- Copy the
file to.env.local
cp .env.template .env.local
Add the necessary settings to the
or change it. TheEMAIL__PSW
is needed to run the backend. Please change the mail settings accordingly. -
Inside the
folder run:
The frontend should now be reachable on
. After that you should be able to register, login and use the software. -
OPTIONAL: If you want to fill the database with our dummy-data you can use the following command:
docker exec -i deskstar_postgres psql -U postgres deskstar < ./deskstar-db/dummy-data.sql
The dummy data already contain some companies you can use and also some test users. You can find the login data at the bottom of this README.
Inside the folder ./src/deskstar-backend/Deskstar execute the following command
dotnet ef database update
Inside the folder ./src/deskstar-backend/Deskstar execute the run.sh
Inside the folder ./src/deskstar-backend/Deskstar execute following command
yarn dev
You might need to run yarn
before, to update all dependencies
Option 1 (use GUI):
Use a GUI like TablePlus to import the dummy-data.sql
file located in the deskstar-db folder
Option 2 (use Terminal):
Import content from sql dump (inital dummy data can be found in ```src/deskstar-db/dummy-data.sql)
docker exec -i amos2022ws05-shared-desk-mgmt_devcontainer-db-1 psql -U postgres < <path-to-sql-dump>
Export content dump (beware that it exports the migration table as well)
docker exec -t amos2022ws05-shared-desk-mgmt_devcontainer-db-1 pg_dump --column-inserts --data-only -U postgres > dump_`date +%d-%m-%Y"_"%H_%M_%S`.sql
There are currently 2 test user in the database and 1 company. In order to login you can use the following data:
Company: 8745f064-c658-4a32-83fb-9d7d7e6d8f17
Email: [email protected] (normal user) or [email protected] (admin user)
Password: test123