ELSA Robot
Elsa V2.0 is the extension for Elsa V1.0. This package is built to boost the capabilities of elsa in terms of Improved Localization, Powerful Actuation, Reduced Wheel Slippage and Drift, Boosted Payload capacity, Better choice of Electronics
For the Version 1.0 of elsa project visit this
- To install teleop-twist-keyboard
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-teleop-twist-keyboard
- To install rosserial
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-rosserial-arduino
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-rosserial
- Coordinate Transformations and Robot Dimensions can be found at
docs/Robot dimensions and coordinate transformations.pdf
- More info about the references used is provided in the reference section
- Assemble Robot Platform, Motors, Encoders
- Interface encoders with Arduino Mega - Arduino Nano doesn't work when all encoders and all motors are interfaced
- Interface motors to Arduino Mega - Arduino Nano doesn't work when all encoders and all motors are interfaced
- Publish encoder ticks to the topics
for FrontLeft, RearLeft, FrontRight, RearRight - Subscribe to
topic and move motors - Differential drive - Use
node to move the mobile base
- Setup Raspberry Pi 4B to run remote roscore
- Calculate Odometry using the
and publish the Odometry to/odom
topic - Interface imu and Publish imu to
topic - Subscribe to
topic and move motors - mechanum drive - interface YDLIDAR X4 to the Robot and Publish LaserScan to
topic - Construct chassis and fix imu and YDLIDAR properly
- Construct TF for the
coordinate frames - use robot_localization Extended-Kalman-Filter to filter and fuse
to obtain/odom_filtered
- use gmapping package to do Simultaeneous Localization and Mapping