This the audio context. You must always have one to produce sound with maxiLib
initialise the audio engine
for multi channel sound
- isArray = true or false
- numChannels = 2, 4, or 8
load a sample into a maxiSample object
the function which is the play loop
the current value of the audio output
Stores and plays an audio sample
plays the sample at normal speed
plays the sample at the specified play rate
plays the sample once at normal speed
plays the sample once at specified play rate
set the playhead to zero (use in conjunction with playOnce)
returns true if sample is loaded
plays a sample at different rates leaving pitch unchanged
sets the sample play for timestretch to use
- rate (eg. 0.5 = half speed)
- grainLength (a time in seconds)
- overlaps (normally 2 is good)
- startPos (where to start playing in the sample - in seconds)
useful for resetting a sound
returns position in ???
Useful for ending sample play back
plays a sample at different pitches leaving the speed unchanged
sets the sample play for pitchShift to use
- pitch (eg. 0.5 = half pitch)
- grainLength (a time in seconds)
- overlaps (normally 2 is good)
- startPos (where to start playing in the sample - in seconds)
useful for resetting a sound
returns position in ???
Useful for ending sample play back
plays a sample with independent control of pitch and speed
sets the sample play for timestretch to use
- pitch (eg. 0.5 = half pitch)
- rate (eg. 0.5 = half speed)
- grainLength (a time in seconds)
- overlaps (normally 2 is good)
- startPos (where to start playing in the sample - in seconds)
returns position in ???
Useful for ending sample play back
useful for resetting a sound
A simple delay line
process a signal with delay
- inputSignal (any signal eg. output from an oscillator
- delayTime (a value in milliseconds)
- foldback (how much of the signal to feedback into the delay buffer - determines how long echos last)
An oscillator with methods for a number of waveforms
outputs a sine wave at the given frequency between -1.0 & 1.0
outputs a triangle wave at the given frequency between -1.0 & 1.0
outputs a sawtooth wave at the given frequency between -1.0 & 1.0
outputs a square wave at the given frequency between 0.0 & 1.0
outputs a linear ramp at the given frequency between 0.0 & 1.0
reset the phase to a specific value
- phase (a value between 0 & 1)
An adsr envelope.
- time = milliseconds
- time = milliseconds
- level = a value between 0.0 and 1.0
- time = milliseconds
- level (the overall level of the envelope; everything will be scaled by this value)
- trigger (envelope will begin attack when set to 1.0 and release when set to 0.0)
A bunch of useful filter methods
A lowpass resonant filter. Returns the filtered frequency.
- input = input signal
- cutoff = cutoff frequency in Hz
- resonance = a value between 0.0 & 10.0
A highpass resonant filter. Returns the filtered frequency.
- input = input signal
- cutoff = cutoff frequency in Hz
- resonance = a value between 0.0 & 10.0
must be called before using the FFT
- fftSize = (A power of two, 1024, 512 .. etc)
- windowSize = half the fftSize
- hopSize = half the windowSize
returns true if successful
- sig = signal in
get the magnitude of a particular bin
- index = A number between 0 and the fftSize/2
get the decibels of a particular bin
perform the conversion on all bins
A collection of conversion functions. Currently numbering one !
pass a midi value and its frequency is returned
A multichannel mixer.
Makes a stereo mix.
- sig = inputsignal
- outputArray = VectorDbl array (see maxiTools)
- pan = a value between 0 & 1
Returns the array as a VectorDbl object. (Needed for maxiMix).
maxiEnvelopeFollower (undefined)