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Releases: acts-project/traccc

traccc 0.10.0

06 May 15:20
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Release supporting semi-reasonable ODD track reconstruction throughput measurements for the first time.

What's Changed

  • (Host and CUDA) Measurement Sorting, main branch (2024.04.22.) by @krasznaa in #550
  • Add vecmem/device interaction to alpaka test by @StewMH in #549
  • Project Version Update, main branch (2024.04.24.) by @krasznaa in #553
  • Make alpaka queue blocking, fix serial CPU running by @StewMH in #555
  • Data V6, main branch (2024.04.24.) by @krasznaa in #554
  • ODD CUDA Reconstruction, main branch (2024.04.23.) by @krasznaa in #552
  • ref: Use angle from surface class instead of intersector by @niermann999 in #557
  • Skip the holes for GPU CKF by @beomki-yeo in #556
  • ref: detray update to version 0.64.1 by @niermann999 in #559
  • Data V7, main branch (2024.05.03.) by @krasznaa in #561
  • Limit the number of tracks (or branches) per seed for GPU CKF by @beomki-yeo in #563
  • ODD ttbar Clusterization Fix, main branch (2024.05.04.) by @krasznaa in #566
  • Kalman Fitter Step Aborter, main branch (2024.05.04.) by @krasznaa in #571
  • Allow more branches in the ckf matching rate test by @beomki-yeo in #570
  • Fix the default value of maxmimum number of branches per seed by @beomki-yeo in #573
  • Tracking Throughput Measurements, main branch (2024.05.04.) by @krasznaa in #572
  • Spacepoint OBJ Writing, main branch (2024.05.05.) by @krasznaa in #574
  • CUDA Throughput Improvement, main branch (2024.05.06.) by @krasznaa in #576

Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.10.0

traccc 0.9.0

23 Apr 07:50
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Release supporting full chain ODD reconstruction on the host for the first time. Leaving the "Beta" release name behind, as we have not been using the pre-release tags consistently so far anyway.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.9.0

traccc Beta 0.8.0

20 Dec 16:36
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A new release before we phase into official Open Data Detector support.

traccc Beta 0.7.0

13 Nov 12:22
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A new release for ATLAS GPU EF tracking workshop (exclusive to ATLAS members)

The release comes with a few minor updates:

  • Change a default ckf parameter
  • Make project built without ROOT and add CI to make sure it work
  • Add a general simulator so that simulation can work with arbitrary json geometry files

traccc Beta 0.6.0

03 Nov 23:01
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New version for ACTS workshop 2023

There are many changes since the last release:

  • Allows various detector types beyond the detray toy geometry
  • Provides A Partial chain example covering from seeding to track fitting
  • Ongoing work for the integration of clusterization to the full chain and ACTS geometry conversion

... and lots of minor refactoring and bug fixes

traccc Beta 0.5.0

22 Jun 16:58
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traccc Beta 0.5.0 Pre-release

Version of the code used for performance testing, after multiple performance fixes/improvements.

Includes a long list of developments, including a still unfinished track finding and performance measurement code additions.

traccc Beta 0.4.0

24 Apr 08:48
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traccc Beta 0.4.0 Pre-release

Version of the code used for the CAT and CHEP results. Including a lot of changes since v0.3.0 in the areas of asynchronicity and code harmonization.

traccc Beta 0.3.0

17 Mar 15:41
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traccc Beta 0.3.0 Pre-release

Version of the code actually used for the OpenLab tests instead of v0.2.0. Change(s) wrt. v0.2.0:

  • Taught the CI how to look for FP64 operations in PTX code;
  • Removed an FP64 operation from the Kalman fitter code;
  • Taught the multi-threaded throughput tests how to log their results into CSV files.

traccc Beta 0.2.0

10 Mar 08:43
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traccc Beta 0.2.0 Pre-release

After a very long hiatus with tags/releases, this is to mark the code that we would use for a series of performance tests.

Changes wrt. v0.1.0 are too numerous to count. The code is very different than it was in the last tag...

traccc Beta 0.1.0

24 Jul 04:04
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traccc Beta 0.1.0 Pre-release

This is the first numbered release of the project.

This comes with the track reconstruction pipeline which includes the cell clusterization and seeding algorithm for CPU, CUDA and SYCL.
It has been tested for trackML dataset