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moonie edited this page Dec 28, 2023 · 7 revisions

Style guide

In general, you should use uncrustify with the uncrustify.ini file from the repo. There are also automatic checks for your PR.

To run uncrustify on all project files:

$ git ls-files | grep "hpp$\|cpp$" | xargs uncrustify -c uncrustify.ini --no-backup


Class, method and variable names are all in snake_case. Class names should end in _t.

File names are all lowercase, with - as word separator. Headers end in .hpp. So, a header could be called this-is-example-header.hpp.


  1. Use #pragma once instead of #ifdef.

Environment variABLES

  • WAYFIRE_PLUGIN_XML_PATH: Wayfire will search this path for plugin XML files. Useful if you're developing custom plugins.
  • WAYFIRE_PLUGIN_PATH: Wayfire will search this path for plugin shared object files. Useful if you're developing custom plugins.