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625 lines (466 loc) · 31.1 KB

File metadata and controls

625 lines (466 loc) · 31.1 KB


Getting Started

This project requires:

  • python (>= 3.7)
  • pip (>= 22.2)
  • poetry (>= 1.2): see installation instructions
  • docker
  • go (>= 1.20)
  • posix shell (bash, zsh, etc... needed for the make dev "development shell")

Once you have python and poetry installed, get the project bootstrapped:

# clone grype and grype-db, which is needed for provider development
git clone [email protected]:anchore/grype.git
git clone [email protected]:anchore/grype-db.git
# note: if you already have these repos cloned, you can skip this step. However, if they
# reside in a different directory than where the vunnel repo is, then you will need to
# set the `GRYPE_PATH` and/or `GRYPE_DB_PATH` environment variables for the development
# shell to function. You can add these to a local .env file in the vunnel repo root.

# clone the vunnel repo
git clone [email protected]:anchore/vunnel.git
cd vunnel

# get basic project tooling
make bootstrap

# install project dependencies
poetry install

Pre-commit is used to help enforce static analysis checks with git hooks:

poetry run pre-commit install --hook-type pre-push

To jump into a poetry-managed virtualenv run poetry shell, this will prevent the need for poetry run... prefix for each command.


The easiest way to develop on a providers is to use the development shell, selecting the specific provider(s) you'd like to focus your development workflow on:

# Specify one or more providers you want to develop on.
# Any provider from the output of "vunnel list" is valid.
# Specify multiple as a space-delimited list:
# make dev providers="oracle wolfi nvd"
$ make dev provider="oracle"

Entering vunnel development shell...
• Configuring with providers: oracle ...
• Writing grype config: /Users/wagoodman/code/vunnel/.grype.yaml ...
• Writing grype-db config: /Users/wagoodman/code/vunnel/.grype-db.yaml ...
• Activating poetry virtual env: /Users/wagoodman/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/vunnel-slR_vCr2-py3.9 ...
• Installing editable version of vunnel ...
• Building grype ...
• Building grype-db ...

Note: development builds grype and grype-db are now available in your path.
To update these builds run 'make build-grype' and 'make build-grype-db' respectively.
To run your provider and update the grype database run 'make update-db'.
Type 'exit' to exit the development shell.

You can now run the provider you specified in the make dev command, build an isolated grype DB, and import the DB into grype:

$ make update-db
• Updating vunnel providers ...
[0000]  INFO grype-db version: ede464c2def9c085325e18ed319b36424d71180d-adhoc-build
[0000]  INFO configured providers parallelism=1 providers=1
[0000] DEBUG   └── oracle
[0000] DEBUG all providers started, waiting for graceful completion...
[0000]  INFO running vulnerability provider provider=oracle
[0000] DEBUG oracle:  2023-03-07 15:44:13 [INFO] running oracle provider
[0000] DEBUG oracle:  2023-03-07 15:44:13 [INFO] downloading ELSA from
[0019] DEBUG oracle:  2023-03-07 15:44:31 [INFO] wrote 6298 entries
[0019] DEBUG oracle:  2023-03-07 15:44:31 [INFO] recording workspace state
• Building grype-db ...
[0000]  INFO grype-db version: ede464c2def9c085325e18ed319b36424d71180d-adhoc-build
[0000]  INFO reading all provider state
[0000]  INFO building DB build-directory=./build providers=[oracle] schema=5
• Packaging grype-db ...
[0000]  INFO grype-db version: ede464c2def9c085325e18ed319b36424d71180d-adhoc-build
[0000]  INFO packaging DB from="./build" for=""
[0000]  INFO created DB archive path=build/vulnerability-db_v5_2023-03-07T20:44:13Z_405ae93d52ac4cde6606.tar.gz
• Importing DB into grype ...
Vulnerability database imported

You can now run grype that uses the newly created DB:

$ grype oraclelinux:8.4
 ✔ Pulled image
 ✔ Loaded image
 ✔ Parsed image
 ✔ Cataloged packages      [195 packages]
 ✔ Scanning image...       [193 vulnerabilities]
   ├── 0 critical, 25 high, 146 medium, 22 low, 0 negligible
   └── 193 fixed

NAME                        INSTALLED                FIXED-IN                    TYPE  VULNERABILITY   SEVERITY
bind-export-libs            32:9.11.26-4.el8_4       32:9.11.26-6.el8            rpm   ELSA-2021-4384  Medium
bind-export-libs            32:9.11.26-4.el8_4       32:9.11.36-3.el8            rpm   ELSA-2022-2092  Medium
bind-export-libs            32:9.11.26-4.el8_4       32:9.11.36-3.el8_6.1        rpm   ELSA-2022-6778  High
bind-export-libs            32:9.11.26-4.el8_4       32:9.11.36-5.el8            rpm   ELSA-2022-7790  Medium

# note that we're using the database we just built...
$ grype db status
Location:  /Users/wagoodman/code/vunnel/.cache/grype/5  # <--- this is the local DB we just built

# also note that we're using a development build of grype
$ which grype

The development builds of grype and grype-db provided are derived from ../grype and ../grype-db paths relative to the vunnel project. If you want to use a different path, you can set the GRYPE_PATH and GRYPE_DB_PATH environment variables. This can be persisted by adding a .env file to the root of the vunnel project:

# example .env file in the root of the vunnel repo

To rebuild the grype and grype-db binaries from local source, run:

make build-grype
make build-grype-db

This project uses Make for running common development tasks:

make                  # run static analysis and unit testing
make static-analysis  # run static analysis
make unit             # run unit tests
make format           # format the codebase with black
make lint-fix         # attempt to automatically fix linting errors

If you want to see all of the things you can do:

make help

If you want to use a locally-editable copy of vunnel while you develop without the custom development shell:

poetry shell
pip uninstall vunnel  #... if you already have vunnel installed in this virtual env
pip install -e .

Snapshot Tests

In order to ensure that the same feed state from providers would make the same set of vulnerabilities, snapshot testing is used.

Snapshot tests are run as part of ordinary unit tests, and will run during make unit.

To update snapshots, run the following pytest command. (Note that this example is for the debian provider, and the test name and path will be different for other providers):

pytest ./tests/unit/providers/debian/ -k test_provider_via_snapshot --snapshot-update


Vunnel is a CLI tool that downloads and processes vulnerability data from various sources (in the codebase, these are called "providers").

Conceptually, one or more invocations of Vunnel will produce a single data directory which Grype-DB uses to create a Grype database:

Additionally, the Vunnel CLI tool is optimized to run a single provider at a time, not orchestrating multiple providers at once. Grype-db is the tool that collates output from multiple providers and produces a single database, and is ultimately responsible for orchestrating multiple Vunnel calls to prepare the input data:

For more information about how Grype-DB uses Vunnel see the Grype-DB documentation.

Vunnel Providers

A "Provider" is the core abstraction for Vunnel and represents a single source of vulnerability data. Vunnel is a CLI wrapper around multiple vulnerability data providers.

All provider implementations should...

  • live under src/vunnel/providers in their own directory (e.g. the NVD provider code is under src/vunnel/providers/nvd/...)
  • have a class that implements the Provider interface
  • be centrally registered with a unique name under src/vunnel/providers/
  • be independent from other vulnerability providers data --that is, the debian provider CANNOT reach into the NVD data provider directory to look up information (such as severity)
  • follow the workspace conventions for downloaded provider inputs, produced results, and tracking of metadata

Each provider has a "workspace" directory within the "vunnel root" directory (defaults to ./data) named after the provider.

data/                       # the "vunnel root" directory
└── alpine/                 # the provider workspace directory
    ├── input/              # any file that needs to be downloaded and referenced should be stored here
    ├── results/            # schema-compliant vulnerability results (1 record per file)
    ├── checksums           # listing of result file checksums (xxh64 algorithm)
    └── metadata.json       # metadata about the input and result files

The metadata.json and checksums are written out after all results are written to results/. An example metadata.json:

    "provider": "amazon",
    "urls": [
    "listing": {
        "digest": "dd3bb0f6c21f3936",
        "path": "checksums",
        "algorithm": "xxh64"
    "timestamp": "2023-01-01T21:20:57.504194+00:00",
    "schema": {
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "url": ""


  • provider: the name of the provider that generated the results
  • urls: the URLs that were referenced to generate the results
  • listing: the path to the checksums listing file that lists all of the results, the checksum of that file, and the algorithm used to checksum the file (and the same algorithm used for all contained checksums)
  • timestamp: the point in time when the results were generated or last updated
  • schema: the data shape that the current file conforms to

All results from a provider are handled by a common base class helper (provider.Provider.results_writer()) and is driven by the application configuration (e.g. JSON flat files or SQLite database). The data shape of the results are self-describing via an envelope with a schema reference. For example:

For example:

    "schema": "",
    "identifier": "3.3/cve-2015-8366",
    "item": {
        "Vulnerability": {
            "Severity": "Unknown",
            "NamespaceName": "alpine:3.3",
            "FixedIn": [
                    "VersionFormat": "apk",
                    "NamespaceName": "alpine:3.3",
                    "Name": "libraw",
                    "Version": "0.17.1-r0"
            "Link": "",
            "Description": "",
            "Metadata": {},
            "Name": "CVE-2015-8366",
            "CVSS": []


  • the schema field is a URL to the schema that describes the data shape of the item field
  • the identifier field should have a unique identifier within the context of the provider results
  • the item field is the actual vulnerability data, and the shape of this field is defined by the schema

Note that the identifier is 3.3/cve-2015-8366 and not just cve-2015-8366 in order to uniquely identify cve-2015-8366 as applied to the alpine 3.3 distro version among other records in the results directory.

Currently only JSON payloads are supported at this time.

Possible vulnerability schemas supported within the vunnel repo are:

If at any point a breaking change needs to be made to a provider (and say the schema remains the same), then you can set the __version__ attribute on the provider class to a new integer value (incrementing from 1 onwards). This is a way to indicate that the cached input/results are not compatible with the output of the current version of the provider, in which case the next invocation of the provider will delete the previous input and results before running.

Provider configurations

Each provider has a configuration object defined next to the provider class. This object is used in the vunnel application configuration and is passed as input to the provider class. Take the debian provider configuration for example:

from dataclasses import dataclass, field

from vunnel import provider, result

class Config:
    runtime: provider.RuntimeConfig = field(
        default_factory=lambda: provider.RuntimeConfig(
    request_timeout: int = 125

Every provider configuration must:

  • be a dataclass
  • have a runtime field that is a provider.RuntimeConfig field

The runtime field is used to configure common behaviors of the provider that are enforced within the vunnel.provider.Provider subclass. Options include:

  • on_error: what to do when the provider fails, sub fields include:

    • action: choose to fail, skip, or retry when the failure occurs
    • retry_count: the number of times to retry the provider before failing (only applicable when action is retry)
    • retry_delay: the number of seconds to wait between retries (only applicable when action is retry)
    • input: what to do about the input data directory on failure (such as keep or delete)
    • results: what to do about the results data directory on failure (such as keep or delete)
  • existing_results: what to do when the provider is run again and the results directory already exists. Options include:

    • delete-before-write: delete the existing results just before writing the first processed (new) result
    • delete: delete existing results before running the provider
    • keep: keep the existing results
  • existing_input: what to do when the provider is run again and the input directory already exists. Options include:

    • delete: delete the existing input before running the provider
    • keep: keep the existing input
  • result_store: where to store the results. Options include:

    • sqlite: store results as key-value form in a SQLite database, where keys are the record identifiers values are the json vulnerability records
    • flat-file: store results in JSON files named after the record identifiers

Any provider-specific config options can be added to the configuration object as needed (such as request_timeout, which is a common field).

Adding a new provider

"Vulnerability matching" is the process of taking a list of vulnerabilities and matching them against a list of packages. A provider in this repo is responsible for the "vulnerability" side of this process. The "package" side is handled by Syft. A prerequisite for adding a new provider is that Syft can catalog the package types that the provider is feeding vulnerability data for, so Grype can perform the matching from these two sources.

To add a new provider, you will need to create a new provider class under /src/vunnel/providers/<name> that inherits from provider.Provider and implements:

  • name(): a unique and semantically-useful name for the provider (same as the name of the directory)
  • update(): downloads and processes the raw data, writing all results with self.results_writer()

All results must conform to a particular schema, today there are a few kinds:

  • os: a generic operating system vulnerability (e.g redhat, debian, ubuntu, alpine, wolfi, etc.)
  • nvd: tailored to describe vulnerabilities from the NVD
  • github-security-advisory: tailored to describe vulnerabilities from GitHub
  • osv: tailored to describe vulnerabilities from the aggregated OSV vulnerability database

Once the provider is implemented, you will need to wire it up into the application in a couple places:

  • add a new entry under the dispatch table in src/vunnel/providers/ mapping your provider name to the class
  • add the provider configuration to the application configuration under src/vunnel/cli/ (specifically the Providers dataclass)

For a more detailed example on the implementation details of a provider see the "example" provider.

Validating this provider has different implications depending on what is being added. For example, if the provider is adding a new vulnerability source but is ultimately using an existing schema to express results then there may be very little to do! If you are adding a new schema, then the downstream data pipeline will need to be altered to support reading data in the new schema.

Please feel free to reach out to a maintainer on an incomplete draft PR and we can help you get it over the finish line!

...for an existing schema

1. Fork Vunnel and add the new provider.

Take a look at the example provider in the example directory. You are encouraged to copy example/awesome/* into src/vunnel/providers/YOURPROVIDERNAME/ and modify it to fit the needs of your new provider, however, this is not required:

# from the root of the vunnel repo
cp -a example/awesome src/vunnel/providers/YOURPROVIDERNAME

See the "example" provider README as well as the code comments for steps and considerations to take when implementing a new provider.

Once implemented, you should be able to see the new provider in the vunnel list command and run it with vunnel run <name>. The entries written should write out to a specific namespace in the DB downstream, as indicated in the record. This namespace is needed when making Grype changes.

While developing the provider consider using the make dev provider="<your-provider-name>"developer shell to run the provider and manually test the results against grype.

At this point you can optionally open a Vunnel PR with your new provider and a Maintainer can help with the next steps. Or if you'd like to get PR changes merged faster you can continue with the next steps.

2. Fork Grype and map distro type to a specific namespace.

This step might not be needed depending on the provider.

Common reasons for needing Grype changes include:

If you're using the developer shell (make dev ...) then you can run make build-grype to get a build of grype with your changes.

3. In Vunnel: add a new test case to tests/quality/config.yaml for the new provider.

The configuration maps a provider to test to specific images to test with, for example:

  - provider: amazon

These images are used to test the provider on PRs and nightly builds to verify the specific provider is working. Always use both the image tag and digest for all container image entries. Pick an image that has a good representation of the package types that your new provider is adding vulnerability data for.

4. In Vunnel: swap the tools to your Grype branch in tests/quality/config.yaml.

If you wanted to see PR quality gate checks pass with your specific Grype changes (if you have any) then you can update the[*] entries for grype to use the a version that points to your fork (w.g. your-fork-username/grype@main). If you don't have any grype changes needed then you can skip this step.

5. In Vunnel: add new "vulnerability match labels" to annotate True and False positive findings with Grype.

In order to evaluate the quality of the new provider, we need to know what the expected results are. This is done by annotating Grype results with "True Positive" labels (good results) and "False Positive" labels (bad results). We'll use Yardstick to do this:

# note: be certain you are in a "poetry shell" session
$ cd tests/quality

# capture results with the development version of grype (from your fork)
$ make capture provider=<your-provider-name>

# list your results
$ yardstick result list | grep grype

d415064e-2bf3-4a1d-bda6-9c3957f2f71a  [email protected]             2023-03...
75d1fe75-0890-4d89-a497-b1050826d9f6  grype[custom-db]@bdcefd2  2023-03...

# use the "grype[custom-db]" result UUID and explore the results and add labels to each entry
$ yardstick label explore 75d1fe75-0890-4d89-a497-b1050826d9f6

# You can use the yardstick TUI to label results:
# - use "T" to label a row as a True Positive
# - use "F" to label a row as a False Positive
# - Ctrl-Z to undo a label
# - Ctrl-S to save your labels
# - Ctrl-C to quit when you are done

Later we'll open a PR in the vulnerability-match-labels repo to persist these labels. For the meantime we can iterate locally with the labels we've added.

6. In Vunnel: run the quality gate.

# note: be certain you are in a "poetry shell" session
cd tests/quality

# runs your specific provider to gather vulnerability data, builds a DB, and runs grype with the new DB
make capture provider=<your-provider-name>

# evaluate the quality gate
make validate

This uses the latest Grype-DB release to build a DB and the specified Grype version with a DB containing only data from the new provider.

You are looking for a passing run before continuing further.

7. Open a vulnerability-match-labels repo PR to persist the new labels.

Vunnel uses the labels in the vulnerability-Match-Labels repo via a git submodule. We've already added labels locally within this submodule in an earlier step. To persist these labels we need to push them to a fork and open a PR:

# fork the repo, but you do not need to clone it...

# from the Vunnel repo...
$ cd tests/quality/vulnerability-match-labels

$ git remote add fork [email protected]:your-fork-name/vulnerability-match-labels.git
$ git checkout -b 'add-labels-for-<your-provider-name>'
$ git status

# you should see changes from the labels/ directory for your provider that you added

$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'add labels for <your-provider-name>'
$ git push fork add-labels-for-<your-provider-name>

At this point you can open a PR against in the vulnerability-match-labels repo.

Note: you will not be able to open a Vunnel PR that passes PR checks until the labels are merged into the vulnerability-match-labels repo.

Once the PR is merged in the vulnerability-match-labels repo you can update the submodule in Vunnel to point to the latest commit in the vulnerability-match-labels repo.

$ cd tests/quality

$ git submodule update --remote vulnerability-match-labels

8. In Vunnel: open a PR with your new provider.

The PR will also run all of the same quality gate checks that you ran locally.

If you have Grype changes, you should also create a PR for that as well. The Vunnel PR will not pass PR checks until the Grype PR is merged and the test/quality/config.yaml file is updated to point back to the latest Grype version.

...for a new schema

This is the same process as listed above with a few additional steps:

  1. You will need to add the new schema to the Vunnel repo in the schemas directory.
  2. Grype-DB will need to be updated to support the new schema in the pkg/provider/unmarshal and pkg/process/v* directories.
  3. The Vunnel tests/quality/config.yaml file will need to be updated to use development grype-db.version, pointing to your fork.
  4. The final Vunnel PR will not be able to be merged until the Grype-DB PR is merged and the tests/quality/config.yaml file is updated to point back to the latest Grype-DB version.

What might need refactoring?

Looking to help out with improving the code quality of Vunnel, but not sure where to start?

The best way is to look for issues with the refactor label.

More general ways would be to use radon to search for complexity and maintainability issues:

$ radon cc src --total-average -nb
    M 115:4 Provider._on_error - B
    M 73:4 Parser._download - C
    M 178:4 Parser._normalize - C
    M 141:4 Parser._load - B
    C 44:0 Parser - B
    M 66:4 Parser._parse_rss - C
    C 164:0 JsonifierMixin - C
    M 165:4 JsonifierMixin.json - C
    C 32:0 Parser - B
    M 239:4 PackagesHTMLParser.handle_data - B

The output of radon indicates the type (M=method, C=class, F=function), the path/name, and a A-F grade. Anything that's not an A is worth taking a look at.

Another approach is to use wily:

$ wily build
$ wily rank
-----------Rank for Maintainability Index for bdb4983 by Alex Goodman on 2022-12-25.------------
│ File                                            │   Maintainability Index │
│ src/vunnel/providers/rhel/             │                 21.591  │
│ src/vunnel/providers/ubuntu/           │                 21.6144 │
│ tests/unit/providers/github/      │                 35.3599 │
│ tests/unit/utils/                │                 36.3388 │
│ src/vunnel/providers/debian/           │                 37.3723 │
│ tests/unit/utils/                    │                 38.6926 │
│ tests/unit/providers/sles/          │                 41.6602 │
│ tests/unit/providers/ubuntu/      │                 43.1323 │

Ideally we should try to get wily diff output into the CI pipeline and post on a sticky PR comment to show regressions (and potentially fail the CI run).

Not everything has types...

This codebase has been ported from another repo that did not have any type hints. This is OK, though ideally over time this should be corrected as new features are added and bug fixes made.

We use mypy today for static type checking, however, the ported code has been explicitly ignored (see pyproject.toml).

If you want to make enhancements in this area consider using automated tooling such as pytype to generate types via inference into .pyi files and later merge them into the codebase with merge-pyi.

Alternatively a tool like MonkeyType can be used generate static types from runtime data and incorporate into the code.