study is to show the reader a real-world usage scenario of the reactor system. Furthermore, it emphasizes the advantage of a fully automated and self-regulating experiment setup.

Experiment Setup

Reactor Configuration

Growth Simulation


Plate Result

Software Model


Phage HW Model #1: Yeast Assembly


Phage HW Model #2: Recombineering


Hardware Reactor

Hardware Overview

Reactor Hardware Overview

Hardware Components

Computer: Raspberry Pi 3B+

Raspberry Pi 3B+

Datasheet Source

Water Temperature Sensor: DS18B20


Datasheet Source

Thermoelectric Peltier Element: TEC1-12715


Datasheet Source

Electronic Speed Controller ESC


Datasheet Source

Microprocessor: Arduino Nano

Arduino Nano

Datasheet Source

Ambient Temperature and Pressure Sensor: BME280


Datasheet Source

8 Channel Input/Output Port Extender: PCF8574


Datasheet Source

Light Emitting Diode LED: TLCY5800


Datasheet Source

I2C Bus Multiplexer: TCA9548A


Datasheet Source

High Dynamic Range Digital Light Sensor: TSL2591


Datasheet Source

16 Channel Pulse Width Modulation Module: PCA9685


Datasheet Source

Optocoupler: TLP281


Datasheet Source

Magnetic Stirrer

Magnetic Stirrer

Datasheet Source



Datasheet Source

Water Pump

Water Pump

Datasheet Source

Peristaltic Pump

Peristaltic Pump

Datasheet Source

Mosfet Transistor

Mosfet Transistor

Datasheet Source

Control Terminal

Software Overview

Reactor Software Overview



Online Optical Density Sensor

Optical Density Sensor


Raw Sensor Data

Reference Data

Relation Light Sensor and OD


Sample Run

Reactor Temperature Control

Temperature Control

Reactor Heating

Reactor Cooling


Peristaltic Pump






1 Wire


  • DS18B20



  • BME280
  • PCA9685
  • PCF8574
  • TCA9548A
  • TSL2591

Hardware Software Interaction



Naive Constant Cell Density Controller

Advanced Naive Constant Cell Density Controller

Model Driven Constant Cell Density Controller

Model Driven Constant Cell Denisty Controller with Fluorescent Original Host


connect to the device:
1. plug in the power cable and switch on the power supply (the system starts up autoatically)
2. connect to the wifi network 'igem-ethz' (you should get an ip address from the DHCP server in the range
3. connect to the server at address (i.e. ssh [email protected])
 - username: pi
 - password: PASSWORD
4. change directory to igem19-ethz-phage-hw-model (i.e. cd igem19-ethz-phage-hw-model)
5. start the reactor software using the command: ./
6. after the automatic device initialization, you should see all available commands printed to stdout
fetch the whole repo:
git clone
update local repo to the most recent version:
git pull
keep the experiment running while disconnecting the computer:
- at startup, run: screen
- detach from session: Ctrl + a d
- attach to session: screen -r
connect to the graphical user interface:
1. connect to the wifi
2. use vnc viewer (realvnc)
 -username: pi

Raspberry Pi Setup


3D Print CAD Design

Optical Density Sensor

Water Bath

Cleaning Procedure

  • Pipes

    1. Rinse pipes using 70% ethanol
    2. Remove all pipes and autoclave them
  • OD cuvettes

    1. one-way -> trash
  • Reactor Flasks

    1. autoclave

Additionally: do not mix phage-contaminated material with non-contaminated ones.