File tree
2,403 files changed
lines changed- .github
- workflows
- build-system
- docs
- articles
- actors
- clustering
- configuration
- modules
- deployment
- discovery
- intro/getting-started
- persistence
- streams
- utilities
- community
- contributing
- whats-new
- src
- benchmark
- Akka.Benchmarks
- Actor
- Cluster
- Configurations
- DData
- Dispatch
- EventStream
- Hocon
- IO
- Logging
- Remoting
- Serialization
- Streams
- Utils
- Akka.Cluster.Benchmarks
- Persistence
- Sharding
- Akka.Cluster.Cpu.Benchmark
- PersistenceBenchmark
- PingPong
- RemotePingPong
- Properties
- SerializationBenchmarks
- SpawnBenchmark
- contrib
- cluster
- Akka.Cluster.Metrics
- Collectors
- Configuration
- Events
- Helpers
- Properties
- Routing
- Serialization
- Akka.Cluster.Metrics.Tests
- Base
- Helpers
- Akka.Cluster.Metrics.Tests.MultiNode
- Properties
- Sample
- Akka.Cluster.Sharding
- External
- Internal
- Internal
- Properties
- Serialization
- Proto
- Akka.Cluster.Sharding.Tests
- External
- Internal
- Properties
- Akka.Cluster.Sharding.Tests.MultiNode
- Properties
- Akka.Cluster.Tools
- Client
- Serialization
- Proto
- Properties
- PublishSubscribe
- Internal
- Serialization
- Proto
- Singleton
- Serialization
- Akka.Cluster.Tools.Tests
- ClusterClient
- Properties
- PublishSubscribe
- Singleton
- Akka.Cluster.Tools.Tests.MultiNode
- ClusterClient
- Properties
- PublishSubscribe
- Singleton
- Akka.DistributedData
- Durable
- Internal
- Properties
- Serialization
- Proto
- Akka.DistributedData.LightningDB
- Properties
- Akka.DistributedData.Tests
- LightningDb
- Properties
- Serialization
- Akka.DistributedData.Tests.MultiNode
- Properties
- dependencyinjection
- Akka.DI.Core
- Properties
- Akka.DI.TestKit
- Properties
- Akka.DependencyInjection
- Akka.DependencyInjection.Tests
- persistence
- Akka.Persistence.Query.Sql
- Properties
- Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common
- Journal
- Properties
- Snapshot
- Akka.Persistence.Sql.TestKit
- Properties
- Akka.Persistence.Sqlite
- Journal
- Properties
- Snapshot
- Akka.Persistence.Sqlite.Tests
- AssemblyVersioning
- Batching
- Performance
- Properties
- Query
- Serialization
- serializers
- Akka.Serialization.Hyperion
- Properties
- Akka.Serialization.Hyperion.Tests
- Properties
- Akka.Serialization.TestKit
- Properties
- testkits
- Akka.TestKit.Xunit
- Internals
- Properties
- Akka.TestKit.Xunit2
- Attributes
- Internals
- Properties
- core
- Akka
- Actor
- Cancellation
- ChildrenContainer/Internal
- Dsl
- Internal
- Scheduler
- Setup
- Stash
- Internal
- Annotations
- Configuration
- Hocon
- Dispatch
- MessageQueues
- SysMsg
- Event
- IO
- Buffers
- Pattern
- Properties
- Routing
- Serialization
- Util
- Extensions
- Internal
- Collections
- MatchHandler
- Reflection
- Akka.API.Tests
- verify
- Akka.Cluster
- Configuration
- Properties
- Routing
- Serialization
- Proto
- Akka.Cluster.TestKit
- Properties
- Akka.Cluster.Tests
- Properties
- Routing
- Serialization
- Akka.Cluster.Tests.MultiNode
- Properties
- Routing
- Akka.Cluster.Tests.Performance
- Properties
- Serialization
- Startup
- Akka.Coordination
- Akka.Coordination.Tests
- Akka.Discovery
- Aggregate
- Config
- Akka.Discovery.Tests
- Aggregate
- Config
- Akka.Docs.Tests
- Actors
- FiniteStateMachine
- ReceiveActorAPI
- UntypedActorAPI
- Cluster.Metrics
- Configuration
- Debugging
- Networking
- ClusterClient
- IO
- Serialization
- Persistence
- AtLeastOnceDelivery
- PersistentActor
- Streams
- Testkit
- Utilities
- Akka.Docs.Tutorials
- Tutorial1
- Tutorial2
- Tutorial3
- Tutorial4
- Akka.FSharp
- Akka.FSharp.Tests
- Akka.MultiNodeTestRunner
- Properties
- Akka.NodeTestRunner
- Properties
- Akka.Persistence
- Fsm
- Internal
- Journal
- Properties
- Serialization
- Proto
- Snapshot
- Akka.Persistence.FSharp
- Akka.Persistence.Query
- Properties
- Akka.Persistence.Query.Tests
- Properties
- Utils
- Akka.Persistence.TCK
- Journal
- Performance
- Properties
- Query
- Serialization
- Snapshot
- Akka.Persistence.TCK.Tests
- Properties
- Akka.Persistence.TestKit
- Journal
- Properties
- SnapshotStore
- Akka.Persistence.TestKit.Tests
- Actors
- Akka.Persistence.TestKit.Xunit2
- Akka.Persistence.Tests
- Fsm
- Journal
- Properties
- Serialization
- Akka.Remote
- Configuration
- Properties
- Routing
- Serialization
- Proto
- Transport
- DotNetty
- Akka.Remote.TestKit
- Internals
- Properties
- Proto
- Akka.Remote.TestKit.Tests
- Properties
- Akka.Remote.Tests
- BugFixes
- Properties
- Serialization
- Transport
- Akka.Remote.Tests.MultiNode
- Properties
- Router
- TestConductor
- Akka.Remote.Tests.Performance
- Properties
- Serialization
- Transports
- Akka.Streams
- Actors
- CodeGen
- Dsl
- Dsl
- Internal
- Extra
- IO
- Implementation
- Fusing
- IO
- Stages
- StreamRef
- Properties
- Serialization
- Proto
- Stage
- Supervision
- Util
- Akka.Streams.TestKit
- Properties
- Akka.Streams.TestKit.Tests
- Properties
- Akka.Streams.Tests
- Actor
- Dsl
- Extra
- IO
- Implementation
- Fusing
- Properties
- Util
- Akka.Streams.Tests.Performance
- IO
- Properties
- Akka.Streams.Tests.TCK
- Properties
- Akka.TestKit
- Configs
- EventFilter
- Internal
- StringMatcher
- TestEvent
- Extensions
- Internal
- Properties
- TestActors
- Akka.TestKit.Tests
- Properties
- TestActorRefTests
- TestEventListenerTests
- TestFSMRefTests
- TestKitBaseTests
- Akka.Tests
- Actor
- Cancellation
- Dispatch
- Scheduler
- Setup
- Stash
- Configuration
- Dispatch
- SysMsg
- Event
- IO
- Loggers
- MatchHandler
- Pattern
- Properties
- Routing
- Serialization
- TestUtils
- Util
- Internal
- Collections
- Akka.Tests.Performance
- Actor
- Internal
- Pattern
- Scheduler
- Dispatch
- Event
- IO
- Properties
- Util
- examples
- Akka.Persistence.Custom
- Journal
- Snapshot
- Akka.Persistence.Custom.Tests
- AppConfig
- AspNetCore
- Akka.AspNetCore
- Controllers
- Samples.Akka.AspNetCore
- Actors
- Messages
- Services
- Chat
- ChatClient
- ChatMessages
- ChatServer
- Cluster
- ClusterSharding
- ClusterSharding.Node
- ShoppingCart
- ClusterTools
- ClusterToolsExample.Node
- Properties
- ClusterToolsExample.Seed
- Properties
- DData/DDataStressTest
- Metrics
- Samples.Cluster.AdaptiveGroup
- Samples.Cluster.Metrics
- Samples.Cluster.Metrics.Common
- PublishSubscribe
- SampleDestination
- SamplePublishSubscribe
- SamplePublisher
- SampleSender
- Roles/Samples.Cluster.Transformation
- Routing/Samples.Cluster.ConsistentHashRouting
- Properties
- Samples.Cluster.Simple
- FSharp.Api
- FSharp.Deploy.Local
- FSharp.Deploy.Remote
- FaultTolerance
- Properties
- HeadlessService/AkkaHeadlesssService
- HelloAkka/HelloWorld
- HelloWorld
- FSharp.HelloAkka
- HelloAkka
- Properties
- PersistenceExample
- Properties
- PersistenceExample.FsApi
- RemoteDeploy
- System1
- Properties
- System2
- Properties
- Routing
- Properties
- Stocks/SymbolLookup
- Actors
- Messages
- Properties
- YahooFinance
- Streams/StreamsExamples
- Properties
- TcpEchoService.Server
- TimeServer
- TimeClient
- Properties
- TimeServer
- Properties
- WindowsService/AkkaWindowsService
- protobuf
- tools/AzCopy
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12 | 41 |
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25 | 54 |
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