diff --git a/05ab1e.dyalog b/05ab1e.dyalog index cd8022c..258b8a9 100644 --- a/05ab1e.dyalog +++ b/05ab1e.dyalog @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - info←Build info;i;where;t;dual;prefixed;main + lbs←Build info;i;where;t;dual;prefixed;main ⍝ ⍵ is https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/blob/master/docs/info.txt t←⎕UCS 9 ⍝ tab @@ -29,4 +29,4 @@ info←(⊃(⊣,t t,1↓⊢)/)¨info ⍝ merge them info,←'.ž',¨2↓¨1⌷dual ⍝ append leftover duals info←'\t *$'⎕R''⊢info ⍝ trim whitespace - info←'\t'⎕R'\n'¨info ⍝ convert tabs to newlines + lbs←'\t'⎕R'\n'¨info ⍝ convert tabs to newlines diff --git a/05ab1e.js b/05ab1e.js index 2d2a319..042e7da 100644 --- a/05ab1e.js +++ b/05ab1e.js @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ ;(_=>{ let hc={'<':'<','&':'&',"'":''','"':'"'},he=x=>x.replace(/[<&'"]/g,c=>hc[c]) //html chars and escape fn ,tcs='' -,lbs=["ǝpop a,b,c\ninsert b into a on location c\n\n.ǝ\npop a\nprint a to STDERR","ʒpop a\nfilter a when the result of code == 1: usage ʒCODE}","αpop a,b\npush absolute difference of a and b","βpop a,b\npush a converted from base b (arbitrary)","γpop a\npush a split into chunks of consecutive equal elements","δpop a,b\nget the next command, push double vectorized command","εpop a\napply each on a: usage εCODE}","ζpop a,(b)\npush zipped a with filler b (standardized to space)","ηpop a\npush prefixes(a)","θpop a\npush a[-1]","вpop a,b\npush a converted to base b (arbitrary)","иpop a,b\npush a n-repeat (list-multiply) b","мpop a,b\npush a.remove(all elements of b)","нpop a\npush a[0]","тpush 100","Δpop a\nrepeat CODE until a doesn't change: usage ΔCODE}","Θpop a\npush 05AB1E truthified a (a == 1)","Σpop a\nsort a by the result of code: usage ΣCODE}","Ωpop a\npush random_pick(a)","≠pop a\npush 05AB1E falsified a (a != 1)","∊pop a\npush vertically mirrored a\n\n.∊\npop a\npush intersected vertical mirror a","∍pop a,b\npush a extended/shortened to length b","∞pop a\npush mirrored a\n\n.∞\npop a\npush intersected mirror a","₁push 256","₂push 26","₃push 95","₄push 1000","!pop a,\npush factorial(a)","\"start/end string literal","#pop a\nif true: break/end (used in infinite loops)\n\npop a\nif contains spaces, split on spaces","$push 1 and input (used for sequences)","%pop a,b\npush (a % b)","&pop a,b\npush a AND b","'push char ( 'a pushes \"a\" )","(pop a\npush -a",")wrap total stack to an array","*pop a,b\npush (a * b)","+pop a,b\npush (a + b)",",pop a\nprint(a)","-pop a,b\npush (a - b)","/pop a,b\npush (a / b)","0numeric literal\n \n\n.0\nthrow a division by zero error","1numeric literal","2numeric literal","3numeric literal","4numeric literal","5numeric literal","6numeric literal","7numeric literal","8numeric literal","9numeric literal",":pop a,b,c\na.replace(b, c) / infinite replacement\n\n.:\npop a,b,c\npush a.replace(b, c)",";pop a\npush a / 2\n\n.;\npop a,b,c\npush a.replace_first(b, c)","pop a\npush a + 1","?pop a\nprint a no newline","@pop a\npop and push the element at index a in the stack (leftmost element = index 0)","Apush 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'\n\n.A\npop a\npush acronymified a","Bpop a,b\npush base(a, b)\n\n.B\npop a\npush squarified(a)","Cpop a\npush int(a, 2)\n\n.C\npop a\npush centralized(a) focused to the right","Dpop a\npush a, a\n\n.D\npop a,b\npush b copies of a if b is int, else push len(b) copies of a","Epush eval(input())\n\n.E\npop a\nrun with experimental batch evaluation (does not work in safe mode)","Fpop a\nfor N in range(0, a) { }: F(commands)} / N = variable","Gpop a\nfor N in range(1, a) { }: F(commands)} / N = variable","Hpop a\npush int(a, 16)\n\n.H\npop a,b\nbijectively convert a from base b to base 10","Ipush input()","Jpop a\npush ''.join(a) if a is list / if not, then push ''.join(stack)\n\n.J\npop a\n1-indexed max_spaces.join(stack) grid (deprecated)","Kpop a,b\npush a with no b's\n\nžK\npush [a-zA-Z0-9]","Lpop a\npush [1 .. a]\n\nžL\npush [z-aZ-A9-0]","Mpush the largest number in the stack\n\nžM\npush aeiou","Nreserved for variables\n\nžN\npush bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz","Opop (a)\npush total sum of a if a is list, else total sum of stack\n\nžO\npush aeiouy","Ppop (a)\npush total product of a if a is list, else total product of stack\n\nžP\npush bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz","Qpop a,b\npush a == b (bool)\n\nžQ\npush printable ASCII character set (32-128)","Rpop a\npush reversed(a)\n\nžR\npush ABC","Spop a\npush all chars a seperate\n\n.S\npop a,b\npush 1 if a > b, -1 if a < b, 0 if a == b ","Tpush 10","Upop a\nassign X to a","Vpop a\nassign Y to a\n\n.V\npop a\nrun as 05AB1E code","Wpush min(a) without popping\n\n.W\npop a\nwait a milliseconds","Xinteger variable","Yinteger variable","Zpush max(a) without popping","[infinite loop start","\\delete last item","]close all loops and if statements","^pop a,b\npush a XOR b\n\n.^\npop a\ninsert a into global array with immediate sorting and after quit, print array[input_1]","_pop a\npush negative bool","`pop a\npush all the items of a into the stack","apop a\npush is_alpha(a)\n\nža\npush current hours","bpop a\npush bin(a)\n\nžb\npush current minutes","cpop a,b\npush a nCr b\n\nžc\npush current seconds","dpop a\npush is_number(a)\n\nžd\npush current microseconds","epop a,b\npush a nPr b\n\nže\npush current day","fpop a\npush list of prime factors (no duplicates)\n\nžf\npush current month","gpop a\npush length of a\n\nžg\npush current year","hpop a\npush hex(a)\n\nžh\npush [0-9]","ipop a\nif statement: iTHEN}: if true { then }\n\nži\npush [a-zA-Z]","jpop a\nSame as J, with each substring right justified w/ a length of b\n\nžj\npush [a-zA-Z0-9_]","kpop a,b\npush 0-indexed index of b in a (-1 when not found)\n\nžk\npush [z-aZ-A]","lpop a\npush lower_case(a)\n\nžl\npush [z-aZ-A9-0_]","mpop a,b\npush a**b\n\nžm\npush [9-0]","npop a\npush a**2\n\nžn\npush [A-Za-z]","opop a\npush 2**a\n\nžo\npush [Z-Az-a]","ppop a\npush isPrime(a)\n\nžp\npush [Z-A]","qterminates the program","rreverse stack\n\n.r\npop a\npush random_shuffle(a)","spop a,b\npush b,a\n\n.s\npop a\npush suffixes(a)","tpop a\npush sqrt(a)","upop a\npush upper_case(a)\n\n.u\npop a\npush is_upper(a) ","vpop a\nrange loop: for y in a (y = string, N = index)","wwait one second\n\n.w\npop a\npush a.readall() (internet access, doesn't work in safe mode) (returns 0 on error)","xpop a\npush a, a * 2\n\n.x\npop a,b\npush the element in a closest to b (abs_difference if possible else string distance)","ypush string variable (used in mapping loops)","zpop a\npush 1 / a","{pop a\npush sorted a","|push the rest of input as an array with strings","}close a single if statement, loop, etc.","~pop a,b\npush a OR b","Ƶconvert the next char from base 255 to base 10 and add 101","€pop a\napply next command for each in a\n\n.€\npop a\ndebug printer (default encoding, fallbacks on cp1252)","Λpop a,b,c\nstore a canvas with {a: num, b: filler, c: pattern} (todo: docs)\n\n.Λ\npop a,b,c\nstore a canvas with {a: num, b: filler, c: pattern} and push the string to the stack","‚pop a,b\npush [a, b]","ƒpop a\npush for N in range(0, a + 1)","„2 char string / can also be used for 2 compressed strings","…3 char string / can also be used for 3 compressed strings","†pop a,b\npush a with b filtered to the front","‡pop a,b,c\npush a.transliterate(b -> c)","ˆpop a\nadd to global array\n\n.ˆ\npop a\ninsert a into global array and after quit, print array[input_1]","‰pop a,b\npush a divmod b","Špop a,b,c\npush c,a,b","‹pop a,b\npush a < b","Œpop a\npush substrings(a)","Ćpop a\npush enclosed a: a + a[0]","Žbreak/end if stack is empty","ƶpop a\npush lifted a, each element is multiplied by its index (1-indexed)","Āpop a\npush truthified a","‘for compressed strings (upper)","’for compressed strings (no implicit space)","“for compressed strings (normal)","”for compressed strings (title)","•start/end a 1-9 char compressed string\n \n\n.•\ndecompress a base 255 alphabet based string","–pop a\nif 1, print N (used in loops)","—pop a\nif 1, print y (used in loops)","˜pop a\npush deep flattened a","™pop a\npush title_cased(a)","špop a\npush switch_cased(a)","›pop a,b\npush a > b","œpop a\npush permutations(a)","ćpop a\npush head_extracted a: a[1:], a[0] ","Ÿpop (a,)b\npush [a, ..., b] if b not a list, otherwise push [b[0],...,b[1],...,b[n]]","āget a\npush range(1, len(a) + 1)","¡pop a,b\npush a.split(b)","¢pop a,b\npush a.count(b)","£pop a,b\npush a[0:b]","¤get a\npush tail(a)","¥pop a\npush delta's a\n\n.¥\npop a\npush undelta a","¦pop a\npush a[1:]","§pop a\npush str(a)","¨pop a\npush a[0:-1]","©store a in register_c without popping","ªpop a\npush sentence_cased(a)","«pop a,b\npush merged(a,b) if both are lists, else push concatenated(a, b)\n\n.«\nfoldr\nfolds a dyadic command between each element in a list from right to left","¬get a\npush head(a)","®push the last item from register_c","¯push global array","°pop a\npush 10 ** a","±pop a\npush bitwise not a","²push the second item from the input history\n\n.²\npop a\npush log_2(a)","³push the third item from the input history","´clear global array","µpop a\nwhile counter_variable != a, do...","¶push newline character","·pop a\npush 2 * a","¸pop a\npush [a]","¹push the first item from the input history","ºpush len(stack) > 0","»pop (a)\nif list, join list by newlines, else join stack by newlines\n\n.»\nfoldl\nfolds a dyadic command between each element in a list from right to left with opposite right/left operands","¼counter_variable += 1\n \n\n.¼\npop a\ntan(a)","½pop a,\nif 1, then counter_variable += 1\n\n.½\npop a\nsin(a)","¾push counter_variable\n\n.¾\npop a\ncos(a)","¿pop (a,)b\npush gcd(b) if b is list, else push gcd([b, a])\n\n.¿\npop (a,)b\npush lcm(b) if b is list, else push lcm(b, a)","Àpop a\npush a rotated 1 left\n\n.À\n\nrotate stack 1 left","Ápop a\npush a rotated 1 right\n\n.Á\n\nrotate stack 1 right","Âpop a\npush a, reversed(a)","Ãpop a,b\npush a.keep(b)","Äpop a\npush abs(a)","Ålist commands","Æpop a\npush reduced_substraction(a) if a is list, else reduced_substraction(stack)","Çpop a\npush ASCII value of a","Èpop a\npush a % 2 == 0 (is even)","Épop a\npush a % 2 == 1 (is uneven)","Êpop a,b\npush a != b","Ëpop a\npush 1 if all equal else 0","Ìpop a\npush a + 2","Ípop a\npush a - 2","Îpush 0 and input","Ïpop a,b\npush the elements from a at which the same index at b is 1","Ðtriplicate top of stack (pop a, push a, push a, push a)","Ñpop a\npush divisors(a)","Òpop a\npush list of prime factors (with duplicates)","Ópop a\npush list of exponents of prime factors (2^a, 3^b, 5^c, 7^d, etc.)","Ôpop a\npush connected uniquified a","Õpop a\npush euler_totient(a)","Öpop a,b\npush a % b == 0","×pop a,b\npush a × b (strings)\n\n.×\npop a,b\npush the list a repeated b times","Øpop a\npush ath prime (zero-indexed)\n\n.Ø\npop a\npush 0-indexed number of the greatest prime ≤ a","Ùpop a\npush uniquified a","Úpop a\npush reverse uniquified a","Ûpop a,b\npush a with leading b's trimmed off","Üpop a,b\npush a with trailing b's trimmed off","Ýpop a\npush [0 .. a]","Þpop a\npush stringified float(a)","ßextract smallest element of list","àextract greatest element of list","ápop a\npush only letters of a","âpop a,b\npush cartesian product","ãpop (a,)b\npush cartesian product of b.repeat(2) if b is list, else cartesian product of a.repeat(b)","äpop a,b\npush a sliced into b pieces\n\n.ä\npop a\ndebug printer (cp1252)","åpop a,b\npush b in a\n\n.å\npop a,b\npush b in a (vectorized results)","æpop a\npush powerset(a)","çpop a\npush char a","èpop a,b\npush a[b]","épop a\npush sorted a (key=length)","êpop a\npush sorted_uniquified(a)","ëelse statement","ìpop a,b\npush merged(b, a) if both are lists, else a.prepend(b)","ípop a\npush [reversed Q for Q in a] (short for €R)","îpop a\npush round_up(a)","ïpop a\npush int(a)\n\n.ï\npop a\npush is int(a)","ðpush a space character","ñpop a,b,c\npush a + b merged with c as merge character","òpop a\npush round to nearest integer(a) (bankers rounding)\n\n.ò\npop a,b\nround a with b digits precision (bankers rounding)","ópop a\npush round_down(a)","ôpop a,b\npush a split in pieces of b","õpush empty string","öpop a,b\npush int(a, b)","÷pop a,b\npush a // b (integer division)","øpop (a,)b\npush zipped b if b is list, else zipped a with b\n\n.ø\npop a,b\nsurround a with b","ùpop a,b\npush a with elements of length b","úpop a,b\npush a padded with b spaces in the front","ûpop a\npush palindromized(a), 12345 becomes 123454321 (a + a[::-1][1:])","üpairwise command (vectorizes if the first element is a list)","ýpop (a),b\npush b.join(a) if a is list, else b.join(stack)","þpop a\npush only digits of a","ÿused for string interpolation, pop a and replace ÿ with str(a)",".two char functions","žtwo char functions"] +,lbs=["ǝpop a,b,c\ninsert b into a on location c\n\n.ǝ\npop a\nprint a to STDERR","ʒpop a\nfilter a when the result of code == 1: usage ʒCODE}","αpop a,b\npush absolute difference of a and b","βpop a,b\npush a converted from base b (arbitrary)","γpop a\npush a split into chunks of consecutive equal elements","δpop a,b\nget the next command, push double vectorized command","εpop a\napply each on a: usage εCODE}","ζpop a,(b)\npush zipped a with filler b (standardized to space)","ηpop a\npush prefixes(a)","θpop a\npush a[-1]","вpop a,b\npush a converted to base b (arbitrary)","иpop a,b\npush a n-repeat (list-multiply) b","мpop a,b\npush a.remove(all elements of b)","нpop a\npush a[0]","тpush 100","Δpop a\nrepeat CODE until a doesn't change: usage ΔCODE}","Θpop a\npush 05AB1E truthified a (a == 1)","Σpop a\nsort a by the result of code: usage ΣCODE}","Ωpop a\npush random_pick(a)","≠pop a\npush 05AB1E falsified a (a != 1)","∊pop a\npush vertically mirrored a\n\n.∊\npop a\npush intersected vertical mirror a","∍pop a,b\npush a extended/shortened to length b","∞pop a\npush mirrored a\n\n.∞\npop a\npush intersected mirror a","₁push 256","₂push 26","₃push 95","₄push 1000","!pop a,\npush factorial(a)","\"start/end string literal","#pop a\nif true: break/end (used in infinite loops)\n\npop a\nif contains spaces, split on spaces","$push 1 and input (used for sequences)","%pop a,b\npush (a % b)","&pop a,b\npush a AND b","'push char ( 'a pushes \"a\" )","(pop a\npush -a",")wrap total stack to an array","*pop a,b\npush (a * b)","+pop a,b\npush (a + b)",",pop a\nprint(a)","-pop a,b\npush (a - b)","/pop a,b\npush (a / b)","0numeric literal\n\n.0\n\nthrow a division by zero error","1numeric literal","2numeric literal","3numeric literal","4numeric literal","5numeric literal","6numeric literal","7numeric literal","8numeric literal","9numeric literal",":pop a,b,c\na.replace(b, c) / infinite replacement\n\n.:\npop a,b,c\npush a.replace(b, c)",";pop a\npush a / 2\n\n.;\npop a,b,c\npush a.replace_first(b, c)","pop a\npush a + 1","?pop a\nprint a no newline","@pop a\npop and push the element at index a in the stack (leftmost element = index 0)","Apush 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'\n\nžA\npush 512","Bpop a,b\npush base(a, b)\n\nžB\npush 1024","Cpop a\npush int(a, 2)\n\nžC\npush 2048","Dpop a\npush a, a\n\nžD\npush 4096","Epush eval(input())\n\nžE\npush 8192","Fpop a\nfor N in range(0, a) { }: F(commands)} / N = variable\n\nžF\npush 16384","Gpop a\nfor N in range(1, a) { }: F(commands)} / N = variable\n\nžG\npush 32768","Hpop a\npush int(a, 16)\n\nžH\npush 65536","Ipush input()\n\nžI\npush 2147483648","Jpop a\npush ''.join(a) if a is list / if not, then push ''.join(stack)\n\nžJ\npush 4294967296","Kpop a,b\npush a with no b's\n\nžK\npush [a-zA-Z0-9]","Lpop a\npush [1 .. a]\n\nžL\npush [z-aZ-A9-0]","Mpush the largest number in the stack\n\nžM\npush aeiou","Nreserved for variables\n\nžN\npush bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz","Opop (a)\npush total sum of a if a is list, else total sum of stack\n\nžO\npush aeiouy","Ppop (a)\npush total product of a if a is list, else total product of stack\n\nžP\npush bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz","Qpop a,b\npush a == b (bool)\n\nžQ\npush printable ASCII character set (32-128)","Rpop a\npush reversed(a)\n\nžR\npush ABC","Spop a\npush all chars a seperate\n\n.S\npop a,b\npush 1 if a > b, -1 if a < b, 0 if a == b ","Tpush 10","Upop a\nassign X to a","Vpop a\nassign Y to a\n\n.V\npop a\nrun as 05AB1E code","Wpush min(a) without popping\n\n.W\npop a\nwait a milliseconds","Xinteger variable","Yinteger variable","Zpush max(a) without popping","[infinite loop start","\\delete last item","]close all loops and if statements","^pop a,b\npush a XOR b\n\n.^\npop a\ninsert a into global array with immediate sorting and after quit, print array[input_1]","_pop a\npush negative bool","`pop a\npush all the items of a into the stack","apop a\npush is_alpha(a)\n\nža\npush current hours","bpop a\npush bin(a)\n\nžb\npush current minutes","cpop a,b\npush a nCr b\n\nžc\npush current seconds","dpop a\npush is_number(a)\n\nžd\npush current microseconds","epop a,b\npush a nPr b\n\nže\npush current day","fpop a\npush list of prime factors (no duplicates)\n\nžf\npush current month","gpop a\npush length of a\n\nžg\npush current year","hpop a\npush hex(a)\n\nžh\npush [0-9]","ipop a\nif statement: iTHEN}: if true { then }\n\nži\npush [a-zA-Z]","jpop a\nSame as J, with each substring right justified w/ a length of b\n\nžj\npush [a-zA-Z0-9_]","kpop a,b\npush 0-indexed index of b in a (-1 when not found)\n\nžk\npush [z-aZ-A]","lpop a\npush lower_case(a)\n\nžl\npush [z-aZ-A9-0_]","mpop a,b\npush a**b\n\nžm\npush [9-0]","npop a\npush a**2\n\nžn\npush [A-Za-z]","opop a\npush 2**a\n\nžo\npush [Z-Az-a]","ppop a\npush isPrime(a)\n\nžp\npush [Z-A]","qterminates the program\n\nžq\npush pi","rreverse stack\n\nžr\npush e","spop a,b\npush b,a\n\nžs\npop a, push pi to a digits (max. 100000)","tpop a\npush sqrt(a)\n\nžt\npop a, push e to a digits (max. 10000)","upop a\npush upper_case(a)\n\nžu\npush ()<>[]{}","vpop a\nrange loop: for y in a (y = string, N = index)\n\nžv\npush 16","wwait one second\n\nžw\npush 32","xpop a\npush a, a * 2\n\nžx\npush 64","ypush string variable (used in mapping loops)\n\nžy\npush 128","zpop a\npush 1 / a\n\nžz\npush 256","{pop a\npush sorted a","|push the rest of input as an array with strings","}close a single if statement, loop, etc.","~pop a,b\npush a OR b","Ƶconvert the next char from base 255 to base 10 and add 101","€pop a\napply next command for each in a\n\n.€\npop a\ndebug printer (default encoding, fallbacks on cp1252)","Λpop a,b,c\nstore a canvas with {a: num, b: filler, c: pattern} (todo: docs)\n\n.Λ\npop a,b,c\nstore a canvas with {a: num, b: filler, c: pattern} and push the string to the stack","‚pop a,b\npush [a, b]","ƒpop a\npush for N in range(0, a + 1)","„2 char string / can also be used for 2 compressed strings","…3 char string / can also be used for 3 compressed strings","†pop a,b\npush a with b filtered to the front","‡pop a,b,c\npush a.transliterate(b -> c)","ˆpop a\nadd to global array\n\n.ˆ\npop a\ninsert a into global array and after quit, print array[input_1]","‰pop a,b\npush a divmod b","Špop a,b,c\npush c,a,b","‹pop a,b\npush a < b","Œpop a\npush substrings(a)\n\n.Œ\npop a,b\npush all possible ways to divide a into b pieces","Ćpop a\npush enclosed a: a + a[0]","Žbreak/end if stack is empty","ƶpop a\npush lifted a, each element is multiplied by its index (1-indexed)","Āpop a\npush truthified a","‘for compressed strings (upper)","’for compressed strings (no implicit space)","“for compressed strings (normal)","”for compressed strings (title)","•start/end a 1-9 char compressed string\n\n.•\n\ndecompress a base 255 alphabet based string","–pop a\nif 1, print N (used in loops)","—pop a\nif 1, print y (used in loops)","˜pop a\npush deep flattened a","™pop a\npush title_cased(a)","špop a\npush switch_cased(a)","›pop a,b\npush a > b","œpop a\npush permutations(a)\n\n.œ\npop a\npush partitions(a)","ćpop a\npush head_extracted a: a[1:], a[0] ","Ÿpop (a),b\npush [a, ..., b] if b not a list, otherwise push [b[0],...,b[1],...,b[n]]","āget a\npush range(1, len(a) + 1)","¡pop a,b\npush a.split(b)","¢pop a,b\npush a.count(b)","£pop a,b\npush a[0:b]\n\n.£\npop a,b\npush a[:-b]","¤get a\npush tail(a)","¥pop a\npush delta's a\n\n.¥\npop a\npush undelta a","¦pop a\npush a[1:]","§pop a\npush str(a)","¨pop a\npush a[0:-1]","©get a\nstore a in register_c without popping","ªpop a\npush sentence_cased(a)","«pop a,b\npush merged(a,b) if both are lists, else push concatenated(a, b)\n\n.«\nfoldr\nfolds a dyadic command between each element in a list from right to left","¬get a\npush head(a)","®push the last item from register_c","¯push global array","°pop a\npush 10 ** a","±pop a\npush bitwise not a","²push the second item from the input history\n\n.²\npop a\npush log_2(a)","³push the third item from the input history","´clear global array","µpop a\nwhile counter_variable != a, do...","¶push newline character","·pop a\npush 2 * a","¸pop a\npush [a]","¹push the first item from the input history","ºpush len(stack) > 0","»pop (a)\nif list, join list by newlines, else join stack by newlines\n\n.»\nfoldl\nfolds a dyadic command between each element in a list from right to left with opposite right/left operands","¼counter_variable += 1\n\n.¼\npop a\ntan(a)","½pop a,\nif 1, then counter_variable += 1\n\n.½\npop a\nsin(a)","¾push counter_variable\n\n.¾\npop a\ncos(a)","¿pop (a),b\npush gcd(b) if b is list, else push gcd([b, a])\n\n.¿\npop (a),b\npush lcm(b) if b is list, else push lcm(b, a)","Àpop a\npush a rotated 1 left\n\n.À\n\nrotate stack 1 left","Ápop a\npush a rotated 1 right\n\n.Á\n\nrotate stack 1 right","Âpop a\npush a, reversed(a)","Ãpop a,b\npush a.keep(b)","Äpop a\npush abs(a)","Ålist commands","Æpop a\npush reduced_substraction(a) if a is list, else reduced_substraction(stack)","Çpop a\npush ASCII value of a","Èpop a\npush a % 2 == 0 (is even)","Épop a\npush a % 2 == 1 (is uneven)","Êpop a,b\npush a != b","Ëpop a\npush 1 if all equal else 0","Ìpop a\npush a + 2","Ípop a\npush a - 2","Îpush 0 and input","Ïpop a,b\npush the elements from a at which the same index at b is 1","Ðpop a\ntriplicate top of stack (push a, push a, push a)","Ñpop a\npush divisors(a)","Òpop a\npush list of prime factors (with duplicates)","Ópop a\npush list of exponents of prime factors (2^a, 3^b, 5^c, 7^d, etc.)","Ôpop a\npush connected uniquified a","Õpop a\npush euler_totient(a)","Öpop a,b\npush a % b == 0","×pop a,b\npush a × b (strings)\n\n.×\npop a,b\npush the list a repeated b times","Øpop a\npush ath prime (zero-indexed)\n\n.Ø\npop a\npush 0-indexed number of the greatest prime ≤ a","Ùpop a\npush uniquified a","Úpop a\npush reverse uniquified a","Ûpop a,b\npush a with leading b's trimmed off","Üpop a,b\npush a with trailing b's trimmed off","Ýpop a\npush [0 .. a]","Þpop a\npush stringified float(a)","ßget a\nextract smallest element of list","àget a\nextract greatest element of list","ápop a\npush only letters of a","âpop a,b\npush cartesian product","ãpop (a),b\npush cartesian product of b.repeat(2) if b is list, else cartesian product of a.repeat(b)","äpop a,b\npush a sliced into b pieces\n\n.ä\npop a\ndebug printer (cp1252)","åpop a,b\npush b in a\n\n.å\npop a,b\npush b in a (vectorized results)","æpop a\npush powerset(a)\n\n.æ\npop a\ncompute permutations by function, usage: .æ}","çpop a\npush char a","èpop a,b\npush a[b]","épop a\npush sorted a (key=length)","êpop a\npush sorted_uniquified(a)","ëelse statement","ìpop a,b\npush merged(b, a) if both are lists, else a.prepend(b)","ípop a\npush [reversed Q for Q in a] (short for €R)","îpop a\npush round_up(a)","ïpop a\npush int(a)\n\n.ï\npop a\npush is int(a)","ðpush a space character","ñpop a,b,c\npush a + b merged with c as merge character","òpop a\npush round to nearest integer(a) (bankers rounding)\n\n.ò\npop a,b\nround a with b digits precision (bankers rounding)","ópop a\npush round_down(a)","ôpop a,b\npush a split in pieces of b","õpush empty string","öpop a,b\npush int(a, b)","÷pop a,b\npush a // b (integer division)","øpop (a),b\npush zipped b if b is list, else zipped a with b\n\n.ø\npop a,b\nsurround a with b","ùpop a,b\npush a with elements of length b","úpop a,b\npush a padded with b spaces in the front","ûpop a\npush palindromized(a), 12345 becomes 123454321 (a + a[::-1][1:])","üpairwise command (vectorizes if the first element is a list)","ýpop (a),b\npush b.join(a) if a is list, else b.join(stack)","þpop a\npush only digits of a","ÿused for string interpolation, pop a and replace ÿ with str(a)",".\ntwo char functions","ž\ntwo char functions"] ,bqk=''.replace(/∙/g,'') ,bqv=''.replace(/∙/g,'') ,tc={},bqc={} //tab completions and ` completions @@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ let lbh='';for(let i=0;i') for(let j=0;j'+lbs[i][0]+'' + lbh+=''+lbs[i][0]+'' } let d=document,el=d.createElement('div');el.innerHTML= `
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