- Added full width option to blog detail cms element
- Added tags 5
- Fixed author for meta data 9
- Fixed mixed search results 12
- Added blog URL preview link to CMS sidebar component 14
- Added category id classes to blog listings 10
- Shopware compatibility
- Note: This version is not compatible with Shopware versions below 6.6.7
- Fixed missing admin cms blocks 12
- Fixed uninstall error
- Added category listing cms element
- Fixed rss feed error #7
- Breaking: Renamed plugin internals from Sas\BlogModule\SasBlogModule to Werkl\OpenBlogware\WerklOpenBlogware
- All content must be fully recreated. Refer to #8 for the SQL commands required for a one-time migration.
- Added offset count functionality to the newest blog items element
- Changed git tag format so that the plugin can be installed via composer
- Renamed to OpenBlogware
- Fixed category creation #3
- Compatibility with Shopware 6.6 #2
- Checked list of blog ids before invalidating cache
- Set the salutation of Blog Author to be nullable to compatible with Shopware 6.5 and prevent the error when upgrading from Shopware 6.4 to 6.5
- Invalidate cache when editing blog entry
- Fixed for issue #206
- Fixed for issue #201
- Fixed a bug that cause the blog content to be duplicated at Storefront
- Updated the sidebar snippet to be compatible with the new structure of Shopware 6.5's snippets
- Fixed the error that the SEO URL template can't be saved after removing the plugin without checking the
Remove all app data permanently
- Fixed composer version
- Fixed
button did not show on CMS designer
- Added feature to be able to create blog entries with the CMS designer
- Fix error
Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed
while compressing cache data inCachedBlogController
, andCachedBlogSearchController
classes. - Remove the non-exists function called
class. - Fallback
meta title
andmeta description
to the main language if no translation is found.
- Remove feature flag FEATURE_SAS_BLOG_V2
- Remove all the code related to FEATURE_SAS_BLOG_V2
- Fix If you change your SEO Templates after you created all your blog entries. You get the old URL schema.
- Fixed adding BlogSubscriber to services.xml, now we can filter by author and category on the listing page
- Fix to show the author and category within the blog detail page.
- Added invalidate cache when the blog article was created, updated, or deleted.
- Fixed the SEO template setting
- Fix to create new seo urls for new sales channel #75
- Added a feature flag is FEATURE_SAS_BLOG_V2
- Fix default thumbnail size #110
- Newest blog items #108
- Fix Block is overwritten instead of added #116
- Fix issue within the sitemap:generate #75
- Fix error when run bin/console dal:validation #97
- Fix SERP Information and Preview Picture for shopware or later #100
- Fixed compiled administration file
- Integrated ACL #84
- Sitemap generation #78
- Fixed wrong slug in Umlaute #83
- Fixed duplicate Slug #76
- Added a plugin option to make the blog search optional #77
- RSS Feed - URL:
#79 - Fixed a "back" icon #80
- Change
#81 - Added SEO Canonical-Link #82
- Fixed blog pro loading
- Added missing compiled files
- Blog Pro compability
- Extended the core search, to be able to search also for blog entries
- Fixed bug for the PWA usage
- Added ApiAware flags & store-api controller for usage in PWA and Elasticsearch Drumm3r
- Implemented custom fields gRoberts84
- Fixed Bug which caused that you can't create a blog category anymore
- fixed migration issue with the salutation if the default
was deleted
- Added Shopware 6.4 compability
- Added DESC sorting to admin blog listing
- Added enable/disable filter for author & category to the blog listing element
- Added enable/disable filter for author & category to the blog detail element
- Added a new
date field for a blog entry - Added back button to blog detail page
- Centered blog detail post with
col-md-8 offset-md-2
- Added category slug in seo url template
- fixed single select element if it's
- Listing show author is optional, enabled or disabled by the plugin configuration
- Added
twig block - Fixed empty placeholder author image styling
- Storefront date locale fix
- Added author to the storefront
- Overhauled general styling of the listing
- Teaser thumbnail size adjusted
- Fixed an issue with structure data of the author
- replaced "read more" title name with the actual article title
- Fixed error if you have a blog listing + blog detail element on the same CMS page
- Removed unnecessary twig filter
- moved single select data resolver to new folder
- Improved single select CMS element & block
- Adjusted date output in blog box template
- Added the possibility to translate categories in non-system language
- fixed and improved language selection while creating an entry, because an entry has always to be in the system language first, before you can switch to another language
- fixed category translated issue in twig template
- removed editor.js
- added missing description translation
- Replaced editor.js with Shopware's default text editor
- Added
Blog Single Select
CMS element, to show a single blog entry card - Added counter for meta title and description
- Fixed JSON-LD SEO template
- Prepared plugin base for the Blog PRO version
- Added missing German author translations
- Added author entity
- Added category entity
- changed
- fixed Blog Plugin kills all meta-Infos from all other pages #20
- fixed Stay on blogpost when saving #14
- fixed Error 500 when using «Raw HTML» in Editor #9
- fixed license to MIT
- Added teaser image within listing
- fixed error messages if title or slug is empty
- added publish date to listing card
- First release in Store