You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 190
- What is the licensing model for the Xilinx Tcl Store?
The Xilinx Tcl Store is under the Open Source BSD 2 license (BSD 2-Clause License ). The Tcl Store hosts some open source code developed and supported by the users.
Any user can copy and modify the files under the Tcl Store. To contribute to the Tcl Store, whether this is to submit a new app, to add a new proc an an existing app or to modify an exising code, the user must digitally sign the ./doc/legal.txt file under the applicable app directory. Without this digital signature, the gatekeepers cannot merge the code from the contributor to the Xilinx Tcl Store. The legal.txt file is digitally signed by adding a line at the end of the file with the date/GitHub ID/Full name. Only one digital signature per GitHub ID is required.
<YYYYMMDD Date>::<github id>::<Full Name>
Only the app owner's company name should appear on the first line of the file:
Copyright (c) 2014, <Company Name>
- Where can I find some Git tutorials?
Many Git and GitHub ressources and training can be found online. Some of those resources can be found on GitHub:
[Git and GitHub Ressources] (https://help.github.com/articles/what-are-other-good-resources-for-learning-git-and-github)
- How do I request permission to add a new script to an existing app?
To add a new script to an existing app, the contributor should get the permission from the App Owner. If the App Owner does not think that the script fit the app objectives, the contributor can also add the script to a different app or create a new app.
- How do I request the permission to add a new app?
The contributor should get permission to create a new app from the Xilinx Gate Keepers.
- How do I get permission to add a new company name to the repository?
The contributor should get the permission to create a new company name from the Xilinx Gate Keepers.
- Who are the Xilinx Gate Keepers?
The Gate Keepers are Greg Daughtry ([email protected]), David Pefourque ([email protected]) and Raj Klair ([email protected]).
- Who do I contact for a bug report or an enhancement request?
For any bug report for an app, please file an issue on GitHub.com with the details. For enhancement requests contact the owner of the script or the App Owner. If you already have contribution (pull) access for the app - you can also issue a pull request from git. For infrastructure enhancements, please contact [email protected].
- Do apps have versions? How does it work?
Yes. Click Here for Version Explanation
- How does this stuff work under the hood?
Click Here for some background on underlying mechanisms
- git push hangs and return error: RPC failed; result=56, HTTP code = 0
For example:
%> git push origin master
Counting objects: 403, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (152/152), done.
error: RPC failed; result=56, HTTP code = 0
Try to increase the HTTP/HTTPS buffer size:
%> git config --global http.postBuffer 524288000
%> git config --global https.postBuffer 524288000
- The catalog refresh under Windows does not seem to work
Some Windows plateforms seem to require more time to connect to GIT and refresh the catalog. It is possible to increase the timeout amount through the following parameter:
set_param tclapp.gitTimeOut <timeout_in_seconds>
# For example:
set_param tclapp.gitTimeOut 25
# Or
set_param tclapp.gitTimeOut 50
# Or more if necessary
Please, refer to this answer record.
- How to delete the forked repository under GitHub?
The forked repository can be deleted under GitHub through the Settings page. You will need to browse your forked repository and the link to the Settings will be on the right hand side. The button to delete the repository is located at the very bottom of the settings page.
Note: Once you forked repository has been deleted, you can go back to the Xilinx Tcl Store repository and re-fork the repository.
- GitHub does not seem to work properly. How can I check the status of GitHub?
It can happen that GitHub experiences some technical issues. The status of GitHub can be checked on this page.
- How can I setup a common repository to be shared among users?
- How to set the proxy to access Github.com and refresh the Tcl Store catalog?
To refresh the Tcl Store catalog, Vivado tool accesses Github.com through the git command. To enable Vivado tool to access Github, you must enable the git command to access Github. Please check with your IT department for the correct way to set the git proxy for your network.
For example:
git config --global http.proxy proxy:8080
The common issues with the proxy are:
- The network is configured with proxy and git doesn’t know about the proxy settings. This may happen when you switch from one network (without proxy) to a network (with proxy)
- The network is configured without a proxy but git is configured with a proxy. This may happen when you switch from one network (with proxy & had git configured to proxy) to a network (without proxy but git still has old proxy settings)
- The network latency is quite high and the request times out. See param tclapp.gitTimeOut
- The network has ssl certificates issue over https – which leads to network request failures (mail chain doesn’t indicate this issue)