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Algolia plugin for Craft CMS

Algolia search-as-a-service integration for Craft CMS.


To install Algolia, follow these steps:

  1. Download & unzip the file and place the algolia directory into your craft/plugins directory
  2. Install plugin in the Craft Control Panel under Settings > Plugins

Algolia works on Craft 2.4.x and Craft 2.5.x.

Configuring Algolia

You’ll need to create a algolia.php configuration file in craft/config.

Please see sample configuration below.


namespace Craft;

return [

    'applicationId' => 'YOUR_ALGOLIA_APP_ID_HERE',
    'adminApiKey' => 'your_algolia_admin_api_key_here',
    'mappings' => [
            'indexName' => 'newsPosts',
            'elementType' => 'entry',
            'filter' => function(BaseElementModel $element) {
                return $element->section->handle == 'news';
            'transformer' => function(BaseElementModel $element) {
                return [
                    'title' => $element->title,
                    'body' => (string) $element->body,

Upgrade Note

If upgrading from version 0.1.0, you'll need to update your config.

You'll change the key indicies to mappings and you'll add the indexName child key to each mapping. So this:

    'indicies' => [
        'newsPosts' => [
            'elementType' => 'entry',

will become this:

    'mappings' => [
            'indexName' => 'newsPosts',
            'elementType' => 'entry',

Advanced Setting Configuration

Customizing Event Listeners

By default, this plugin only listens for one event:

    craft()->on('elements.onSaveElement', function (Event $event) {

However, you can easily customize which events you want to listen for via the 'init' config setting (available since version '0.2.0'). Here's an example of a custom 'init' key that can be added to your config:

    'adminApiKey' => 'your_algolia_admin_api_key_here',
    'init' => function(){
        //listen for element save events
        craft()->on('elements.onSaveElement', function (Event $event) {

        //listen for entry delete events
        craft()->on('entries.onDeleteEntry', function (Event $event) {
        //you can add other events here
    'mappings' => [

Prefix Your Indices

By default, your indexes are prefixed with your Craft Environment constant:

    'indexNamePrefix' => CRAFT_ENVIRONMENT.'_',

That prefix setting can be overridden in your config. The following would remove the prefix:

    'adminApiKey' => 'your_algolia_admin_api_key_here',
    'indexNamePrefix' => '',
    'init' => function(){

Limit Element Criteria for Command Imports

This can be used to specify which element criteria to use for each mapping when running batch import commands. If left blank, the plugin will try each of the elements for the specified element type.

    'mappings' => [
            'indexName' => 'newsPosts',
            'elementType' => 'entry',
            'elementCriteria' => [
                'section' => ['news']


There are a few helpful commands. If you don't already have a command script set up, you can place the included yiic file in the same directory as your craft directory. You can then run the commands by navigating to the location of the yiic file in a terminal and running php yiic algolia followed by the command name and options, if any.

Clear An Index Command

Clears and index by name. This will remove all entries from the specified index.

php yiic algolia clearIndex --name=some_index_name_here

Batch Import A Mapping

This will import the elements for the specified index.

php yiic algolia import --name=some_index_name_here

Batch Import All

This will import all elements for all of the indexes.

php yiic algolia importAll


  • Aaron Waldon / @aaronwaldon - Reworked the logic to allow multiple element types to map to an index and to be able to override the init method from the config. Also added a method to deindex elements and a command to clear an index.

  • Philippe Pérusse / @philperusse - Added the option to mass index elements with a command.