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File metadata and controls

executable file
112 lines (94 loc) · 5.22 KB


  1. Please first prepare your datasets follow and finish the installation follow

  2. Run the script: You can train ROMP via

# go into the path/to/ROMP
# To train the ROMP with HRNet-32 as backbone, please run
sh scripts/
# To train the ROMP with ResNet-50 as backbone, please run
sh scripts/

To re-implement the results in Tab.3 of our paper, you can fine-tune the trained model on the 3DPW dataset via

# To fine-tune the ROMP with HRNet-32 as backbone, please run
sh scripts/
# To fine-tune the ROMP with ResNet-50 as backbone, please run
sh scripts/

You can change the configurations (e.g. used GPUs, batch size) in the corresponding configs (.yml) in ROMP/configs.

The training logs wiil be saved in ROMP/log.

The intermediate training/validation results will be visualized and saved in result_image_train/result_images.

Training guidance

To properly train ROMP, here we provide a guidance.

  1. Training datasets:

Step 1) To set the training datasets, please edit the configuration files (.yml in configs).
All registered datasets are listed at romp/lib/dataset/, such as

dataset_dict = {'h36m': H36M, 'mpii': MPII, 'coco': COCO14, 'posetrack':Posetrack, 'aich':AICH, 'pw3d':PW3D, 'up':UP, 'crowdpose':Crowdpose, 'crowdhuman':CrowdHuman,\
 'lsp':LSP, 'mpiinf':MPI_INF_3DHP,'mpiinf_val':MPI_INF_3DHP_VALIDATION,'mpiinf_test':MPI_INF_3DHP_TEST, 'muco':MuCo, 'mupots':MuPoTS, \
 'cmup':CMU_Panoptic_eval,'internet':Internet, }

You change the dataset in configuration files by listing the key of dataset_dict.
For instance, if we want to use Human3.6M, MPI-INF-3DHP, COCO, MPII, LSP, MuCo, Crowdpose, please set dataset as

dataset: 'h36m,mpiinf,coco,mpii,lsp,muco,crowdpose'

Please note that different datasets are splited via , and no space shall be put.

Step 2) Setting the sampling rate of different datasets.
Please check the sample_prob in configuration files to ensure that the sum of the sampling rates is 1. For instance, in configs/v1.yml, we set the sampling rates as

 h36m: 0.2
 mpiinf: 0.16
 coco: 0.2
 lsp: 0.06
 mpii: 0.1
 muco: 0.14
 crowdpose: 0.14

If we want to remove LSP, then we have to adjust the sampling rates, like

 h36m: 0.2
 mpiinf: 0.16
 coco: 0.2
 mpii: 0.1
 muco: 0.17
 crowdpose: 0.17

We recommend setting the sampling rate of a data set to less than 0.2 for better generalization.

  1. Training with your own datasets:

It is convenient to fine-tune ROMP with you own datasets. You just have to load the images / annoations follow the template and then register the dataset.

Step 1) Please create dataloader to load the images / annoations follow the template.
We recommend to use MPI-INF-3DHP as template for 3D pose dataset.
We recommend to use Crowdpose as template for 2D pose dataset.

Firstly, please copy the template file to create a new dataloader for your own dataset, like romp/lib/datasets/
Replace the class name (like MPI_INF_3DHP_TEST in to your own dataset name (like MyDataset).

Secondly, please re-write the pack_data function in the class to pack the annotations into a .npz file in convenience of data loading.
The format is a dictionary with image name as key. The annotations for each image are sub-dictionaries / list as value.
Meanwile, please set the self.data_folder to the path of your dataset.

Thirdly, please re-write the function get_image_info to load the image / annotations.
Please properly set the information in img_info dict. For the missed annotations, please just set None. Especailly, please properly set the vmask_2d and vmask_3d.
Each bool value in vmask_3d means whether we have corresponding annotation.
Each bool value in vmask_2d is explained below.

# vmask_2d | 0: the 'kp2ds' is kp2d (True) or bbox (False) | 1: whether we have track ids | 2: whether the annotations label all people in image, True for yes.
# vmask_3d | 0: kp3d | 1: smpl global orient | 2: smpl body pose | 3: smpl body shape

Finally, please test the correctness via running

python -m romp.lib.dataset.mydataset

Annotations will be drawed on the input image. The test results will be saved in ROMP/test/.

Step 2) Please register the new dataset.

To register the new dataset, please import the new dataloader in romp/lib/dataset/ and add a new item in dataset_dict.
For instance, if your dataloader is class MyDataset in datasets/, in please add

from .mydataset import MyDataset
dataset_dict = {'mydataset': MyDataset, 'h36m': H36M, 'mpii': MPII ... }