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File metadata and controls

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airbyte_destination_pinecone Resource - terraform-provider-airbyte
DestinationPinecone Resource

airbyte_destination_pinecone (Resource)

DestinationPinecone Resource

Example Usage

resource "airbyte_destination_pinecone" "my_destination_pinecone" {
  configuration = {
    embedding = {
      azure_open_ai = {
        api_base   = ""
        deployment = "your-resource-name"
        openai_key = "...my_openai_key..."
      cohere = {
        cohere_key = "...my_cohere_key..."
      fake = {
        # ...
      open_ai = {
        openai_key = "...my_openai_key..."
      open_ai_compatible = {
        api_key    = "...my_api_key..."
        base_url   = ""
        dimensions = 1536
        model_name = "text-embedding-ada-002"
    indexing = {
      index                = "...my_index..."
      pinecone_environment = "us-west1-gcp"
      pinecone_key         = "...my_pinecone_key..."
    omit_raw_text = true
    processing = {
      chunk_overlap = 4
      chunk_size    = 7074
      field_name_mappings = [
          from_field = "...my_from_field..."
          to_field   = "...my_to_field..."
      metadata_fields = [
      text_fields = [
      text_splitter = {
        by_markdown_header = {
          split_level = 1
        by_programming_language = {
          language = "ruby"
        by_separator = {
          keep_separator = true
          separators = [
  definition_id = "ae1c7c9a-2b03-4eee-843a-7ed67978265e"
  name          = "...my_name..."
  workspace_id  = "a8bd2b0a-cdce-4816-9962-7547715c4567"



  • configuration (Attributes) The configuration model for the Vector DB based destinations. This model is used to generate the UI for the destination configuration, as well as to provide type safety for the configuration passed to the destination.

The configuration model is composed of four parts:

  • Processing configuration
  • Embedding configuration
  • Indexing configuration
  • Advanced configuration

Processing, embedding and advanced configuration are provided by this base class, while the indexing configuration is provided by the destination connector in the sub class. (see below for nested schema)

  • name (String) Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance.
  • workspace_id (String)


  • definition_id (String) The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. Requires replacement if changed.


  • created_at (Number)
  • destination_id (String)
  • destination_type (String)

Nested Schema for configuration



  • omit_raw_text (Boolean) Do not store the text that gets embedded along with the vector and the metadata in the destination. If set to true, only the vector and the metadata will be stored - in this case raw text for LLM use cases needs to be retrieved from another source. Default: false

Nested Schema for configuration.embedding


  • azure_open_ai (Attributes) Use the Azure-hosted OpenAI API to embed text. This option is using the text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions. (see below for nested schema)
  • cohere (Attributes) Use the Cohere API to embed text. (see below for nested schema)
  • fake (Attributes) Use a fake embedding made out of random vectors with 1536 embedding dimensions. This is useful for testing the data pipeline without incurring any costs. (see below for nested schema)
  • open_ai (Attributes) Use the OpenAI API to embed text. This option is using the text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions. (see below for nested schema)
  • open_ai_compatible (Attributes) Use a service that's compatible with the OpenAI API to embed text. (see below for nested schema)

Nested Schema for configuration.embedding.azure_open_ai


  • api_base (String) The base URL for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource
  • deployment (String) The deployment for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource
  • openai_key (String, Sensitive) The API key for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource

Nested Schema for configuration.embedding.cohere


  • cohere_key (String, Sensitive)

Nested Schema for configuration.embedding.fake

Nested Schema for configuration.embedding.open_ai


  • openai_key (String, Sensitive)

Nested Schema for configuration.embedding.open_ai_compatible


  • base_url (String) The base URL for your OpenAI-compatible service
  • dimensions (Number) The number of dimensions the embedding model is generating


  • api_key (String, Sensitive) Default: ""
  • model_name (String) The name of the model to use for embedding. Default: "text-embedding-ada-002"

Nested Schema for configuration.indexing


  • index (String) Pinecone index in your project to load data into
  • pinecone_environment (String) Pinecone Cloud environment to use
  • pinecone_key (String, Sensitive) The Pinecone API key to use matching the environment (copy from Pinecone console)

Nested Schema for configuration.processing


  • chunk_size (Number) Size of chunks in tokens to store in vector store (make sure it is not too big for the context if your LLM)


  • chunk_overlap (Number) Size of overlap between chunks in tokens to store in vector store to better capture relevant context. Default: 0
  • field_name_mappings (Attributes List) List of fields to rename. Not applicable for nested fields, but can be used to rename fields already flattened via dot notation. (see below for nested schema)
  • metadata_fields (List of String) List of fields in the record that should be stored as metadata. The field list is applied to all streams in the same way and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all fields are considered metadata fields. When specifying text fields, you can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation, e.g. will access the name field in the user object. It's also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object, e.g. users.*.name will access all names fields in all entries of the users array. When specifying nested paths, all matching values are flattened into an array set to a field named by the path.
  • text_fields (List of String) List of fields in the record that should be used to calculate the embedding. The field list is applied to all streams in the same way and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all fields are considered text fields. When specifying text fields, you can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation, e.g. will access the name field in the user object. It's also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object, e.g. users.*.name will access all names fields in all entries of the users array.
  • text_splitter (Attributes) Split text fields into chunks based on the specified method. (see below for nested schema)

Nested Schema for configuration.processing.field_name_mappings


  • from_field (String) The field name in the source
  • to_field (String) The field name to use in the destination

Nested Schema for configuration.processing.text_splitter


  • by_markdown_header (Attributes) Split the text by Markdown headers down to the specified header level. If the chunk size fits multiple sections, they will be combined into a single chunk. (see below for nested schema)
  • by_programming_language (Attributes) Split the text by suitable delimiters based on the programming language. This is useful for splitting code into chunks. (see below for nested schema)
  • by_separator (Attributes) Split the text by the list of separators until the chunk size is reached, using the earlier mentioned separators where possible. This is useful for splitting text fields by paragraphs, sentences, words, etc. (see below for nested schema)

Nested Schema for configuration.processing.text_splitter.by_markdown_header


  • split_level (Number) Level of markdown headers to split text fields by. Headings down to the specified level will be used as split points. Default: 1

Nested Schema for configuration.processing.text_splitter.by_programming_language


  • language (String) Split code in suitable places based on the programming language. must be one of ["cpp", "go", "java", "js", "php", "proto", "python", "rst", "ruby", "rust", "scala", "swift", "markdown", "latex", "html", "sol"]

Nested Schema for configuration.processing.text_splitter.by_separator


  • keep_separator (Boolean) Whether to keep the separator in the resulting chunks. Default: false
  • separators (List of String) List of separator strings to split text fields by. The separator itself needs to be wrapped in double quotes, e.g. to split by the dot character, use ".". To split by a newline, use "\n".


Import is supported using the following syntax:

terraform import airbyte_destination_pinecone.my_airbyte_destination_pinecone ""