🚧 WARNING: Testeranto is still under development and is not ready for production yet. 🚧
home: adamwong246.github.io/testeranto
source: github.com/adamwong246/testeranto
npm: npmjs.com/package/testeranto
dev: github.dev/adamwong246/testeranto
example repo: kokomo bay
- Testeranto.ts an AI-first, Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) framework for typescript projects.
- Testeranto produces test results which can be fed to Aider.ai to automatically fix failing tests.
- Testeranto tests are specified in a strongly-typed gherkin-like syntax. Rather than testing your code directly, Testeranto requires you wrap your code with a semantic interface which is based on TS type signatures.
- Testeranto can be run in the frontend or the backend, or both.
- Testeranto can be used to test anything that can be bundled with esbuild.
- esm - Testeranto uses modern js
- typescript - tests are functions with type parameters
- puppeteer - provides access to both node and chrome runtimes
- esbuild - used to quickly generate test bundles
- aider - AI to automatically fix broken tests