title |
Makefile |
Make is a command-line tool that performs actions as defined in a configuration file called Makefile
Originally it was created for build automation, but it can perform any shell operation.
Which is why it is useful in some cases to create a command palette that might be useful for your project.
# Check for dependencies
@which localstack || pip install localstack
@which awslocal || pip install awscli-local
# Check for a File
@ [ -f /path/to/file ] && echo "File exists" || echo "File does not exist"
# Check for a directory
@ [ -d /path/to/directory ] && echo "Directory exists" || echo "Directory does not exist"
# Check for a variable
@ [ -n "$(MY_VAR)" ] && echo "MY_VAR is set" || echo "MY_VAR is not set"
# Check command output
@ if [ `uname` = "Linux" ]; then echo "Running on Linux"; else echo "Not running on Linux"; fi
# Check if package is installed
@ dpkg -l | grep -q package_name || sudo apt-get install package_name
# Check if current directory is a Git repository
@ git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo "Inside a Git repository" || echo "Not a Git repository"