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File metadata and controls

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SceneGraph Notes


Call RootContext::getSceneGraph() to retrieve the current scene graph. This operation will either build a new scene graph or update the existing one. The scene graph data structures must not be used by a different thread while this call is running (lock it atomically), nor should you call into other RootContext, MediaManager, or MediaPlayer methods.

The returned scene graph contains a layer tree and maps for created and updated layers & nodes.

Layers & Nodes are tracked using std::shared_ptr and inherit from the UserData template. This allows view host data to be associated with a Layer/Node and have its lifetime tracked. The normal approach is to create a bridge object on the view host side and store that object in the user data. For example:

class LayerBridge {
  static void release(void *ptr) {
    auto *bridge = static_cast<LayerBridge *>(ptr);
    delete bridge;
  static LayerBridge* get(const apl::sg::LayerPtr& layer) {
    // Make sure the release function is installed
    auto *bridge = layer->getUserData<LayerBridge>();
    if (bridge)
      return bridge;
    bridge = new LayerBridge(layer);
    return bridge;
  LayerBridge(const apl::sg::LayerPtr& layer);

Then calling LayerBridge::get(layer) will return either the existing layer bridge or a newly allocated one. The release method ensures that the layer bridge is deleted when the layer goes out of scope.


Layers are intended to be used for caching the results of drawing operations on GPU and accelerating animation effects. Each layer contains the following:

  • A name used purely for debugging.
  • The position and size of the layer. The position is with respect to its parent. The size is a width and height. This information is stored in rectangular bounds of the layer.
  • A transformation to be applied to the layer before drawing. This is used to slide, rotate, scale, and otherwise shift the layer out of its normal position.
  • The opacity of the layer [0-1]. This affects everything within the layer, including the content and child layers.
  • The content of the layer. This is a Node tree of drawing elements. The content is drawn before child layers.
  • Shadow:
    • The outline of the layer. This may be a rectangle or it may be a rounded rectangle. The outline is used for drawing the layer shadow. If not specified, the bounds of the layer are used.
    • A ShadowPtr defining the shadow properties of the layer. This may be null.
  • Child layers:
    • An ordered list of child layers. These are drawn in order; later layers overwrite earlier.
    • An optional child transformation. This transformation is applied before drawing children. It is used for scrolling.
    • An optional child clipping region. This is a path drawn inside of the layer which clips children (for example, the Frame component clips children inside the border).
  • An optional accessibility pointer for the layer. This contains:
    • The accessibility label for the screen reader.
    • An accessibility role.
    • An array of actions which can be executed on this layer.
    • An accessibility action callback to be invoked if one of those actions is executed.

Layer Changed Flags

The scene graph contains a set of changed layers. A changed layer sets one or more of the following flags:

Flag Meaning
kFlagOpacityChanged The opacity of the layer changed
kFlagPositionChanged The position of the layer changed
kFlagSizeChanged The size of the layer changed
kFlagTransformChanged The transformation of the layer changed
kFlagChildOffsetChanged The child offset changed
kFlagOutlineChanged The outline of this layer has been modified
kFlagRedrawContent The content of the layer needs to be redrawn
kFlagRedrawShadow The shadow path or outline needs to be redrawn
kFlagChildrenChanged The list of child layers has changed
kFlagChildClipChanged The clipping path for the children has been modified
kFlagAccessibilityChanged The accessibility object has been modified
kFlagInteractionChanged The interactivity of the layer has changed (see interaction flags)

These flags are supplied to the view host and may be used for optimizing rendering.

Layer Interaction Flags

Each layer also has a set of interaction flags:

Flag Meaning
kInteractionDisabled The layer has been disabled
kInteractionChecked The layer has been checked
kInteractionPressable Supports onPress or onTap
kInteractionScrollHorizontal Can be scrolled horizontally (including normal pagers)
kInteractionScrollVertical Can be scrolled vertically. May include a pager.

Interaction flags are used by the accessibility system in the view host.

Drawing Nodes

Drawing nodes are used in the content section of a Layer to draw on the screen.

The basic drawing node has the following properties:

  • A type used for dynamic casting.
  • A pointer to the first child of this node.
  • A pointer to the next sibling of this node.
  • A pointer to the next modified drawing node. This is the dirty list of nodes that have changed since the last scene graph retrieval.
  • A set of boolean flags. The two supported flags are:
    • kNodeFlagChildChanged: The sibling child list has been modified
    • kNodeFlagModified: Some property of this node has changed.

Drawing nodes come in the following types:

Node Children Description
Node::kTransform Yes Modify the coordinate system
Node::kClip Yes Set a clipping path
Node::kOpacity Yes Apply an opacity multiplier
Node::kDraw No A single path and a list of path operations
Node::kText No A TextLayout and a list of path operations
Node::kImage No A Filter (set of one or more images with composition), source, and target rectangles
Node::kVideo No A MediaPlayer, target rectangle, and video scaling rule
Node::kShadow Yes Apply a shadow to the contained content
Node::kEditText No An EditTextBox, reference, and configuration information

Drawing nodes may be freely changed each time the scene graph is returned; there is no guarantee that the same drawing nodes will be kept each time. However, internally the TextLayout, Filter, MediaPlayer, AudioPlayer, and EditText objects will be reused.

It's possible that the view host will want to cache certain drawing elements such as paths, patterns, gradients, etc. These should be attached to the drawing node using the bridge pattern.

The Node::visible() → Boolean method returns true if the node draws some content on the screen. This is a recursive search.

The SceneGraph object

The SceneGraph object holds the information about the current scene graph. It contains just two pieces:

  1. A pointer to the top layer for display
  2. A SceneGraphUpdates structure which contains:
    1. A set of layers which have changed.
    2. A set of layers which are new and have been created.

The new layers are tracked to keep them from getting into the changed list. The view host typically updates the view by iterating over the changed list and updating each layer appropriately, then verifying that the top-level layer hasn't been modified. A layer with the kFlagChildrenChanged bit set rebuilds its child layers, which means that newly created layers will be added automatically.

The normal way for a view host to build a layer is to use an ensure method which changes the LayerPtr for an attached view-host data structure. If it doesn't find an attached view-host data structure, it creates a new one and attaches it to the layer.

Algorithm used for RedrawContent

A fast and reliable method of calculating the RedrawContent flag is crucial to view host performance. Note that each layer is associated with a single component in the APL DOM. When that component is marked as dirty, one or more of the dirty changes may affect the content. The algorithm works as follows:

  1. If a component has dirty properties, the CoreComponent::updateSceneeGraph method is invoked on it.
  2. The updateSceneGraph method checks all of the properties that are commmon to the layer held by that component. Layer-properties (see Layer Changed Flags) are updated and the appropriate flag is set for the layer.
  3. The updateSceneGraphicInternal → Boolean virtual method handles the component-specific updates which includes all drawing content. This method returns true if the layer needs to redraw its content, which sets the RedrawContent flag.