Releases: YosysHQ/yosys
Releases Β· YosysHQ/yosys
Yosys 0.21
Yosys 0.20 .. Yosys 0.21
New commands and options
- Added "formalff" pass - transforms FFs for formal verification
- Added option "-formal" to "memory_map" pass
- Added option "-witness" to "rename" - give public names to all signals
present in yosys witness traces - Added option "-hdlname" to "sim" pass - preserves hiearachy when writing
simulation output for a flattened design - Addded option "-scramble-name" to "rename" pass
Formal Verification
- Added $anyinit cell to directly represent FFs with an unconstrained
initialization value. These can be generated by the new formalff pass. - New JSON based yosys witness format for formal verification traces.
- yosys-smtbmc: Reading and writing of yosys witness traces.
- write_smt2: Emit inline metadata to support yosys witness trace.
- yosys-witness is a new tool to inspect and convert yosys witness traces.
- write_aiger: Option to write a map file for yosys witness trace
conversion. - yosys-witness: Conversion from and to AIGER witness traces.
- Added $anyinit cell to directly represent FFs with an unconstrained
Verific support
- Filename re-writing support for "verific" pass.
- ABC performance improvements
- Filename re-writing added for "show -lib".
SmartFusion2 support
- Added $alu support
- Added SYSRESET and XTLOSC cells
- Compatible now with LiberoSoc flow
Yosys 0.20
Yosys 0.19 .. Yosys 0.20
New commands and options
- Added option "-wb" to "read_liberty" pass
- Added support for $modfloor operator to cxxrtl backend
- Support build on OpenBSD
- Fixed smt2 backend use of $shift/$shiftx with negative shift amounts,
which affects bit/part-select assignments with a dynamic index. Shift
operators were not affected.
Verific support
- Proper import of port ranges into Yosys, may result in reversed
bit-order of top-level ports for some synthesis flows.
- Proper import of port ranges into Yosys, may result in reversed
Yosys 0.19
Yosys 0.18 .. Yosys 0.19
New commands and options
- Added option "-rom-only" to "memory_libmap" pass
- Added option "-smtcheck" to "hierarchy" pass
- Added option "-keepdc" to "memory_libmap" pass
- Added option "-suffix" to "rename" pass
- Added "gatemate_foldinv" pass
Formal Verification
- Added support for $pos cell in btor backend
- Added the "smtlib2_module" and "smtlib2_comb_expr" attributes
GateMate support
- Added LUT tree mapping
Verific support
- Added option "-pp" to "verific -import"
Yosys 0.18
Yosys 0.17 .. Yosys 0.18
- Migrated most flows to use memory_libmap based memory inference
New commands and options
- Added "memory_libmap" pass
- Added "memory_bmux2rom" pass - converts muxes to ROMs
- Added "memory_dff -no-rw-check"
- Added "opt_ffinv" pass - push inverters through FFs
- Added "proc_rom" pass - convert switches to ROMs
- Added "proc -norom" option - will omit the proc_rom pass
- Added option "-no-rw-check" to synth passes
- Added "synth_ice40 -spram" option for automatic inference of SB_SPRAM256KA
- Added options "-nobram" and "-nolutram" to synth_machxo2 pass
Formal Verification
- Fixed the signedness of $past's return value to be the same as the
argument's instead of always unsigned.
- Fixed the signedness of $past's return value to be the same as the
- Fixed an issue where simplifying case statements by removing unreachable
cases could result in the wrong signedness being used for comparison with
the remaining cases - Fixed size and signedness computation for expressions containing array
querying functions - Fixed size and signedness computation of functions used in ternary
expressions or case item expressions
- Fixed an issue where simplifying case statements by removing unreachable
Verific support
- Proper file location for readmem commands
- Added "-vlog-libext" option to specify search extension for libraries
Yosys 0.17
Yosys 0.16 .. Yosys 0.17
New commands and options
- Added "write_jny" ( JSON netlist metadata format )
- Added "tribuf -formal"
- Fixed automatic
inference for local variables inalways_comb
procedures not applying to nested blocks and blocks in functions
- Fixed automatic
Yosys 0.16
Yosys 0.15 .. Yosys 0.16
- Added BTOR2 witness file co-simulation.
- Simulation calls external vcd2fst for VCD conversion.
- Added fst2tb pass - generates testbench for the circuit using
the given top-level module and simulus signal from FST file. - yosys-smtbmc: Option to keep going after failed assertions in BMC mode
Verific support
- Import modules in alphabetic (reproducible) order.
Yosys 0.15
Yosys 0.14 .. Yosys 0.15
- clk2fflogic: nice names for autogenerated signals
- simulation include support for all flip-flop types.
- Added AIGER witness file co-simulation.
- Fixed evaluation of constant functions with variables or arguments with
reversed dimensions - Fixed elaboration of dynamic range assignments where the vector is
reversed or is not zero-indexed - Added frontend support for time scale delay values (e.g., #1ns)
- Fixed evaluation of constant functions with variables or arguments with
- Added support for accessing whole sub-structures in expressions
New commands and options
- Added glift command, used to create gate-level information flow tracking
(GLIFT) models by the "constructive mapping" approach
- Added glift command, used to create gate-level information flow tracking
Verific support
- Ability to override default parser mode for verific -f command.
Yosys 0.14
Yosys 0.13 .. Yosys 0.14
- Added $bmux and $demux cells and related optimization patterns.
New commands and options
- Added "bmuxmap" and "dmuxmap" passes
- Added "-fst" option to "sim" pass for writing FST files
- Added "-r", "-scope", "-start", "-stop", "-at", "-sim", "-sim-gate",
"-sim-gold" options to "sim" pass for co-simulation
Anlogic support
- Added support for BRAMs
Yosys 0.13
Yosys 0.12 .. Yosys 0.13
- Use "read" command to parse HDL files from Yosys command-line
- Added "yosys -r " command line option
- write_verilog: dump zero width sigspecs correctly
- Fixed regression preventing the use array querying functions in case
expressions and case item expressions - Fixed static size casts inadvertently limiting the result width of binary
operations - Fixed static size casts ignoring expression signedness
- Fixed static size casts not extending unbased unsized literals
- Added automatic
inference for local variables inalways_comb
procedures which are always assigned before they are used to avoid errant
latch inference
- Fixed regression preventing the use array querying functions in case
New commands and options
- Added "clean_zerowidth" pass
Verific support
- Add YOSYS to the implicitly defined verilog macros in verific
Yosys 0.12
Yosys 0.11 .. Yosys 0.12
- Added iopadmap native support for negative-polarity output enable
- ABC update
- Support parameters using struct as a wiretype
New commands and options
- Added "-genlib" option to "abc" pass
- Added "sta" very crude static timing analysis pass
Verific support
- Fixed memory block size in import
New back-ends
- Added support for GateMate FPGA from Cologne Chip AG
Intel ALM support
- Added preliminary Arria V support