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cfa4889 · May 19, 2018


168 lines (124 loc) · 6.17 KB

File metadata and controls

168 lines (124 loc) · 6.17 KB


Manual Testing

localhost examples

# Skyrise HQ:
$ curl -X GET -v "http://localhost:8080/api/conditions?lat=50.262858&lng=19.013808" | jq

# Hackerspace Silesia HQ:
$ curl -X GET -v "http://localhost:8080/api/conditions?lat=50.2641006&lng=18.9936806" | jq

# Gliwice Sikornik:
$ curl -X GET -v "http://localhost:8080/api/conditions?lat=50.2774207&lng=18.6481976" | jq

*Google Cloud Platform examples (App Engine)

# Skyrise HQ:
$ curl -X GET -v "https://<PROJECT_ID>" | jq

# Hackerspace Silesia HQ:
$ curl -X GET -v "https://<PROJECT_ID>" | jq

# Gliwice Sikornik:
$ curl -X GET -v "https://<PROJECT_ID>" | jq

Using :observer tool and introspecting localhost release

# First terminal:
$ PORT=8080 _build/prod/rel/learn_elixir_the_hard_way/bin/learn_elixir_the_hard_way foreground

# Second terminal:
$ iex --name [email protected] --cookie "PASTE_HERE_COOKIE_FROM_RELEASE"

And then inside iex shell:

iex> Node.connect(:'[email protected]')
iex> :observer.start

If you are using dark theme and GTK3 you may want to use light one. You need to prefix you iex command with this:

$ GTK_THEME=Adwaita:light iex --name [email protected] --cookie "PASTE_HERE_COOKIE_FROM_RELEASE"

Using wobserver tool and introspecting remote release

After deploying application inside app engine in GCP you should be able to do API requests at address https://<PROJECT_ID> You will be able to see also a nice dashboard when hitting following link: https://<PROJECT_ID>

This nice dashboard is also available on localhost without any issues.

Performance Tests

If you want to test performance of the local release you should be able to run following script from performance-tests directory:

$ ./ localhost

To performing exactly the same scenario remotely, you can run it with:

$ ./ gcp

Performance Issue?


So after running those tests (does not matter if locally or remotely) we discovered that API responds a little bit slowly, in case of parallel requests. Individual requests are pretty fast, but for concurrent access we are observing significantly slower response.


Shouldn't actor model help us in such situations? It will, if we will design it properly. In our case we did a terrible mistake, and we created a bottleneck. One of our servers stores huge state and we are querying it for every single request.


How to avoid that? We can do a simple implementation change and move such internal state from GenServer* into :ets`. Here is the example implementation, let's analyze that:

diff --git a/apps/air_quality/lib/air_quality/cache/preprocessed_cache.ex b/apps/air_quality/lib/air_quality/cache/preprocessed_cache.ex
index a015a53..bce7c00 100644
--- a/apps/air_quality/lib/air_quality/cache/preprocessed_cache.ex
+++ b/apps/air_quality/lib/air_quality/cache/preprocessed_cache.ex
@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ defmodule AirQuality.Cache.PreprocessedCacheServer do

   use GenServer

-  import AirQuality.Utilities.GeoHash, only: [is_geohash_inside_another_one?: 2]
   ### Client API

   @doc """
@@ -53,10 +51,22 @@ defmodule AirQuality.Cache.PreprocessedCacheServer do
   def init(:ok) do
     {:ok, cities} = AirQuality.Utilities.Preprocessing.process_cities

-    {:ok, gios_stations} = AirQuality.Utilities.Preprocessing.process_stations("gios")
     {:ok, airly_stations} = AirQuality.Utilities.Preprocessing.process_stations("airly")
+    {:ok, gios_stations} = AirQuality.Utilities.Preprocessing.process_stations("gios")
+    cities_table =, [:private, :duplicate_bag])
+    airly_stations_table =, [:private, :duplicate_bag])
+    gios_stations_table =, [:private, :duplicate_bag])
+    insert_entries(cities_table, cities)
+    insert_entries(airly_stations_table, airly_stations)
+    insert_entries(gios_stations_table, gios_stations)
+    {:ok, {cities_table, airly_stations_table, gios_stations_table}}
+  end

-    {:ok, %{ cities: cities, gios: gios_stations, airly: airly_stations }}
+  defp insert_entries(table, list) do
+    Enum.each(list, fn(entry) -> :ets.insert(table, {entry[:geohash], entry}) end)

   @doc """
@@ -68,22 +78,22 @@ defmodule AirQuality.Cache.PreprocessedCacheServer do
   - {:airly_station_from, geohash} - for getting Airly station ID based on given `geohash`,
   - {:gios_station_from, geohash} - for getting GIOŚ station ID based on given `geohash`.
-  def handle_call({:city_from, geohash}, _from, %{ cities: cities } = state) do
-    {:reply, single_by_geohash(cities, geohash), state}
+  def handle_call({:city_from, geohash}, _from, {cities_table, _, _} = state) do
+    {:reply, fetch(cities_table, geohash), state}

-  def handle_call({:airly_station_from, geohash}, _from, %{ airly: stations } = state) do
-    {:reply, single_by_geohash(stations, geohash), state}
+  def handle_call({:airly_station_from, geohash}, _from, {_, airly_stations_table, _} = state) do
+    {:reply, fetch(airly_stations_table, geohash), state}

-  def handle_call({:gios_station_from, geohash}, _from, %{ gios: stations } = state) do
-    {:reply, single_by_geohash(stations, geohash), state}
+  def handle_call({:gios_station_from, geohash}, _from, {_, _, gios_stations_table} = state) do
+    {:reply, fetch(gios_stations_table, geohash), state}

-  defp single_by_geohash(list, geohash) do
-    case Enum.filter(list, fn(entity) -> is_geohash_inside_another_one?(geohash, entity[:geohash]) end) do
-      []         -> :error
-      results    -> hd(results)
+  defp fetch(table, geohash) do
+    case :ets.lookup(table, String.slice(geohash, 0, 5)) do
+      [{_, value} | _] -> value
+      []               -> :error

Applying that patch:

$ git apply performance-tests/solution/performance-issue-fix.diff

And from now on performance test results will be much better.