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[Status] Stale
[Status] Stale
Gives the original author opportunity to update before closing. Can be reopened as needed.
Storybook and its stories for components
🤖 Sync Backport Changelog
🤖 Sync Backport Changelog
Auto-refreshes based on the backport-changelog folder. WP version x.x should appear in the title!
[Tool] Babel plugin import JSX pragma
[Tool] Babel plugin import JSX pragma
[Tool] Babel plugin makepot
[Tool] Babel plugin makepot
[Tool] Babel preset
[Tool] Babel preset
[Tool] Browserslist config
[Tool] Browserslist config
[Tool] Create Block
[Tool] Create Block
[Tool] Dependency Extraction Webpack Plugin
[Tool] Dependency Extraction Webpack Plugin
[Tool] Docgen
[Tool] Docgen
[Tool] E2E Test Utils
[Tool] E2E Test Utils
[Tool] Env
[Tool] Env
[Tool] ESLint plugin
[Tool] ESLint plugin
[Tool] Jest console
[Tool] Jest console
[Tool] Jest preset
[Tool] Jest preset
[Tool] Jest Puppeteer aXe
[Tool] Jest Puppeteer aXe
[Tool] npm-package-json-lint config
[Tool] npm-package-json-lint config
[Tool] PostCSS Plugins Preset
[Tool] PostCSS Plugins Preset
[Tool] Prettier config
[Tool] Prettier config
[Tool] Readable JS Assets Webpack Plugin
[Tool] Readable JS Assets Webpack Plugin
[Tool] stylelint config
[Tool] stylelint config
[Tool] WP Scripts
[Tool] WP Scripts
[Type] Audit
[Type] Audit
For audit tracking (accessibility, privacy, security, etc)
[Type] Automated Testing
[Type] Automated Testing
Testing infrastructure changes impacting the execution of end-to-end (E2E) and/or unit tests.
[Type] Breaking Change
[Type] Breaking Change
For PRs that introduce a change that will break existing functionality
[Type] Bug
[Type] Bug
An existing feature does not function as intended
[Type] Build Tooling
[Type] Build Tooling
Issues or PRs related to build tooling
[Type] Code Quality
[Type] Code Quality
Issues or PRs that relate to code quality
[Type] Command Palette
[Type] Command Palette