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File metadata and controls

89 lines (73 loc) · 12.8 KB

MarkText Preferences

Preferences can be controlled and modified in the settings window or via the preferences.json file in the application data directory.


Key Type Default Value Description
autoSave Boolean false Automatically save the content being edited. option value: true, false
autoSaveDelay Number 5000 The delay in milliseconds after a changed file is saved automatically? 1000 ~10000
titleBarStyle String custom The title bar style on Linux and Window: custom or native
openFilesInNewWindow Boolean false true, false
openFolderInNewWindow Boolean false true, false
zoom Number 1.0 The zoom level. Between 0.5 and 2.0 inclusive.
hideScrollbar Boolean false Whether to hide scrollbars. Optional value: true, false
wordWrapInToc Boolean false Whether to enable word wrap in TOC. Optional value: true, false
fileSortBy String created Sort files in opened folder by created time, modified time and title.
startUpAction String lastState The action after MarkText startup, open the last edited content, open the specified folder or blank page, optional value: lastState, folder, blank
defaultDirectoryToOpen String "" The path that should be opened if startUpAction=folder.
language String en The language MarkText use.


Key Type Defaut Description
fontSize Number 16 Font size in pixels. 12 ~ 32
editorFontFamily String Open Sans Font Family
lineHeight Number 1.6 Line Height
autoPairBracket Boolean true Automatically brackets when editing
autoPairMarkdownSyntax Boolean true Autocomplete markdown syntax
autoPairQuote Boolean true Automatic completion of quotes
endOfLine String default The newline character used at the end of each line. The default value is default, which selects your operating system's default newline character. lf crlf default
textDirection String ltr The writing text direction, optional value: ltr or rtl
codeFontSize Number 14 Font size on code block, the range is 12 ~ 28
codeFontFamily String DejaVu Sans Mono Code font family
trimUnnecessaryCodeBlockEmptyLines Boolean true Whether to trim the beginning and end empty line in Code block
hideQuickInsertHint Boolean false Hide hint for quickly creating paragraphs
imageDropAction String folder The default behavior after paste or drag the image to MarkText, upload it to the image cloud (if configured), move to the specified folder, insert the path
defaultEncoding String utf8 The default file encoding
autoGuessEncoding Boolean true Try to automatically guess the file encoding when opening files
trimTrailingNewline Enum 2 Ensure a single trailing newline or whether trailing newlines should be removed: 0: trim all trailing newlines, 1: ensure single newline, 2: auto detect, 3: disabled.
hideLinkPopup Boolean false It will not show the link popup when hover over the link if set hideLinkPopup to true
autoCheck Boolean false Whether to automatically check related task. Optional value: true, false


Key Type Default Description
preferLooseListItem Boolean true The preferred list type.
bulletListMarker String - The preferred marker used in bullet list, optional value: -, * +
orderListDelimiter String . The preferred delimiter used in order list, optional value: . )
preferHeadingStyle String atx The preferred heading style in MarkText, optional value atx setext, more info
tabSize Number 4 The number of spaces a tab is equal to
listIndentation String 1 The list indentation of sub list items or paragraphs, optional value dfm, tab or number 1~4
frontmatterType String - The frontmatter type: - (YAML), + (TOML), ; (JSON) or { (JSON)
superSubScript Boolean false Enable pandoc's markdown extension superscript and subscript.
footnote Boolean false Enable pandoc's footnote markdown extension
sequenceTheme String hand Change the theme of js-sequence-diagrams


Key Type Default Description
theme String light dark, graphite, material-dark, one-dark, light or ulysses

Editable via file

These entires don't have a settings option and need to be changed manually.

Key Type Default Description
sideBarVisibility* Boolean false Controls the visibility of the sidebar.
tabBarVisibility* Boolean false Controls the visibility of the tabs.
sourceCodeModeEnabled* Boolean false Controls the visibility of the source-code editor.

*: These options are default/fallback values that are used if not session is loaded and are overwritten by the menu entries.

File system
Key Type Default Description
searchExclusions Array of Strings [] The filename exclusions for the file searcher. Default: '*.markdown', '*.mdown', '*.mkdn', '*.md', '*.mkd', '*.mdwn', '*.mdtxt', '*.mdtext', '*.text', '*.txt'
searchMaxFileSize String "" The maximum file size to search in (e.g. 50K or 10MB). Default: unlimited
searchIncludeHidden Boolean false Search hidden files and directories
searchNoIgnore Boolean false Don't respect ignore files such as .gitignore.
searchFollowSymlinks Boolean true Whether to follow symbolic links.
watcherUsePolling Boolean false Whether to use polling to receive file changes. Polling may leads to high CPU utilization.