We'll assume we want to create an offer with the following parameters and values:
Parameter | Value |
SellerProductId | SKU |
ProductCondition | AverageState |
ProductEan | 978-1593274351 |
Price | 35 |
Stock | 10 |
PreparationTime | 1 |
with 3 delivery modes: Standard, Tracked and Registered.
- cdiscount.com id: 1
- cdiscountpro.com id: 16
Create the offer package with :py:meth:`Offers.generate_offer_package`:
offer = { 'ProductEan': '978-1593274351', 'SellerProductId': 'SKU', 'ProductCondition': 4, 'Price': 35, 'ShippingInformationList': { 'ShippingInformation': [ {'ShippingCharges': 2, 'DeliveryMode': 'Standard', 'AdditionalShippingCharges': 0}, {'ShippingCharges': 3, 'DeliveryMode': 'Registered', 'AdditionalShippingCharges': 0}, {'ShippingCharges': 4, 'DeliveryMode': 'Tracked', 'AdditionalShippingCharges': 0}, ] }, 'Stock': 10, 'PreparationTime': 1 } offer_package_path = api.offers.generate_offer_package( 'books_offers', [offer_package], offer_publication_list=[1, 16] )
Upload the package books_offers.zip on a server then submit it with :py:meth:`Offers.submit_product_package` by specifying the url of the package:
response = api.offers.submit_product_package('http://www.myserver/books_offers.zip')
We'll assume there is an order with one order line with the following parameters and values:
Parameter | Value |
OrderNumber | ORDER_NUMBER |
SellerProductId | SKU |
ProductCondition | AverageState |
accepted_by_seller = {'CarrierName': 'Colissimo', 'OrderState': 'AcceptedBySeller', 'OrderNumber': 'ORDER_NUMBER', 'OrderLineList': [{ 'AcceptationState': 'AcceptedBySeller', 'SellerProductId': 'SKU', 'ProductCondition': 'AverageState'}]} validations = api.orders.prepare_validations([accepted_by_seller]) response = api.orders.validate_order_list(**validations)
After the order is accepted if, for some reason, you can't ship it to your customer, you can refuse the shipment:
shipment_refused_by_seller = {'OrderNumber': 'ORDER_NUMBER', 'OrderState': 'ShipmentRefusedBySeller', 'OrderLineList': [{ 'AcceptationState': 'ShipmentRefusedBySeller', 'SellerProductId': 'SKU', 'ProductCondition': 'AverageState'}]} validations = api.orders.prepare_validations([shipment_refused_by_seller]) response = api.orders.validate_order_list(**validations)
response = api.orders.create_refund_voucher( OrderNumber='ORDER_NUMBER', SellerRefundList={'Mode': 'Claim', 'Motive': 'ClientClaim', 'RefundOrderLine': {'Ean': None, 'SellerProductId': 'SKU' 'RefundShippingCharges': False}} )
A commercial gesture is also possible by adding the keyword CommercialGestureList
response = api.orders.create_refund_voucher( OrderNumber='ORDER_NUMBER', CommercialGestureList=[{'Amount': 10, 'MotiveId': 'late_delivery'}], SellerRefundList={'Mode': 'Claim', 'Motive': 'ClientClaim', 'RefundOrderLine': {'Ean': None, 'SellerProductId': 'SKU', 'RefundShippingCharges': False}} )