diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index 60fb47d517e..c040927dbf2 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -138,6 +138,9 @@ semver = "1.0"
thiserror = "1.0"
thiserror-no-std = "2.0.2"
url = "2.5"
+schnellru = "0.2.3"
+lru = "0.12"
+parking_lot = "0.12.3"
derive_more = { version = "1.0.0", default-features = false }
strum = { version = "0.26", default-features = false }
http = "1.1.0"
diff --git a/crates/provider/Cargo.toml b/crates/provider/Cargo.toml
index aeb8a6723cc..f2fbe59e0d7 100644
--- a/crates/provider/Cargo.toml
+++ b/crates/provider/Cargo.toml
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ auto_impl.workspace = true
dashmap = "6.0"
futures-utils-wasm.workspace = true
futures.workspace = true
-lru = "0.12"
+schnellru.workspace = true
+lru.workspace = true
pin-project.workspace = true
reqwest = { workspace = true, optional = true }
serde_json.workspace = true
@@ -61,6 +62,8 @@ tokio = { workspace = true, features = ["sync", "macros"] }
tracing.workspace = true
url = { workspace = true, optional = true }
+[target.'cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))'.dependencies]
+parking_lot.workspace = true
[target.'cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")'.dependencies]
wasmtimer.workspace = true
@@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ alloy-transport-http = { workspace = true, features = ["reqwest", "jwt-auth"] }
itertools.workspace = true
reqwest.workspace = true
-tokio = { workspace = true, features = ["macros"] }
+tokio = { workspace = true, features = ["macros", "rt-multi-thread"] }
tracing-subscriber = { workspace = true, features = ["fmt"] }
tempfile.workspace = true
tower.workspace = true
diff --git a/crates/provider/src/layers/cache.rs b/crates/provider/src/layers/cache.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a94fdeb731d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/provider/src/layers/cache.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+use crate::{ParamsWithBlock, Provider, ProviderCall, ProviderLayer, RootProvider, RpcWithBlock};
+use alloy_eips::BlockId;
+use alloy_json_rpc::{RpcError, RpcObject, RpcParam};
+use alloy_network::Network;
+use alloy_primitives::{
+ keccak256, Address, BlockHash, Bytes, StorageKey, StorageValue, TxHash, B256, U256, U64,
+use alloy_rpc_types_eth::{
+ BlockNumberOrTag, BlockTransactionsKind, EIP1186AccountProofResponse, Filter, Log,
+use alloy_transport::{Transport, TransportErrorKind, TransportResult};
+use parking_lot::RwLock;
+use schnellru::{ByLength, LruMap};
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use std::{io::BufReader, marker::PhantomData, path::PathBuf, sync::Arc};
+/// A provider layer that caches RPC responses and serves them on subsequent requests.
+/// In order to initialize the caching layer, the path to the cache file is provided along with the
+/// max number of items that are stored in the in-memory LRU cache.
+/// One can load the cache from the file system by calling `load_cache` and save the cache to the
+/// file system by calling `save_cache`.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct CacheLayer {
+ /// In-memory LRU cache, mapping requests to responses.
+ cache: SharedCache,
+impl CacheLayer {
+ /// Instantiate a new cache layer with the the maximum number of
+ /// items to store.
+ pub fn new(max_items: u32) -> Self {
+ Self { cache: SharedCache::new(max_items) }
+ }
+ /// Returns the maximum number of items that can be stored in the cache, set at initialization.
+ pub const fn max_items(&self) -> u32 {
+ self.cache.max_items()
+ }
+ /// Returns the shared cache.
+ pub fn cache(&self) -> SharedCache {
+ self.cache.clone()
+ }
for CacheLayer
+ P: Provider,
+ T: Transport + Clone,
+ N: Network,
+ type Provider = CacheProvider;
+ fn layer(&self, inner: P) -> Self::Provider {
+ CacheProvider::new(inner, self.cache())
+ }
+/// The [`CacheProvider`] holds the underlying in-memory LRU cache and overrides methods from the
+/// [`Provider`] trait that should attempt to fetch from cache and fallback to the RPC in case of a
+/// cache miss.
+/// Most importantly, the [`CacheProvider`] adds `save_cache` and `load_cache` methods to the
+/// provider interface to lets users save cache to the disk and load from it on demand.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct CacheProvider
+ /// Inner provider.
+ inner: P,
+ /// In-memory LRU cache, mapping requests to responses.
+ cache: SharedCache,
+ /// Phantom data
+ _pd: PhantomData<(T, N)>,
+ P: Provider,
+ T: Transport + Clone,
+ N: Network,
+ /// Instantiate a new cache provider.
+ pub const fn new(inner: P, cache: SharedCache) -> Self {
+ Self { inner, cache, _pd: PhantomData }
+ }
+/// Uses underlying transport client to fetch data from the RPC.
+/// This is specific to RPC requests that require the `block_id` parameter.
+/// Fetches from the RPC and saves the response to the cache.
+/// Returns a ProviderCall::BoxedFuture
+macro_rules! rpc_call_with_block {
+ ($cache:expr, $client:expr, $req:expr) => {{
+ let client =
+ $client.upgrade().ok_or_else(|| TransportErrorKind::custom_str("RPC client dropped"));
+ let cache = $cache.clone();
+ ProviderCall::BoxedFuture(Box::pin(async move {
+ let client = client?;
+ let result = client.request($req.method(), $req.params()).map_params(|params| {
+ ParamsWithBlock { params, block_id: $req.block_id.unwrap_or(BlockId::latest()) }
+ });
+ let res = result.await?;
+ // Insert into cache.
+ let json_str = serde_json::to_string(&res).map_err(TransportErrorKind::custom)?;
+ let hash = $req.params_hash()?;
+ let _ = cache.put(hash, json_str);
+ Ok(res)
+ }))
+ }};
+/// Attempts to fetch the response from the cache by using the hash of the request params.
+/// Fetches from the RPC in case of a cache miss
+/// This helps overriding [`Provider`] methods that return `RpcWithBlock`.
+macro_rules! cache_rpc_call_with_block {
+ ($cache:expr, $client:expr, $req:expr) => {{
+ if $req.has_block_tag() {
+ return rpc_call_with_block!($cache, $client, $req);
+ }
+ let hash = $req.params_hash().ok();
+ if let Some(hash) = hash {
+ if let Ok(Some(cached)) = $cache.get_deserialized(&hash) {
+ return ProviderCall::BoxedFuture(Box::pin(async move { Ok(cached) }));
+ }
+ }
+ rpc_call_with_block!($cache, $client, $req)
+ }};
+#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", async_trait::async_trait(?Send))]
+#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), async_trait::async_trait)]
+impl Provider for CacheProvider
+ P: Provider,
+ T: Transport + Clone,
+ N: Network,
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn root(&self) -> &RootProvider {
+ self.inner.root()
+ }
+ async fn get_block_by_number(
+ &self,
+ number: BlockNumberOrTag,
+ hydrate: bool,
+ ) -> TransportResult> {
+ let req = RequestType::new("eth_getBlockByNumber", (number, hydrate));
+ cache_get_or_fetch(&self.cache, req, self.inner.get_block_by_number(number, hydrate)).await
+ }
+ async fn get_block_by_hash(
+ &self,
+ hash: BlockHash,
+ kind: BlockTransactionsKind,
+ ) -> TransportResult > {
+ let full = match kind {
+ BlockTransactionsKind::Full => true,
+ BlockTransactionsKind::Hashes => false,
+ };
+ let req = RequestType::new("eth_getBlockByHash", (hash, full));
+ cache_get_or_fetch(&self.cache, req, self.inner.get_block_by_hash(hash, kind)).await
+ }
+ fn get_block_receipts(
+ &self,
+ block: BlockId,
+ ) -> ProviderCall>> {
+ let req = RequestType::new("eth_getBlockReceipts", (block,));
+ let redirect =
+ !matches!(block, BlockId::Hash(_) | BlockId::Number(BlockNumberOrTag::Number(_)));
+ if !redirect {
+ let params_hash = req.params_hash().ok();
+ if let Some(hash) = params_hash {
+ if let Ok(Some(cached)) = self.cache.get_deserialized(&hash) {
+ return ProviderCall::BoxedFuture(Box::pin(async move { Ok(cached) }));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let client = self.inner.weak_client();
+ let cache = self.cache.clone();
+ ProviderCall::BoxedFuture(Box::pin(async move {
+ let client = client
+ .upgrade()
+ .ok_or_else(|| TransportErrorKind::custom_str("RPC client dropped"))?;
+ let result = client.request(req.method(), req.params()).await?;
+ let json_str = serde_json::to_string(&result).map_err(TransportErrorKind::custom)?;
+ if !redirect {
+ let hash = req.params_hash()?;
+ let _ = cache.put(hash, json_str);
+ }
+ Ok(result)
+ }))
+ }
+ fn get_proof(
+ &self,
+ address: Address,
+ keys: Vec,
+ ) -> RpcWithBlock), EIP1186AccountProofResponse> {
+ let client = self.inner.weak_client();
+ let cache = self.cache.clone();
+ RpcWithBlock::new_provider(move |block_id| {
+ let req =
+ RequestType::new("eth_getProof", (address, keys.clone())).with_block_id(block_id);
+ cache_rpc_call_with_block!(cache, client, req)
+ })
+ }
+ fn get_storage_at(
+ &self,
+ address: Address,
+ key: U256,
+ ) -> RpcWithBlock {
+ let client = self.inner.weak_client();
+ let cache = self.cache.clone();
+ RpcWithBlock::new_provider(move |block_id| {
+ let req = RequestType::new("eth_getStorageAt", (address, key)).with_block_id(block_id);
+ cache_rpc_call_with_block!(cache, client, req)
+ })
+ }
+ fn get_code_at(&self, address: Address) -> RpcWithBlock {
+ let client = self.inner.weak_client();
+ let cache = self.cache.clone();
+ RpcWithBlock::new_provider(move |block_id| {
+ let req = RequestType::new("eth_getCode", address).with_block_id(block_id);
+ cache_rpc_call_with_block!(cache, client, req)
+ })
+ }
+ fn get_transaction_count(&self, address: Address) -> RpcWithBlock {
+ let client = self.inner.weak_client();
+ let cache = self.cache.clone();
+ RpcWithBlock::new_provider(move |block_id| {
+ let req = RequestType::new("eth_getTransactionCount", address).with_block_id(block_id);
+ cache_rpc_call_with_block!(cache, client, req)
+ })
+ }
+ async fn get_logs(&self, filter: &Filter) -> TransportResult> {
+ let req = RequestType::new("eth_getLogs", filter.clone());
+ let params_hash = req.params_hash().ok();
+ if let Some(hash) = params_hash {
+ if let Some(cached) = self.cache.get_deserialized(&hash)? {
+ return Ok(cached);
+ }
+ }
+ let result = self.inner.get_logs(filter).await?;
+ let json_str = serde_json::to_string(&result).map_err(TransportErrorKind::custom)?;
+ let hash = req.params_hash()?;
+ let _ = self.cache.put(hash, json_str);
+ Ok(result)
+ }
+ fn get_transaction_by_hash(
+ &self,
+ hash: TxHash,
+ ) -> ProviderCall> {
+ let req = RequestType::new("eth_getTransactionByHash", (hash,));
+ let params_hash = req.params_hash().ok();
+ if let Some(hash) = params_hash {
+ if let Ok(Some(cached)) = self.cache.get_deserialized(&hash) {
+ return ProviderCall::BoxedFuture(Box::pin(async move { Ok(cached) }));
+ }
+ }
+ let client = self.inner.weak_client();
+ let cache = self.cache.clone();
+ ProviderCall::BoxedFuture(Box::pin(async move {
+ let client = client
+ .upgrade()
+ .ok_or_else(|| TransportErrorKind::custom_str("RPC client dropped"))?;
+ let result = client.request(req.method(), req.params()).await?;
+ let json_str = serde_json::to_string(&result).map_err(TransportErrorKind::custom)?;
+ let hash = req.params_hash()?;
+ let _ = cache.put(hash, json_str);
+ Ok(result)
+ }))
+ }
+ fn get_raw_transaction_by_hash(
+ &self,
+ hash: TxHash,
+ ) -> ProviderCall> {
+ let req = RequestType::new("eth_getRawTransactionByHash", (hash,));
+ let params_hash = req.params_hash().ok();
+ if let Some(hash) = params_hash {
+ if let Ok(Some(cached)) = self.cache.get_deserialized(&hash) {
+ return ProviderCall::BoxedFuture(Box::pin(async move { Ok(cached) }));
+ }
+ }
+ let client = self.inner.weak_client();
+ let cache = self.cache.clone();
+ ProviderCall::BoxedFuture(Box::pin(async move {
+ let client = client
+ .upgrade()
+ .ok_or_else(|| TransportErrorKind::custom_str("RPC client dropped"))?;
+ let result = client.request(req.method(), req.params()).await?;
+ let json_str = serde_json::to_string(&result).map_err(TransportErrorKind::custom)?;
+ let hash = req.params_hash()?;
+ let _ = cache.put(hash, json_str);
+ Ok(result)
+ }))
+ }
+ fn get_transaction_receipt(
+ &self,
+ hash: TxHash,
+ ) -> ProviderCall> {
+ let req = RequestType::new("eth_getTransactionReceipt", (hash,));
+ let params_hash = req.params_hash().ok();
+ if let Some(hash) = params_hash {
+ if let Ok(Some(cached)) = self.cache.get_deserialized(&hash) {
+ return ProviderCall::BoxedFuture(Box::pin(async move { Ok(cached) }));
+ }
+ }
+ let client = self.inner.weak_client();
+ let cache = self.cache.clone();
+ ProviderCall::BoxedFuture(Box::pin(async move {
+ let client = client
+ .upgrade()
+ .ok_or_else(|| TransportErrorKind::custom_str("RPC client dropped"))?;
+ let result = client.request(req.method(), req.params()).await?;
+ let json_str = serde_json::to_string(&result).map_err(TransportErrorKind::custom)?;
+ let hash = req.params_hash()?;
+ let _ = cache.put(hash, json_str);
+ Ok(result)
+ }))
+ }
+/// Internal type to handle different types of requests and generating their param hashes.
+struct RequestType {
+ method: &'static str,
+ params: Params,
+ block_id: Option,
+impl RequestType {
+ const fn new(method: &'static str, params: Params) -> Self {
+ Self { method, params, block_id: None }
+ }
+ const fn with_block_id(mut self, block_id: BlockId) -> Self {
+ self.block_id = Some(block_id);
+ self
+ }
+ fn params_hash(&self) -> TransportResult {
+ // Merge the method + params and hash them.
+ let hash = serde_json::to_string(&self.params())
+ .map(|p| keccak256(format!("{}{}", self.method(), p).as_bytes()))
+ .map_err(RpcError::ser_err)?;
+ Ok(hash)
+ }
+ const fn method(&self) -> &'static str {
+ self.method
+ }
+ fn params(&self) -> Params {
+ self.params.clone()
+ }
+ /// Returns true if the BlockId has been set to a tag value such as "latest", "earliest", or
+ /// "pending".
+ const fn has_block_tag(&self) -> bool {
+ if let Some(block_id) = self.block_id {
+ match block_id {
+ BlockId::Hash(_) => return false,
+ BlockId::Number(BlockNumberOrTag::Number(_)) => return false,
+ _ => return true,
+ }
+ }
+ false
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
+struct FsCacheEntry {
+ /// Hash of the request params
+ key: B256,
+ /// Serialized response to the request from which the hash was computed.
+ value: String,
+/// Shareable cache.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct SharedCache {
+ inner: Arc>>,
+ max_items: u32,
+impl SharedCache {
+ /// Instantiate a new shared cache.
+ pub fn new(max_items: u32) -> Self {
+ let inner = Arc::new(RwLock::new(LruMap::new(ByLength::new(max_items))));
+ Self { inner, max_items }
+ }
+ /// Maximum number of items that can be stored in the cache.
+ pub const fn max_items(&self) -> u32 {
+ self.max_items
+ }
+ /// Puts a value into the cache, and returns the old value if it existed.
+ pub fn put(&self, key: B256, value: String) -> TransportResult {
+ Ok(self.inner.write().insert(key, value))
+ }
+ /// Gets a value from the cache, if it exists.
+ pub fn get(&self, key: &B256) -> Option {
+ // Need to acquire a write guard to change the order of keys in LRU cache.
+ self.inner.write().get(key).cloned()
+ }
+ /// Get deserialized value from the cache.
+ pub fn get_deserialized(&self, key: &B256) -> TransportResult>
+ where
+ T: for<'de> Deserialize<'de>,
+ {
+ let Some(cached) = self.get(key) else { return Ok(None) };
+ let result = serde_json::from_str(&cached).map_err(TransportErrorKind::custom)?;
+ Ok(Some(result))
+ }
+ /// Saves the cache to a file specified by the path.
+ /// If the files does not exist, it creates one.
+ /// If the file exists, it overwrites it.
+ pub fn save_cache(&self, path: PathBuf) -> TransportResult<()> {
+ let entries: Vec = {
+ self.inner
+ .read()
+ .iter()
+ .map(|(key, value)| FsCacheEntry { key: *key, value: value.clone() })
+ .collect()
+ };
+ let file = std::fs::File::create(path).map_err(TransportErrorKind::custom)?;
+ serde_json::to_writer(file, &entries).map_err(TransportErrorKind::custom)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Loads the cache from a file specified by the path.
+ /// If the file does not exist, it returns without error.
+ pub fn load_cache(&self, path: PathBuf) -> TransportResult<()> {
+ if !path.exists() {
+ return Ok(());
+ };
+ let file = std::fs::File::open(path).map_err(TransportErrorKind::custom)?;
+ let file = BufReader::new(file);
+ let entries: Vec =
+ serde_json::from_reader(file).map_err(TransportErrorKind::custom)?;
+ let mut cache = self.inner.write();
+ for entry in entries {
+ cache.insert(entry.key, entry.value);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+/// Attempts to fetch the response from the cache by using the hash of the request params.
+/// In case of a cache miss, fetches from the RPC and saves the response to the cache.
+/// This helps overriding [`Provider`] methods that return [`TransportResult`].
+async fn cache_get_or_fetch(
+ cache: &SharedCache,
+ req: RequestType,
+ fetch_fn: impl std::future::Future>>,
+) -> TransportResult> {
+ let hash = req.params_hash()?;
+ if let Some(cached) = cache.get_deserialized(&hash)? {
+ return Ok(Some(cached));
+ }
+ let result = fetch_fn.await?;
+ if let Some(ref data) = result {
+ let json_str = serde_json::to_string(data).map_err(TransportErrorKind::custom)?;
+ let _ = cache.put(hash, json_str)?;
+ }
+ Ok(result)
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use crate::ProviderBuilder;
+ use alloy_network::{AnyNetwork, TransactionBuilder};
+ use alloy_node_bindings::{utils::run_with_tempdir, Anvil};
+ use alloy_primitives::{bytes, hex, Bytes, FixedBytes};
+ use alloy_rpc_types_eth::{BlockId, TransactionRequest};
+ #[tokio::test]
+ async fn test_get_block() {
+ run_with_tempdir("get-block", |dir| async move {
+ let cache_layer = CacheLayer::new(100);
+ let shared_cache = cache_layer.cache();
+ let anvil = Anvil::new().block_time_f64(0.3).spawn();
+ let provider = ProviderBuilder::new().layer(cache_layer).on_http(anvil.endpoint_url());
+ let path = dir.join("rpc-cache-block.txt");
+ shared_cache.load_cache(path.clone()).unwrap();
+ let block = provider.get_block(0.into(), BlockTransactionsKind::Full).await.unwrap(); // Received from RPC.
+ let block2 = provider.get_block(0.into(), BlockTransactionsKind::Full).await.unwrap(); // Received from cache.
+ assert_eq!(block, block2);
+ tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(500)).await;
+ let latest_block =
+ provider.get_block(BlockId::latest(), BlockTransactionsKind::Full).await.unwrap(); // Received from RPC.
+ let latest_hash = latest_block.unwrap().header.hash;
+ let block3 =
+ provider.get_block_by_hash(latest_hash, BlockTransactionsKind::Full).await.unwrap(); // Received from RPC.
+ let block4 =
+ provider.get_block_by_hash(latest_hash, BlockTransactionsKind::Full).await.unwrap(); // Received from cache.
+ assert_eq!(block3, block4);
+ shared_cache.save_cache(path).unwrap();
+ })
+ .await;
+ }
+ #[tokio::test]
+ async fn test_get_block_any_network() {
+ run_with_tempdir("get-block", |dir| async move {
+ let cache_layer = CacheLayer::new(100);
+ let shared_cache = cache_layer.cache();
+ let anvil = Anvil::new().block_time_f64(0.3).spawn();
+ let provider = ProviderBuilder::new()
+ .network::()
+ .layer(cache_layer)
+ .on_http(anvil.endpoint_url());
+ let path = dir.join("rpc-cache-block.txt");
+ shared_cache.load_cache(path.clone()).unwrap();
+ let block = provider.get_block(0.into(), BlockTransactionsKind::Full).await.unwrap(); // Received from RPC.
+ let block2 = provider.get_block(0.into(), BlockTransactionsKind::Full).await.unwrap(); // Received from cache.
+ assert_eq!(block, block2);
+ tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(500)).await;
+ let latest_block =
+ provider.get_block(BlockId::latest(), BlockTransactionsKind::Full).await.unwrap(); // Received from RPC.
+ let latest_hash = latest_block.unwrap().header.hash;
+ let block3 =
+ provider.get_block_by_hash(latest_hash, BlockTransactionsKind::Full).await.unwrap(); // Received from RPC.
+ let block4 =
+ provider.get_block_by_hash(latest_hash, BlockTransactionsKind::Full).await.unwrap(); // Received from cache.
+ assert_eq!(block3, block4);
+ shared_cache.save_cache(path).unwrap();
+ })
+ .await;
+ }
+ #[tokio::test]
+ async fn test_get_proof() {
+ run_with_tempdir("get-proof", |dir| async move {
+ let cache_layer = CacheLayer::new(100);
+ let shared_cache = cache_layer.cache();
+ let anvil = Anvil::new().block_time_f64(0.3).spawn();
+ let provider = ProviderBuilder::new().layer(cache_layer).on_http(anvil.endpoint_url());
+ let from = anvil.addresses()[0];
+ let path = dir.join("rpc-cache-proof.txt");
+ shared_cache.load_cache(path.clone()).unwrap();
+ let calldata: Bytes = "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".parse().unwrap();
+ let tx = TransactionRequest::default()
+ .with_from(from)
+ .with_input(calldata)
+ .with_max_fee_per_gas(1_000_000_000)
+ .with_max_priority_fee_per_gas(1_000_000)
+ .with_gas_limit(1_000_000)
+ .with_nonce(0);
+ let tx_receipt = provider.send_transaction(tx).await.unwrap().get_receipt().await.unwrap();
+ let counter_addr = tx_receipt.contract_address.unwrap();
+ let keys = vec![
+ FixedBytes::with_last_byte(0),
+ FixedBytes::with_last_byte(0x1),
+ FixedBytes::with_last_byte(0x2),
+ FixedBytes::with_last_byte(0x3),
+ FixedBytes::with_last_byte(0x4),
+ ];
+ let proof =
+ provider.get_proof(counter_addr, keys.clone()).block_id(1.into()).await.unwrap();
+ let proof2 = provider.get_proof(counter_addr, keys).block_id(1.into()).await.unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(proof, proof2);
+ shared_cache.save_cache(path).unwrap();
+ }).await;
+ }
+ #[tokio::test]
+ async fn test_get_tx_by_hash_and_receipt() {
+ run_with_tempdir("get-tx-by-hash", |dir| async move {
+ let cache_layer = CacheLayer::new(100);
+ let shared_cache = cache_layer.cache();
+ let anvil = Anvil::new().block_time_f64(0.3).spawn();
+ let provider = ProviderBuilder::new().layer(cache_layer).on_http(anvil.endpoint_url());
+ let path = dir.join("rpc-cache-tx.txt");
+ shared_cache.load_cache(path.clone()).unwrap();
+ let req = TransactionRequest::default()
+ .from(anvil.addresses()[0])
+ .to(Address::repeat_byte(5))
+ .value(U256::ZERO)
+ .input(bytes!("deadbeef").into());
+ let tx_hash =
+ *provider.send_transaction(req).await.expect("failed to send tx").tx_hash();
+ let tx = provider.get_transaction_by_hash(tx_hash).await.unwrap(); // Received from RPC.
+ let tx2 = provider.get_transaction_by_hash(tx_hash).await.unwrap(); // Received from cache.
+ assert_eq!(tx, tx2);
+ let receipt = provider.get_transaction_receipt(tx_hash).await.unwrap(); // Received from RPC.
+ let receipt2 = provider.get_transaction_receipt(tx_hash).await.unwrap(); // Received from cache.
+ assert_eq!(receipt, receipt2);
+ shared_cache.save_cache(path).unwrap();
+ })
+ .await;
+ }
+ #[tokio::test]
+ async fn test_block_receipts() {
+ run_with_tempdir("get-block-receipts", |dir| async move {
+ let cache_layer = CacheLayer::new(100);
+ let shared_cache = cache_layer.cache();
+ let anvil = Anvil::new().spawn();
+ let provider = ProviderBuilder::new().layer(cache_layer).on_http(anvil.endpoint_url());
+ let path = dir.join("rpc-cache-block-receipts.txt");
+ shared_cache.load_cache(path.clone()).unwrap();
+ // Send txs
+ let receipt = provider
+ .send_raw_transaction(
+ // Transfer 1 ETH from default EOA address to the Genesis address.
+ bytes!("f865808477359400825208940000000000000000000000000000000000000000018082f4f5a00505e227c1c636c76fac55795db1a40a4d24840d81b40d2fe0cc85767f6bd202a01e91b437099a8a90234ac5af3cb7ca4fb1432e133f75f9a91678eaf5f487c74b").as_ref()
+ )
+ .await.unwrap().get_receipt().await.unwrap();
+ let block_number = receipt.block_number.unwrap();
+ let receipts =
+ provider.get_block_receipts(block_number.into()).await.unwrap(); // Received from RPC.
+ let receipts2 =
+ provider.get_block_receipts(block_number.into()).await.unwrap(); // Received from cache.
+ assert_eq!(receipts, receipts2);
+ assert!(receipts.is_some_and(|r| r[0] == receipt));
+ shared_cache.save_cache(path).unwrap();
+ })
+ .await
+ }
+ #[tokio::test]
+ async fn test_get_code() {
+ run_with_tempdir("get-code", |dir| async move {
+ let cache_layer = CacheLayer::new(100);
+ let shared_cache = cache_layer.cache();
+ let anvil = Anvil::new().spawn();
+ let provider = ProviderBuilder::new().layer(cache_layer).on_http(anvil.endpoint_url());
+ let path = dir.join("rpc-cache-code.txt");
+ shared_cache.load_cache(path.clone()).unwrap();
+ let bytecode = hex::decode(
+ // solc v0.8.26; solc Counter.sol --via-ir --optimize --bin
+ "6080806040523460135760df908160198239f35b600080fdfe6080806040526004361015601257600080fd5b60003560e01c9081633fb5c1cb1460925781638381f58a146079575063d09de08a14603c57600080fd5b3460745760003660031901126074576000546000198114605e57600101600055005b634e487b7160e01b600052601160045260246000fd5b600080fd5b3460745760003660031901126074576020906000548152f35b34607457602036600319011260745760043560005500fea2646970667358221220e978270883b7baed10810c4079c941512e93a7ba1cd1108c781d4bc738d9090564736f6c634300081a0033"
+ ).unwrap();
+ let tx = TransactionRequest::default().with_deploy_code(bytecode);
+ let receipt = provider.send_transaction(tx).await.unwrap().get_receipt().await.unwrap();
+ let counter_addr = receipt.contract_address.unwrap();
+ let block_id = BlockId::number(receipt.block_number.unwrap());
+ let code = provider.get_code_at(counter_addr).block_id(block_id).await.unwrap(); // Received from RPC.
+ let code2 = provider.get_code_at(counter_addr).block_id(block_id).await.unwrap(); // Received from cache.
+ assert_eq!(code, code2);
+ shared_cache.save_cache(path).unwrap();
+ })
+ .await;
+ }
diff --git a/crates/provider/src/layers/mod.rs b/crates/provider/src/layers/mod.rs
index 6baaf09e411..3d4d62c9225 100644
--- a/crates/provider/src/layers/mod.rs
+++ b/crates/provider/src/layers/mod.rs
@@ -9,3 +9,8 @@ pub use anvil::{AnvilLayer, AnvilProvider};
mod chain;
pub use chain::ChainLayer;
+#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
+mod cache;
+#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
+pub use cache::{CacheLayer, CacheProvider, SharedCache};
diff --git a/crates/provider/src/provider/with_block.rs b/crates/provider/src/provider/with_block.rs
index d3fcd300957..c19b6f2ee8a 100644
--- a/crates/provider/src/provider/with_block.rs
+++ b/crates/provider/src/provider/with_block.rs
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ use crate::ProviderCall;
/// Helper struct that houses the params along with the BlockId.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ParamsWithBlock {
- params: Params,
- block_id: BlockId,
+ /// The params to be sent to the RPC call.
+ pub params: Params,
+ /// The block id to be used for the RPC call.
+ pub block_id: BlockId,
impl serde::Serialize for ParamsWithBlock {