- "result": {"data":{"mdx":{"body":"var _excluded = [\"components\"];\n\nfunction _extends() { _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); }\n\nfunction _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded); var key, i; if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source); for (i = 0; i < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceSymbolKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(source, key)) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } } return target; }\n\nfunction _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; }\n\n/* @jsxRuntime classic */\n\n/* @jsx mdx */\nvar _frontmatter = {\n \"title\": \"Docs\",\n \"description\": \"A detailed guide about how to use All Animation in your applications.\",\n \"slug\": \"animation-classes\",\n \"date\": \"2021-10-22T00:00:00.000Z\",\n \"topics\": \"Specials, Bounce, Perspective, Fadding entrances, Rotate, Agrecives\"\n};\n\nvar makeShortcode = function makeShortcode(name) {\n return function MDXDefaultShortcode(props) {\n console.warn(\"Component \" + name + \" was not imported, exported, or provided by MDXProvider as global scope\");\n return mdx(\"div\", props);\n };\n};\n\nvar Typography = makeShortcode(\"Typography\");\nvar layoutProps = {\n _frontmatter: _frontmatter\n};\nvar MDXLayout = \"wrapper\";\nreturn function MDXContent(_ref) {\n var components = _ref.components,\n props = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, _excluded);\n\n return mdx(MDXLayout, _extends({}, layoutProps, props, {\n components: components,\n mdxType: \"MDXLayout\"\n }), mdx(\"h2\", null, \"Animation Classes\"), mdx(\"p\", null, \"In order to have your animation properly working you need to know which is the class name of the animation that you want to use.\"), mdx(\"p\", null, \"Bellow you can find all the class names of the animations that are inside All Animation library.\"), mdx(Typography, {\n as: \"h3\",\n id: \"specials\",\n mdxType: \"Typography\"\n }, \"Specials\"), mdx(\"ul\", null, mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-dance\"), mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-journal\"), mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-pulse\"), mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-pulse-slow\"), mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-jamp\"), mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-four-rock\")), mdx(Typography, {\n as: \"h3\",\n id: \"bounce\",\n mdxType: \"Typography\"\n }, \"Bounce\"), mdx(\"ul\", null, mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-enter-up-bounce\"), mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-enter-down-bounce\"), mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-enter-right-bounce\"), mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-enter-left-bounce\"), mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-scale-bounce\"), mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-jump-bounce\")), mdx(Typography, {\n as: \"h3\",\n id: \"perspective\",\n mdxType: \"Typography\"\n }, \"Perspective\"), mdx(\"p\", null, \"For using the perspective animations, please add a parent container with a class \", mdx(\"inlineCode\", {\n parentName: \"p\"\n }, \"a-perspective\"), \", like:\"), mdx(\"p\", null, \"These are the classes:\"), mdx(\"ul\", null, mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-three-flip-right\"), mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-three-flip-up\"), mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-three-flip-down\"), mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-flip-left-bounce\"), mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-rotate-flip\"), mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-flip-right-bounce\")), mdx(Typography, {\n as: \"h3\",\n id: \"perspective\",\n mdxType: \"Typography\"\n }, \"Fading Entrances\"), mdx(\"ul\", null, mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-flip-top\"), mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-flip-left\"), mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-flip-right\"), mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-flip-bottom\")), mdx(Typography, {\n as: \"h3\",\n id: \"rotate\",\n mdxType: \"Typography\"\n }, \"Rotate\"), mdx(\"ul\", null, mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-rotate-flip-down\"), mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-rotate-down-bounce\"), mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-rotate-out\")), mdx(Typography, {\n as: \"h3\",\n id: \"agrecives\",\n mdxType: \"Typography\"\n }, \"Agrecives\"), mdx(\"ul\", null, mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-flash-bang\"), mdx(\"li\", {\n parentName: \"ul\"\n }, \"a-bomb\")));\n}\n;\nMDXContent.isMDXComponent = true;","frontmatter":{"slug":"animation-classes","topics":"Specials, Bounce, Perspective, Fadding entrances, Rotate, Agrecives","title":"Docs"}}},"pageContext":{"id":"618fff5b-edac-523e-b128-3932e57afabc","slug":"animation-classes"}},
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