fix report streaming to the website -> maybe set info log after YES decision is made from analysis -> add info log after research is done
fix refrences on the report:
Tejo enjoys widespread popularity in Colombia, second only to soccer in terms of its supported industry [1]. It is considered a connection to the pre-Columbian era, representing a cultural link between Colombia's past and present [1][2]. The game is commonly played in both major cities and smaller towns, with professional teams existing throughout the country [1]. -> WORKS
Traditionally, Tejo was associated with chicha, an indigenous maize-based alcoholic beverage [1]. However, in modern times, beer has become the drink of choice for many Tejo players [1]. This close association with beer has led to significant involvement from beer companies, which often sponsor Tejo teams and tournaments [1]. This commercialization has sparked some controversy, with some Colombians advocating for a separation of alcohol and the sport, aiming to reframe Tejo's image from a rowdy bar game to a serious sport with a rich history [1]. -> DOESNT WORK
probably something to do with ** or something as it always seems to occur when italics or bold text is used within the markdown.