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Devergence Wallet

DEvergence Wallet is an Everscale DeBot for managing a Tezos wallet.


  1. Description
  2. Technical details
  3. Compile and deploy
  4. References


Decentralized Bots (or DeBots) are a unique feature of the Everscale blockchain. They look like Telegram bots, and allow you to create decentralized applications that reside entirely in the blockchain. Ever Surf - is currently the most powerful Everscale DeBot browser.

The previous experience of creating DeBots allowed to use them only with the Everscale blockchain. This project - DeBot for managing a Tezos wallet - shows that Everscale's DeBots can also be used to interact with the Tezos blockchain.


Devergence Wallet has the following features:

  • Show your address
  • Show your balance in TEZ
  • Show a QR-code to easily receive transfers
  • Transfer TEZ
  • Choose the target address manually
  • Chose the target address by scanning a QR-code
  • Check operation result
  • Automatically reveal a public key if required
  • Show the list of FA1.2 tokens that belong to your address
  • Show the balances of FA1.2 tokens
  • Send FA1.2 tokens
  • Choose network (2 endpoints added)
  • Request tokens using the cross-chain faucet (if deployed and set), see faucet

Technical details

Managing a Tezos wallet essentially means being able to sign transactions. JSON RPC can be used to send a signed transaction to the blockchain.

Signing schemes

Tezos supports 3 signing schemes. For implicit Tezos accounts, you can use the address prefix to determine which signature scheme for that account should be used.

The address prefixes and signing schemes as follows [1]:

Address prefix Signing scheme
tz1 Ed25519 - twisted Edwards curve
tz2 Secp256k1 - defined in Standards for Efficient Cryptography, used in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies
tz3 P-256 - a prime elliptic curve standardised by NIST (Also known as secp256r1)

At the same time, the Ed25519 elliptic curve is natively used in Everscale.

Everscale DeBots are capable of signing arbitrary data with your account private key, and communicating via HTTP using POST and GET requests. There is also an interface that helps you to parse JSON data in a DeBot.

This all enables an Everscale DeBot to sign a Tezos operation and send them to the Tezos blockchain.

Key derivation issue

Both Tezos and Everscale use BIP-39 standard for mnemonic phrase with the same dictionary. BIP-39 describes how the mnemonic phrase is converted into a binary representation (seed).

Then, the seed is used to derive the master key. However, the master keys in Everscale and Tezos are calculated differently from the seed (see the Python pseudocode below).

  • In Everscale:
hmac_sha512(b"Bitcoin seed", seed)
  • In Tezos:
hmac_sha512(b"ed25519 seed", seed)

Then, the master key is used to derive a signing keys with BIP-44 standard. BIP-44 defines a derivation path for hierarchical deterministic wallets.

The following derivation paths are used in Tezos and Everscale for default accounts:

  • Everscale: m/44'/396'/0'/0/0
  • Tezos: m/44'/1729'/0'/0'

Surf wallet currently doesn't allow to change the derivation path, either import a custom keypair. Even though Tezos wallets like Temple allows you to set a custom derivation path, the master keys are still different and the derived signing keys will also be different in Tezos in Everscale for the same mnemonic.

Therefore, it is impossible to use Ever Surf for managing an existing Tezos account create in popular Tezos wallets such as Temple.

However, it is still possible export your private key from Surf and use it in any other wallet. For this purpose we implemented a small Python script.

Generating Tezos address from a public key

To receive transfers, you first need to known your Tezos address.

The address in Tezos is obtained by hashing the public key and prepend it with the specific prefix depending on the used signature scheme. The result is then base58-encoded.

The main hashing algorithm in Tezos is Blake2b which is absent in Everscale DeBots interfaces, and was implemented in our DeBot, as well as base58-encoding (see blake2b).

The list of prefixes for different signing schemes in Tesos is as follows:

Signature scheme Hash prefix Encoded prefix Blake2b Digest size
Ed25519 \x06\xa1\x9f tz1 20
Secp256k1 \x06\xa1\xa1 tz2 20
P-256 \x06\xa1\xa4 tz3 20

As Everscale uses Ed25519 for signing, the prefix should be \x06\xa1\x9f and the address starts with tz1.

Finally, we can obtain Tezos address the public key as follows (python pseudocode):

pubkey_hash = blake2b(sign_keys.public.encode(), digest_size=20).digest()
tezos_address = b58encode_check(b"\x06\xa1\x9f" + pubkey_hash).decode()

Signing a message

When you prepared a transaction you should first convert it into binary form. In Tezos, this operation is called "forge". To sign a forged transaction you should calculate blake2b hash of it with the digest size of 32 bytes. The process of creating and forging a transaction, as well as how to send a transaction to the blockchain using JSON RPC is described in Tezos client abstract contracts and libraries

Everscale DeBot can sign messages without having to operate the private key or the seed phrase, which remain hidden from the DeBot. This helps to keep your private key and seed phrase safe.

In the DeBot, the function signHash of the Sdk Interface is used to sign a hash:

function OnForge(bytes forged_transaction) public {
    // calculate blake2b hash with the digest size of 32 bytes
    Blake2b.digest(tvm.functionId(OnTxHash), forged_transaction, 32);

function OnTxHash(uint256 hash) public {
    // Sign the transaction hash
    Sdk.signHash(tvm.functionId(setSignature), m_sbHandle, hash);

function setSignature(bytes signature) public {
    // we need both binary representation of the signature and base58-encoded value
    binary_sig = signature;
    base58_sig = Base58.b58encode(signature, Base58.PREFIX_edsig);
    // next, send the message and its signature to the blockchain

Sending to the blockchain

Tezos nodes support JSON RPC protocol to work with the blockchain. Everscale DeBots can interact with HTTP servers using the Network Interface:

function rpc_blocks_hash() internal {
        ["Content-Type: application/json"]

The answers in JSON format can be parsed using Json Interface.

You can find more details here: Tezos client abstract contracts and libraries

Compile and deploy

In order to compile and deploy to the local SE node please do the following:

  1. Install everdev and TON OS Startup Edition following the instructions:
  2. Run TON OS Startup Edition:
everdev se start
  1. Deploy Blake2b contract:

Blake2b contract should be deployed at the address 0:438bae75507a67b40169e0b366490c9d22298e44ef7b98cd3c4bf215e2d4103b

If the address is different, please change it in blake2b/IBlake2b.sol.

  1. Compile the Devergence Wallet DeBot:
everdev sol compile ./WalletBot.sol
  1. Deploy the Devergence Wallet DeBot:

The script will provide you the DeBot address.

Run in Ever Surf from SE node

  • Open in a web browser.
  • Create a new wallet if you don't have it
  • Go to Settings (1) and click Advanced settings (2):


  • Click Network
  • Click on the + sign in the top right corner:

Surf networks

  • Add local node:

Surf add network

  • Now you can run the DeBot deployed at your local SE node (use the address provided you by the ./ script)


  6. Tezos client abstract contracts and libraries