All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Upgrade dependencies
- Migrate repository to github
- Fix OfferValidator.validate so it can handle both "Full" and "StockAndPrice" package types.
- Fix bugs with the path of the templates.
- Fix a bug in OfferValidator and ProductValidator.
- Fix a bug in generate_package.
- Add missing requirements.
- Improve overwrite in generate_package. Both the zip file and the directory are deleted when overwrite=True
- Fix a path issue with in generate_package
- Update the main dependencies
- New optional argument package_type in generate_offers_package
- New optional argument overwrite in generate_offers_package: allows to overwrite an existing package
- Orders.get_order_list automatically adds the other date parameter in the order (because it is required by the API) (i.e BeginCreationDate and BeginModificationDate must be specified together. Idem for EndCreationDate and EndModificationDate.)
- Some tests are improved (more accurate and mocked)
- Fix Offers.get_offer_list_paginated. (Bug: only the first SellerProductIdList was taken into account)
- New argument package_name in generate_offers_package: sets the value of the attribute Name of the OfferPackage in the XML
- Add a missing dependency (PyYAML).
- First release.