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Scott Moreau edited this page Jan 18, 2020 · 38 revisions

Run xwayland apps as root

This is a small wrapper script that uses xhost and sudo to launch x11 clients as root under xwayland. Save to a file, make executable and use in place of sudo to run an x11 client with privileges in wayfire.

# small script to enable root access to x-windows system

# enable root access
xhost +SI:localuser:root

sudo -E $@

# disable root access after application terminates
xhost -SI:localuser:root


If you are having trouble with wine applications, such as input not responding, tearing windows, or buggy mouse behavior in some fullscreen games check the following:

  • Make sure xwayland is enabled in wayfire meson configure output and in wayfire.ini [core] xwayland = 1
  • In winecfg in the Graphics tab, enable 'Automatically capture mouse in full screen mode', disable 'Allow the window manager to decorate the windows', disable 'Allow the window manager to control the windows' and enable 'Emulate a virtual desktop'

Logout and Shutdown

Wayfire supports layer shell protocol, which means it is possible to use a program such as to log out and shut down.