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How to Create a Python Virtual Environment

1. Install virtualenv (optional step)

While Python has a built-in module called venv, you can also use the virtualenv package if you prefer more features. To install it, run:

pip install virtualenv

2. Create a virtual environment

  • Using venv (Python 3.3+ comes with venv built-in):

    python -m venv myenv
  • Using virtualenv:

    virtualenv myenv

Replace myenv with the name of your virtual environment.

3. Activate the virtual environment

  • On Windows:

  • On macOS/Linux:

    source myenv/bin/activate
    source /home/all-an/Public/code/python-alura/myenv/bin/activate

4. Deactivate the virtual environment

When you're done, deactivate it by running:


install pytest

pip3 install pytest

run tests

pytest -v # verbose mode

running one test by word in it's name:

# will run the first test
pytest -k idade
pytest -k idade -v

running two tests by mark decorator:

pytest -v -m calcular_bonus

see all marks possible to use:

pytest --markers

Example: If you use mark @mark.skip and run pytest, you will skip the test with the mark

code coverage requirements:

pip install pytest-cov==3.0.0

coverage all files:

pytest --cov

specify directory:

pytest --cov=bytebank
# will run coverage only on file

specify part of code where tests are not covering

pytest --cov=bytebank --cov-report term-missing

The new Missing column on the report is the line of code not covered

generate html report

pytest --cov=bytebank --cov-report html

generate junit xml report

pytest --junitxml report.xml

generate xml with coverage

pytest --cov-report xml