Thank you for your interest in contributing to algoBook 🎉!
As an open source project, algoBook welcomes contributions of many forms.
This documents is a set of guidelines for contributing to algoBook on GitHub. These are guidelines, not rules. This guide is meant to make it easy for you to get involved. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.
If your guide is long, consider adding a table of contents.
This project started with small college project. We now aim to simplify the UI, improve code architecture, adding basic features.
Take a look at the issues in our Issues Channel or browse some good first bugs to get started!
Once you've identified one of the issues above that you feel you can contribute to, you're ready to make a change to the project repository!
- Fork this repository. This makes your own version of this project you can edit and use.
- Make your changes! You can do this in the GitHub interface on your own local machine. Once you're happy with your changes...
- Submit a pull request. This opens a discussion around your project and lets the project lead know you are proposing changes.
First time contributing to open source? Check out this free series, How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub.
Notice a mistake? Please file any bugs, requests, or questions in our issue tracker! We appreciate your effort to improve algoBook by submitting a bug report. Before doing so, please check the following things:
- Check whether the bug you face hasn't been already reported. Duplicate reports takes us time, that we could be used to fix other bugs or make improvements.
- Specify the browser and OS information that may be helpful to fix the problem.
- If you got some error, please describe what happened and add error message. Reports like "I get error when I clicked on some link." are useless.
- Provide easy steps to reproduce.
You are most welcome to discuss anything here =>