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Aaron Cutchin / Bitpusher Test Helm Chart Repo


  1. Create or Modify Helm Chart
  • New Chart from Template

        helm create helm-chart-sources/<chart_name>
  • Or modify existing chart under helm-chart-sources/

    • NOTE: When modifying a Helm chart, remember to increment version: in Chart.yaml
  1. Lint All Charts

     helm lint helm-chart-sources/*
  2. Package All Charts

     helm package helm-chart-sources/*
  3. Create/Update Repo Index (index.yaml)

     helm repo index --url `cat repo.url` .
  4. Update Repo Index with New Charts

     helm repo index --url `cat repo.url` --merge index.yaml .
  5. Add This Repo to Your Local Helm Repo Cache

     helm repo add ac-bp-helm-charts `cat repo.url`
  6. Git add/commit/push

  7. Configure local Helm Repo Cache

  8. Add helm repo (if necessary)

       helm repo add ac-bp-helm-charts
  9. Update helm repo (such as after updating a chart version)

       helm repo update && helm search repo ac-bp-helm-charts
    • NOTE: You will likely have to repeat the above command for a few minutes until the most recent chart versions are cached locally. GitHub Pages is CDN-cached and can take up to 10 minutes to refresh!

Search Local Helm Repo Cache for "test" Chart

helm search repo test

Handy multi-command command lines

helm lint helm-chart-sources/* && helm package helm-chart-sources/* && helm repo index --url `cat repo.url` .

git add -A && git commit -m 'test helm chart update' && git push

helm repo update && helm search repo ac-bp-helm-charts

Deploy/Install Release

helm install --set image.repository="acutchinbitpusher/actest" --set ingress.certARN="arn:aws:acm:us-west-2:333356559612:certificate/e4d68480-d60f-4146-a73b-00d89ba5b4d0" --set ingress.lbDNShostname="" acfulltest1 ac-bp-helm-charts/full-helm-test

helm upgrade acfulltest1 ac-bp-helm-charts/full-helm-test

helm uninstall acfulltest1