From 43662e31326e94c38790c46a4c5bde94222e9512 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Ad=C3=A1m=20Brudzewsky?= Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2025 16:03:33 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Category cleanup work --- table.tsv | 46 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-) diff --git a/table.tsv b/table.tsv index 0497be8..6bc4510 100644 --- a/table.tsv +++ b/table.tsv @@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ M(≠⌿≤)N Is N within the range [ 1⌷M , 2⌷M ) or [ 2⌷M , 1⌷M ) ? Tac Xs@(Ys∘=)Y Replacing all values Ys in Y with Xs Tacit Monadic Function Dyadic Operator Structural substitute merge amend replace update Ms(+,-)Ns Ms±Ns Tacit Dyadic Function Mathematical plusminus Ms(-,+)Ns Ms∓Ns Tacit Dyadic Function Mathematical minusplus -(+/,)N Sum all elements in an array Tacit Monadic Function Arithmetic sumall +⌿, grandtotal sumitems cells items +(+/,)N Sum all elements in an array Tacit Monadic Function Mathematical sumall +⌿, grandtotal sumitems cells items (+/,)B Number of trues Tacit Monadic Function Boolean/Logical sumall howmanytrue count tally 1s ones truths Xs(,,⍤0)Yv Inserting Xs before each element of Yv Tacit Dyadic Function Structural cell item interleave alternate Xv(,,⍤0)Yv Merging equal-length vectors Xv and Yv alternately Tacit Dyadic Function Structural faro weave dovetail the technique zipper zipping merge interweave interweaving interleave interleaving shuffle shuffling meshing lists zip() zip zipwith() zip-with zipwith @@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@ Mm(1 3 2 4⍉∘.×)Nm Direct matrix product Tacit Dyadic Function Mathematical (≢÷1⊥÷)N Harmonic mean Tacit Monadic Function Mathematical average subcontrary H() HM() harmonicmean (⊥⍨0=⌽)Bv Count of leading zeros Tacit Monadic Function Boolean/Logical 0s zeroes falses at start beginning Mv(1⊥∘|-)Nv Manhattan distance between two points in N-space Tacit Dyadic Function Mathematical taxicab L1 L-1 L1-distance ℓ1 ℓ-1 ℓ₁ L¹ d() -(3600÷⍨60∘⊥)Ns Convert hours,minutes,seconds to decimal degrees/hours Tacit Monadic Function Data Conversion dms hms hrs hs degs arcminutes arcseconds amins asecs represent split combined ∘'" °′″ coordinates location position +(3600÷⍨60∘⊥)Ns Convert hours,minutes,seconds to decimal degrees/hours Tacit Monadic Function Data Conversion dms hms hrs hs degs arcminutes arcseconds amins asecs represent split combined ∘'" °′″ coordinates location position Is(+⌿⊥⍣¯1)J Base-Is digit sum Tacit Dyadic Function Mathematical digital (¯1⊥¨⍪⍀)N An array that begins with 1↑N and has pair-wise sums 1↓N Tacit Monadic function Mathematical 2+⌿⍣¯1⊢ 2+/⍣¯1⊢ inverse pairwise summation (1∘⎕C≠⊢)D Are characters of D lowercase? Tacit Monadic Function Text is lower-case? small? minuscules? minuscule? string @@ -1067,7 +1067,7 @@ Is(,∘≢⍴⊢)Yv Forming an Is-row matrix with all rows being Yv Tacit Dyadic (1,⍨2≠/⊢)Yv Which elements differ from next ones (non-empty Yv) Tacit Monadic Function Comparison testif neighbouring neightbors neighboring neighbours neighbors righthand cells items 1s trues truths (~∨/∘,)B Are none true? Tacit Monadic Function Boolean/Logical testif theredoesnotexist ∄ Xs(1↓∘,,⍤0)Yv Join scalar elements of vector Yv with separator Xs Tacit Dyadic Function Structural interpose intersperse interposing interspersing combine merge flat list .join() joiner joining merging combining intersperse between interject inserting interspersing segmented separated delimiter -X(⊢∘≢↑⍪)Y Shift before: Inserting X at front/left/top of Y, pushing corresponding cells off the back/right/bottom edge Tacit Dyadic function Strurctural » pushing +X(⊢∘≢↑⍪)Y Shift before: Inserting X at front/left/top of Y, pushing corresponding cells off the back/right/bottom edge Tacit Dyadic function Structural » pushing Bs(⊢⊃⍨1+⊣)Yv Picking one of two values according to Bs Tacit Dyadic Function Selection Choosing choose (?∘≢⊃⊢)Yv Pick random item from vector Tacit Monadic Function Selection selectrandom list cell element Is(↑,⍥⊂↓)Y Cutting Y at offset Is Tacit Dyadic Function Structural headtail splitting divide dividing separate separating first leading remaining index position head of length and tail @@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@ Ms(⊢⊥⍨1+⊣)N Future value of cash flows N at interest Ms Tacit Dyadic Fun 2∘(+⌿⊥⍣¯1)J Hamming weight Tacit Monadic Function Mathematical population popcount sideways summation count() bitcount() cardinality() popcnt() bitsum() pcnt() ones 1s trues truths (|¯11|1⊥+\)Jv ISBN check digit generator from ten first digits Jv Tacit Monadic Function Mathematical InternationalStandardBookNumber correct validate 1st (2⊥1⊖2⊥⍣¯1⊢)Js Survivor number in the Josephus problem of order Js Tacit Monadic Function Mathematical flavius winnner remaining person surviving winning permutation -(××0 60 60⊤3600×|)Ns Convert decimal degrees/hours to hours,minutes,seconds Tacit Monadic Function Data Conversion dms hms hrs hs degs arcminutes arcseconds amins asecs represent split combined ∘'" °′″ coordinates location position +(××0 60 60⊤3600×|)Ns Convert decimal degrees/hours to hours,minutes,seconds Tacit Monadic Function Data Conversion dms hms hrs hs degs arcminutes arcseconds amins asecs represent split combined ∘'" °′″ coordinates location position Iv(⊢⊤⍨10*⊣)J Decoding numeric codes J packed with field widths Iv (ZYYYZZZ:1 3 2) Tacit Dyadic Function Data Conversion unpack converting change changing (⌹≡⍉∘+)Nm Is Nm a Unitary matrix? Tacit Monadic Function Mathematical testif Unitary? (11=∘⎕DR 2∘⌿)Y Is Y Boolean? Tacit Monadic Function Array Properties testif binary base-2 base2 @@ -1244,7 +1244,7 @@ M(+-×)N Probabilistic OR Tacit Dyadic Function Mathematical fuzzy probability Iv{1+⍺∘⊥¨⍵-1}Jv Ravel order indices of elements at indices Jv in an array of dimensions Jv Tacit Dyadic Function Index Generation ravelorderindex axes (↑⍴¨∘'⎕')J Bar chart Tacit Monadic Function Mathematical curve graph plotting Cv(⊣,(⎕UCS 10),⊢)Dv Join lines with line feed (LF) Tacit Dyadic Function Text combine glue linefeed newline 0x0A U+0A U+000A string -(⊢2⎕NQ#'GetBuildID',⊂)Dv Checksum of file Dv Tacit Monadic Function hashing +(⊢2⎕NQ#'GetBuildID',⊂)Dv Checksum of file Dv Tacit Monadic Function System hashing (⊢2⎕NQ#'GetEnvironment',⊂)D Get the value of one or more configuration parameters Tacit Monadic Function System query envvars cmdline shell call startup values settings registry entries cli environment variables command line Xm↑⍤1⍨∘⊃∘⌽∘⍴⍨Ym Widening matrix Ym to be compatible with Xm Tacit Dyadic Function Structural adjust width table M(¯1+⊣*∘÷⍨1+⊢)N Annual rate to modal rate Tacit Dyadic Function Mathematical @@ -1253,7 +1253,7 @@ Is(×∘×⍨∘≢↑↓)Y Shifting Y Is positions forward/left/up (if Is is po (⌽⍤⍴⍴1↑⍨1+≢)Nm Identity matrix of shape of matrix Nm Tacit Monadic Function Mathematical diagonal table ident() id() I() (⊢⍴⍨2,⍨2÷⍨≢)Yv Reshaping vector Yv into a two-column matrix Tacit Monadic Function Structural 2-column table list Is(⊢↑⍨⊢∘≢,⊣)Ym Adjust Ym to width Is (positive Is to pad/chop on right, negative Is to pad/chop on left) Tacit Dyadic Function Structural fill limit -X(⊢∘-∘≢↑⍪⍨)Y Shift after: Appending X at back/right/bottom of Y, pushing corresponding cells off the front/left/top edge Tacit Dyadic function Strurctural « pushing +X(⊢∘-∘≢↑⍪⍨)Y Shift after: Appending X at back/right/bottom of Y, pushing corresponding cells off the front/left/top edge Tacit Dyadic function Structural « pushing (1/⍨∘,1,∘⍪-)Nv Boolean gaps of lengths Nv after each one Tacit Monadic Function Boolean/Logical runs binary base-2 base2 contiguous (⊂⍤?⍨∘≢⌷⊢)Y Shuffle major cells Tacit Monadic Function Selection mix randomize randomise list order items elements Is(⊣,⊣+∘⍳-⍨)Js Consecutive integers from Is to Js (Is≤Js) Tacit Dyadic Function Mathematical arithmetic progression sequence inclusiverange seq() sequence … ... values between @@ -1563,9 +1563,9 @@ cmat←dfns.displays array Boxed display of array with axis lengths Dfn Function cmat←dfns.displayr array Boxed display of array with axis lengths and subarray depths Dfn Function Text displayofarrays boxing box-drawingcharacters boxdrawingcharacters sub-array dimension enclosed string cmat←dfns.tfmt tree Character matrix from tree(s) Dfn Function Data Conversion treesformatting table converting change changing cmats←dfns.queens N The N-Queens Problem Dfn Function Mathematical diversions chesspuzzle treesearching purefunction YouTube NQueens -cnos←file dfns.filefind string Find 'string' ⍵ in component file ⍺ Dfn Function Component Files componentfile text +cnos←file dfns.filefind string Find 'string' ⍵ in component file ⍺ Dfn Function System componentfile text code←dfns.morse text Conversion to/from Morse code Dfn Function Data Conversion Morsecode converting change changing string -coded←dfns.base64 plain Base64 encoding and decoding as used in MIME Dfn Function Representation Base64encoding +coded←dfns.base64 plain Base64 encoding and decoding as used in MIME Dfn Function Data Representation Base64encoding d←L dfns.dist R Levenshtein distance Dfn Function Mathematical edit stringcomparison fuzzy dvec←dfns.stdists tree Spanning-tree path lengths Dfn Function Structural graph spanningtree digs←alph dfns.adic numb Bijective base-⍺ numeration Dfn Function Mathematical k-adicnumbers shortlex bijectivenumeration unary kadicnumbers spreadsheet Excel columns labels titles @@ -1749,7 +1749,7 @@ M{⍵⊤⍨↑⍬⍺}N Integer quotient and remainder (new leading length-2 axis Cv{≢⍺⎕S 3⊢⍵}Dv Count number of matches for PCRE regex Cv in Dv Dfn Dyadic Function Text regexp tally occurrences perlcompatibleregularexpression string regular expression nmats←{sreq←1} dfns.kt (rows cols) Knight's Tour Chess Problem Dfn Function Mathematical chesspuzzle knight'stour knightstour graph treesearching diversions torus pnum←{fmt←1} (dfns.phinary) nums Phinary representation of numbers ⍵ Dfn Function Mathematical goldenmean goldenrectangle phinarynumber -{lines}←{defs←default} dfns.turtle cmds Flying-turtle graphics Dfn Function GUI Turtlegraphics L-Systems fractal palindrome Flyingturtle polyhedron LSystems +{lines}←{defs←default} dfns.turtle cmds Flying-turtle graphics Dfn Function Graphical Output Turtlegraphics L-Systems fractal palindrome Flyingturtle polyhedron LSystems Bv{⍺⍀⍺⌿⍵}Y Replacing major cells of Y not satisfying Bv with prototypical cells Dfn Dyadic Function Structural blanks spaces 0s zeroes zeros fill substitute merge aamend replace update items elements indicate masking indicating zeroes falses falsehoods Xv(+/∧\⍤=)Yv Count number of leading elements that are equal between two vectors of equal length Dfn Dyadic Function Comparison prefix matching onleft items start beginning match Xv(+/∧\⍤≠)Yv Count number of leading elements that are unequal between two vectors of equal length Dfn Dyadic Function Comparison prefix different onleft items start beginning differ @@ -1821,7 +1821,7 @@ X{(⊂1⎕JSON¨⍺)⎕NPUT⍵}Dv Convert APL vector X to JSON Lines file Dv Dfn Is{⍺=-⍨/¨⍳2⍴⍵}Jv Is-diagonal matrix of size Jv (n or m,n) Dfn Dyadic Function Mathematical general k-diagonal {⍵\⍨1 0⍴⍨⊃⌽⍴⍵}D Spacing out text Dfn Monadic Function Text insert blanks expanded spaces string Av{⍵⌷⍨⊂⌽⍒+\⍺}Y Reversal (⊖) of each subvector of Y indicated by Av (fast ∊⌽¨Av⊂Yv) Dfn Dyadic Function Structural quick speedy performance optimised optimized partitioned partitions segmented segments sub-vectors subvectors subarrays sub-arrays sub-lists sublists reverse flip separated separator delimiter -X{⍺.##=⍵.##}Y Are X and Y sibling objects? Dfn Dyadic Function Systems testif siblings? sameparents +X{⍺.##=⍵.##}Y Are X and Y sibling objects? Dfn Dyadic Function System testif siblings? sameparents Is{⍵⌿⍨0=⍺|⍳≢⍵}Y Taking every Is'th major cell of Y Dfn Dyadic Function Selection nth element item Is{⍵⌿⍨0≠⍺|⍳≢⍵}Y Remove every Is'th cell of Y Dfn Dyadic Function Selection filter item element removing erasing erase eliminate eliminating delete deleting X{⍵⌿⍨⍺∊⍨⊣/⍵}Ym Rows of non-empty matrix Y starting with an element in X Dfn Dyadic Function Selection cell item table @@ -1890,7 +1890,7 @@ Is{⍵⍪(⍺-≢⍵)⌿¯1↑⍵}Y Extending Y with last cell of Y to length Is X{⍺⌿⍨(≢⍵)≥⍵⍳⍺}Y Intersection (∩) on major cells for any rank Dfn Dyadic Function Sets setand higher high-rank any-rank highrank anyrank items elements Xv{(≢⊃⍵)≥⍵(8⌶)⍺}Yv Inverted Table Member of (X∊⍥↓Y where X and Y are unverted Xv and Yv) Dfn Dyadic Function Sets Cv{~⍺'$'⎕S 3⍠'ML'1⊢⍵}Dv Indicate which lines of Dv have a match for regular expression Cv Dfn Dyadic Function Text find has? match? contains? search testif string regex regexp mask Boolean -{⍵⌷⍨⊂0~⍨⊢/0,⊢⌸⍵}Y Modes: most frequently occuring major cells Dfn Monadic Function Set items elements average +{⍵⌷⍨⊂0~⍨⊢/0,⊢⌸⍵}Y Modes: most frequently occuring major cells Dfn Monadic Function Sets items elements average kmap←{xk←(⊂,⊂∘kind)⎕NL-⍳10} dfns.kk fnop Kind Koloring of d-fnop named ⍵ Dfn Function Text namecolouring coloring Kolouring parsing Bunda-Gerthparser polymorphism selfie BundaGerthparser coloring tokens types syntax syntactic string {0::⎕DMX⊣⎕DMX.(⎕EX⎕NL)2 ⋄ .}Y New root namespace (Y is ignored) Dfn Monadic Function System own parent ancestor self-contained Iv{⍵/⍨~⍺∊⍨⍳⊃⌽⍴⍵}Y Remove columns Iv from array Y Dfn Dyadic Function Selection except without butnot remove removing erasing erase eliminate eliminating delete deleting @@ -2048,7 +2048,7 @@ Iv{⍵⍴⍨⍺×@(<∘0)⍨(×/⍴⍵)÷×/⍺~0}Y Reshape (⍴) Y to shape Iv, {⌽⊃¨{⍵,⍨⊂1↓+\⊃⍵}⍣(⍵-1)⊂⍵↑1}Js First Js Catalan numbers (number of ways to nest Js pairs of parentheses) Dfn Monadic Function Mathematical numbers dyck words binary trees mountain ranges Iv{(⍳(≢⍵)++/⍺)∊+\1+¯1↓0,⍺\⍨1⌽⍵}Bv Expansion vector (left argument for \ or ⍀) to insert Iv[i] elements after i'th subvector (subvectors indicated by Bv) Dfn Dyadic Function Structural expand openup major cells rows items lists {⍺←⎕UCS 10 ⋄ 1↓(,1,⌽∨\⌽' '≠⍵)/,⍺,⍵}Cm Linefeed-separated character vector constructed from the rows of Dm (which must be of depth 1) with trailing spaces removed Dfn Monadic Function Structural text dtb blanks lists ending split from table matrix to removing delimited segmented LF newline string segmented MATtoSS separated separator delimiter -{r⊣{2|⍵:1+3×⍵ ⋄ ⍵÷2}⍣{1=r,←⍵}⍵⊣r←⍬}Js Collatz sequence for positive integer Js Dfn Monadic Function Mahtematical hailstone series Ulam conjecture Kakutani's problem Thwaites Hasse's algorithm 3n+1 Syracuse wondrousnumber +{r⊣{2|⍵:1+3×⍵ ⋄ ⍵÷2}⍣{1=r,←⍵}⍵⊣r←⍬}Js Collatz sequence for positive integer Js Dfn Monadic Function Mathematical hailstone series Ulam conjecture Kakutani's problem Thwaites Hasse's algorithm 3n+1 Syracuse wondrousnumber Xv{'`\d+`'⎕R(⍕⍺⊃⍨∘⍎1↓¯1↓⍎∘'Match')⍵}Dv Replace backtick-quoted (e.g. `1`) indices in Dv with elements from Xv Dfn Dyadic Function Text strings variable characters charvector charvecs interpolation substitution expansion template literals string Iv{(⍳+/Iv,Jv)∊+\1+¯1↓0,⍵\⍨(⍳+/Iv)∊+\Iv}Jv Vector (Iv[1]⍴1),(Jv[1]⍴0),(Iv[2]⍴1),… Dfn Dyadic Function Boolean/Logical sequence list alternating bits 1s 0s ones zeros zeroes falses falsehoods trues truths Is{⍺>⍵:0 ⋄ ⊃⌽⊃(+\×)/1,⍨⌽⍺,/⍳⍵-1}Js Count permutations of a set of Js objects that have Is cycles: s(Js,Is) Dfn Dyadic Function Mathematical combinatorics ways to permute disjoint Stirling numbers first kind @@ -2116,7 +2116,7 @@ f@{B}Y Where: Execute f on condition B mask Dop Dyadic Function Monadic Operator vec←(fun dfns.traj) arg Function limit 'trajectory' Dop Monadic Operator Mathematical debugging Newton-Raphson sequence NewtonRaphson vect←(fn dfns.ascan) vect Associative vector scan Dop Monadic Operator Function Application scanoperators list scanning cvec←larg (fn dfns.nats) rarg Natural number arithmetic Dop Monadic Operator Mathematical naturalnumber infiniteprecision expressiontransformation -indx←(fun dfns.bsearch) range Binary search Dop Monadic Operator Lookup binarysearch Boolean base-2 base2 +indx←(fun dfns.bsearch) range Binary search Dop Monadic Operator Index Generation binarysearch Boolean base-2 base2 rslt←b (f dfns.kcell) p Relationship between point and k-cell Dop Monadic Operator Mathematical boundary hypercube rslt←count (fun dfns.pow) argt Function power Dop Monadic Operator Function Application poweroperator functionpower fibonaccinumber rslt←ival (func dfns.foldl) vals Fold (reduce) from the left Dop Monadic Operator Function Application reduction typenotation reducing folding @@ -2157,11 +2157,11 @@ rslt←{larg) (op dfns.redblack) rarg Red-black trees Dop Monadic Operator Stru rslt←{larg)(op dfns.avl) rarg Adelson-Velskii, Landis (AVL) trees Dop Monadic Operator Structural binarysearchtree typenotation expressiontransformation rslt←{left} (fun dfns.saw) right Apply function Simple-Array-Wise Dop Monadic Operator Function Application simplearraywise rslt←{x} (u dfns.Cut case) y Cut operator Dop Dyadic Operator Structural gameoflife GoL ⌺ -rslt←(⍺⍺ dfns.each) array Fast each for pure operand function Dop Monadic Operator Function application purefunction +rslt←(⍺⍺ dfns.each) array Fast each for pure operand function Dop Monadic Operator Function Application purefunction res←{sin} (fvn dfns.roman) dex Roman numeral arithmetic Dop Monadic Operator Mathematical romannumerals numbersystem diversions -tvec←{larg} (fn rarg Balanced Ternary Arithmetic Dop Monadic Operator Representation balancedternary Setuncomputer TERNAC BurroughsB1700 +tvec←{larg} (fn rarg Balanced Ternary Arithmetic Dop Monadic Operator Data Representation balancedternary Setuncomputer TERNAC BurroughsB1700 z←{larg}(fn dfns.H)rarg Quaternion arithmetic Dop Monadic Operator Mathematical Hamiltonians -{mbrot←0}(cxfn dfns.cxdraw) zoom Complex function drawing Dop Monadic Operator Graphics complexnumbers unitcircle fixpoint Mandelbrotset dual under +{mbrot←0}(cxfn dfns.cxdraw) zoom Complex function drawing Dop Monadic Operator Graphical Output complexnumbers unitcircle fixpoint Mandelbrotset dual under X f{⍺⍺ ⍺ ⍵}Y Apply monadic function taking two-element argument as a dyadic function Dop Dyadic Function Monadic Operator Function Application calling running converting change changing switching valence arity into monad-to-dyad monadic-to-dyadic unary-to-binary commit←(⎕NS'') dfns.UndoRedo Derive undo/redo function Dop Monadic Operator Function Application state tree←{slant←1}(fn dfns.dft) spread Display of function tree Dop Monadic Operator System derivedfunction combinator hook fork box-drawingcharacters boxdrawingcharacters @@ -2297,8 +2297,8 @@ mantEexp Scaled Notation Syntax Array Expression exponent timestento mantissa s realJimag Complex Notation Syntax Array Expression plusitimes real imaginary number Cartesian ℂ ¯ Negative number indicator Syntax Array Expression macron highminus minus indicate sign masking indicating ○2 tau (2 pi) Constant Expression Circular/Trigonometric Palais'circleconstant Palais'constant Palaisconstant 6.283185307179586476925286766559006 τ 𝜏 -f/⍬ Identity element for function f Expression mathematical neutral ring unity -]name Invoke user command 'name' Non-syntax rightsquarebracket rightbracket usercommand ucmd calling running +f/⍬ Identity element for function f Expression Mathematical neutral ring unity +]name Invoke user command 'name' Non-syntax System rightsquarebracket rightbracket usercommand ucmd calling running int.frac Decimal Point Syntax Array Expression period rational Namespace Member Syntax Expression namespaceseparator dotinto point period ⍬⊤⍬ zero-by-zero numeric matrix Constant Expression 0⍴0 table empty void @@ -2423,7 +2423,7 @@ name: Label for → and :GoTo Syntax Control Structure System line number jump t )HOLDS List tokens currently held (acquired by :Hold) Non-syntax System Command synchronisation synchronization parallel threading greenthreading vector )OFF Terminate the session Non-syntax System Command exit repl stop close ⎕off )continue )SH cmd Execute cmd (cmd is mandatory on Windows, optional on UNIX) Non-syntax System Command shell os operatingsystem commandprocessor ⎕sh linux macos aix rasbianpios -)name invoke system command 'name' Non-syntax rightroundparentheses rightparenthesis systemcommand syscmd calling +)name invoke system command 'name' Non-syntax System rightroundparentheses rightparenthesis systemcommand syscmd calling 0=≡Y Fast: Is Y a Simple Scalar? Expression Performance Array Properties testif speed optimised optimized quick simple? idiom flat? 1=≡Y Fast: Is Y a Simple Non-scalar? Expression Performance Array Properties testif speed optimised optimized quick simple? nonscalar? idiom flat? ≢⍴Y Fast: The rank of Y as a scalar Expression Performance Array Properties speed optimised optimized quick numberofdimensions tensorrank dimensions axes idiom @@ -2639,11 +2639,11 @@ M⊃¨⊂Yv Fast: The subset of Yv in the index positions defined by M (equivale Av/⍳⍴Yv Fast: The positions in Yv corresponding to the 1s in Av Expression Performance Index Generation speed optimised optimized quick ones where trues truths idiom ~0∊⍴Y Fast: Is Y non-empty? Expression Performance Array Properties testif speed optimised optimized quick nonempty? hascontent? idiom ;X;Y;Z Tradfn/Tradop locals line localisation of names X, Y, Z (before first code) Syntax Definition localization shadow variables symbols identifiers scope stack frame scope localise localize declaration declare declaring 1st lines -]name -? Print help for user command 'name' Non-syntax rightsquarebracket rightbracket usercommand ucmd documentation instructions +]name -? Print help for user command 'name' Non-syntax System rightsquarebracket rightbracket usercommand ucmd documentation instructions ↓⍉↑Yv Fast: A nested vector comprising vectors that each correspond to a position in the original vectors of Yv – the first vector contains the first item from each vector in Yv, padded to be the same length as the largest vector, and so on Expression Performance Structural speed optimised optimized quick transpose transposing vtv cell element 1st lists unzip() remixing unzipping merging interweave interweaving interleave interleaving shuffle shuffling meshing idiom zipwith() zip-with zipwith clothesdryer clothes-dryer tumbler tumbledryer tumble-dryer washingmashine washing-machine ⌊0.5+N Fast: Round to nearest integer Expression Performance Mathematical speed optimised optimized quick int() idiom ... Syntax error to stop execution Non-syntax System halt -⎕NL-⍳9 List names of existing members Expression Workspace available active names namelist all types nameclasses name-classes everything +⎕NL-⍳9 List names of existing members Expression System workspace available active names namelist all types nameclasses name-classes everything 31↓⎕UCS⍳126 Printable ASCII Constant Expression Text characters string ⎕SE.Dyalog.Serial Y Set or query (if Y is empty) serial number Tradfn Monadic Function System report license licence licensing licencing get fetch renew initialise initialize serialnumber account dss+ unregistered unregistration deregistered deregistration name↓⍨←Js Fast: 'name' redefined to be its value without the -Js trailing major cells (only fast when Js is negative) Expression Performance Expression speed optimised optimized quick chop shorten strip drop rear end final last items elements tail curtail dimension idiom @@ -2788,7 +2788,7 @@ Mv(16808⌶)'Weibull'Jv Weibull distribution of shape Jv with parameters Mv (loc {name}⎕WC'Button' Selects an option (Windows only) GUI Object Action WindowsForms WinForms Create new checkbox check-box toggle radiobutton radio-button commandlink command-link split {name}⎕WC'Calendar' Displays a month calendar control (Windows only) GUI Object Input & Selection WindowsForms WinForms Create new copy paste insertfrom {name}⎕WC'Circle' Draws a circle (Windows only) GUI Object Graphical Output WindowsForms WinForms Create new -{name}⎕WC'Clipboard' Provides access to Windows clipboard (Windows only) GUI Object System Objects WindowsForms WinForms Create new +{name}⎕WC'Clipboard' Provides access to Windows clipboard (Windows only) GUI Object objects System WindowsForms WinForms Create new {name}⎕WC'ComboEx' Edit field with selectable list of choices (extended) (Windows only) GUI Object Input & Selection WindowsForms WinForms Create new vector {name}⎕WC'Combo' Edit field with selectable list of choices (Windows only) GUI Object Input & Selection WindowsForms WinForms Create new vector {name}⎕WC'ColorButton' Allows the user to select a colour (Windows only) GUI Object Input & Selection WindowsForms WinForms Create new @@ -2812,7 +2812,7 @@ Mv(16808⌶)'Weibull'Jv Weibull distribution of shape Jv with parameters Mv (loc {name}⎕WC'OLEClient' Provides access to OLE Automation objects (Windows only) GUI Object Miscellaneous WindowsForms WinForms Create new {name}⎕WC'OLEServer' Enables APL to act as an OLE Automation server (Windows only) GUI Object Miscellaneous WindowsForms WinForms Create new {name}⎕WC'Poly' Draws lines (Windows only) GUI Object Graphical Output WindowsForms WinForms Create new -{name}⎕WC'Printer' For hard-copy output (Windows only) GUI Object System Objects WindowsForms WinForms Create new +{name}⎕WC'Printer' For hard-copy output (Windows only) GUI Object objects System WindowsForms WinForms Create new {name}⎕WC'ProgressBar' Displays the progress of a lengthy operation (Windows only) GUI Object Information WindowsForms WinForms Create new {name}⎕WC'PropertyPage' Tabbed or paged container for other controls (Windows only) GUI Object Container Objects WindowsForms WinForms Create new {name}⎕WC'PropertySheet' Contains PropertyPages (Windows only) GUI Object Container Objects WindowsForms WinForms Create new