Releases: advplyr/audiobookshelf
Releases · advplyr/audiobookshelf
- Polish translations by @konradorlinski in #1149
- Library item API request limit (causing duplicate items to be shown)
- Library total item count in toolbar
- Some minor API cleanup
Full Changelog: v2.2.3...v2.2.4
- Localization & default server language setting #1103
- Simplified Chinese by @springsunx in #1120
- Croatian by @Smoukus in #1147
- Italian by @burghy86 in #1119
- German by @Hallo951 in #1143
- Some Polish by @konradorlinski in #1124
- Collapse series on series books page to collapse sub-series by @ruoti in #1105
- API endpoint to get current users online and open listening sessions #1125
- Player queue for audiobooks #1077
- Buttons to add/remove audiobooks & podcast episodes from player queue
- Parsing podcast pubDate #1116
- Sort order being ignored when filtering by series in library by @ruoti in #1105
- Multi-select and shift select library items #1136
- Show only collections for current library in collection modal #1130
- Podcast quick match crashing
- Audiobook RSS feed updating when audio tracks are added/updated #1131
- Users page show correct total number of listening sessions (fixes #1142) by @austinphilp in #1144
- Some status codes returned from the API
New Contributors
- @konradorlinski made their first contribution in #1124
- @springsunx made their first contribution in #1120
- @burghy86 made their first contribution in #1119
- @Hallo951 made their first contribution in #1143
- @Smoukus made their first contribution in #1145
- @austinphilp made their first contribution in #1144
Full Changelog: v2.2.2...v2.2.3
- Series page filter & sort options #712
- Hold Shift key to select range of items #1020
- New library icons #1075
- Support for webm and webma audio files #1079
- Chapter lookup multi-region support
- Embedding meta tags when a description starts with a double quote #1044 (by @keaganhilliard in #1110)
- Embedding meta tags changing chapter times #1060 (fixed in tone v0.1.2)
- Multi-select dropdowns show X for removing items #1055
- Collection covers not loading
- Local covers not showing in book edit modal covers tab
- Parsing pubDate for podcast RSS feeds #1072
- Opening PDFs
- Comic reader for comics that have subfolders #811
- Debian package incorrect wget invocation #1092
- Sorting ignore prefixes (by @ruoti in #1111)
- Update tone to v0.1.2
- Podcast auto-download episode schedule includes setting for max episodes to download #1091
- Collapsed series show green line when entire series is finished #1062
- Collections page book list shows authors (& fixes for mobile screens) #943
- Book scanner fallback to using comment tag for book description
- Default library view is now detail view (previously named alternate view)
- Book chapter editor: Lookup chapter modal shows # of chapters found vs current # of chapters #1070
- Comic reader: improved sorting for pages
- For debian installs add note to folder picker that this is not fully implemented
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.2.1...v2.2.2
- Multi-region audible providers using audnexus api #731
- Chapter editor option to shift all chapters by X seconds #927
- Crash when quick matching audible book with tags (Issue #1030) by @Undergrid in #1031
- Escape ebook URLs properly #1039
- Authors page to only include library items from the current library #1049
- Tone error on arm64 docker image #1035
- Setting book chapters from audio files will always use first audio file embedded chapters if it has them #1052
- Library edit modal stays loading when switching tabs
- Update tone to v0.1.1
- Downloaded podcast episode filenames will use the episode title only (no longer prefixes episode num)
- iTunes matching will correctly split authors correctly with format "author a, author b & author c" #1022
- Scanner folder name parsing series sequence supports decimal starting with
(e.g. Vol .5) - Scanner folder name parsing series sequence will cast to a number (removes leading zeros)
- Podcast download file requests timeout after 30s #1050
- Number of backups to keep tooltip #1041
- Debian package service runs as group "audiobookshelf"
Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.2.1
- Notification system using Apprise API for downloaded podcast episodes #996
- Batch quick match books by @Undergrid in #1005
- Tone library for writing metadata (thanks @sandreas!)
- New page for podcast libraries to show recent episodes feed
- Option to remove item from continue listening shelf #919
- Option to remove series from continue series shelf #919
- Podcast quick match also attempts quick matching episodes #983
- Chapter lookup option to apply titles only #991
- Ability to cancel m4b merges #1008
- Purge items cache button
- .ignore files not working inside sub directories #979
- UI for add podcast modal on mobile screens #975
- Crash when scanning audio files with unsupported codecs (Issue #1004) by @Undergrid in #1007
- Trim whitespace when parsing audio file meta tags #997
- Library item not found for user progress warnings #921
- Ensure podcast library item folder exists before downloading episodes #1019
- iTunes metadata matching crash #1025
- M4b merge feature replaces existing audio files in library item folder (instead of having to download) #594
- M4b merge and the embed metadata feature uses tone to write meta tags #607
- Persist audio player volume in local storage by @Zibbp in #974
- Author names ignore periods when checking for existing authors #993
- Match tab shows current genres, tags and description #976
- Chapter editor lookup modal UI improvements #657
- Sync progress api request timeout extended to 3s
- Removed the back arrow in toolbar
- Author name shown in author quick match toast #992
New Contributors
- @Zibbp made their first contribution in #974
- @Undergrid made their first contribution in #1007
Full Changelog: v2.1.5...v2.2.0
- Podcast episode queue for audio player with auto-play next episode setting #603
- Podcast episodes batch mark as finished #941
- Podcast quick match
- Open RSS feed not updating with changes #939
- User permissions for collection API routes and UI #951
- Book library search page tags shelf
- Mobile app local listening session most recent media time by @ronaldheft in #942
- Clearing selected episodes from podcast episode search modal (fixes #931) by @barrycarey in #946
- Re-Scan item using context menu on library page #948
- Chapter page navigating away while playing chapter sample #945
- Decoding HTML entities when stripping to plain text (fixes #929) by @barrycarey in #955
- Book library filter for "No Series" #956
- Refresh library after clearing issues (fixes #694) by @barrycarey in #961
- Podcast episode sort order set by pubDate
- Scrollbar width and color for Firefox browsers #950
- Audiobook RSS feed track order reversed #952
- Lock scanner when a scan is running triggered by folder watcher (prevent potential duplicate items) #906
- Debian package default Port to 13378
New Contributors
- @ronaldheft made their first contribution in #942
- @barrycarey made their first contribution in #946
Full Changelog: v2.1.4...v2.1.5
- Schedule periodic library scans (new schedule tab in edit library modal) #655
- Set schedule for automatic backups #822
- Set schedule for new podcast episode checks (new schedule tab in edit podcast modal)
- Multi-select podcast episodes and batch delete
- Podcast auto-download setting for max episodes to keep #903
- Button to delete listening session in session view modal
- Separate setting for setting alternative bookshelf view on home page
- Sort library by published year #918
- API endpoint to get in-progress library items across all libraries (for mobile)
- Audible match results incorrect runtime format #904
- Appbar UI for mobile screen size
- Use square covers server setting moved to library setting #387
- Book page shows subtitle underneath title and series above author #898
- OPF parser supports multiple authors/narrators (fixes parse issue) #907
- Backups now include author images from
#781 - Show cover image on match tab after selecting a match item #899
- Match tab for selected item now has a checkbox for select all/none
- Podcast episode edit modal shows the audio file URL from the RSS feed
Full Changelog: v2.1.2...v2.1.3
- Podcast episode match tab
- RSS feed icon over library item cover when feed is open #893
- Filter for open RSS feeds #893
- Duration & narrator on audible match results #886
- Image width x height shown under covers on covers tab #885
- Continue series shelf in reverse order
- Overdrive chapter parser crash on invalid metadata #880
- Audiobook RSS feed episodes out of order because pubDate was the same #888
- Finished items showing yellow bar on library item page cover
- Library stats page overflowing under side nav #896
- Library item match tab runs search when opening tab #882
- Collections page shows total audiobook duration
- Editing series on book sets focus to first available input #889
- Episode auto-downloader update max failed attempts to 24 (from 3)
- New episodes scanned in from file system use filename without extension as title
- Mobile screen size updates & cleanup
Full Changelog: v2.1.1...v2.1.2
- Bookmarks icon on library item page & start playback from bookmarked time #796
- Click timestamp in playback sessions list to start playback at that time #798
- Click chapter timestamps in chapter tables to start playback at that time
- Collapsed series name & series page respects sorting ignore prefix setting #866
- Watcher scanner to ignore non-media files that are not inside library item folders #834
- Long library names overflowing in appbar #858
- Set correct mime type for m4b files
- On server startup remove playback sessions with invalid time listening (from android app bug) #868
- Setting chapters for book by merging chapters from multiple files #857
- Changing an author name to another existing authors name will merge them #487
- Show prompt before marking an item as finished that is in progress #805
- Item edit modal remain on same tab when navigating to next/prev item #867
- Chapter editor uses timestamp input for chapter start time w/ toggle to show seconds #657
- Save after editing chapter redirects to previous page #827
- Dockerfile health check uses /healthcheck instead of /ping (no more annoying "Ping" logs every 30s)
- API route /matchall is now a GET request
- use svg instead of png for app icon by @arabshapt in #871
New Contributors
- @revilo951 made their first contribution in #842
- @arabshapt made their first contribution in #871
Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.1.1