Anoop Raveendra Katti, Christian Reisswig, Cordula Guder, Sebastian Brarda, Steffen Bickel, Johannes Höhne, Jean Baptiste Faddoul
author = {Katti, Anoop and Reisswig, Christian and Guder, Cordula and Brarda, Sebastian and Bickel, Steffen and Höhne, Johannes and Faddoul, Jean},
year = {2018},
month = {09},
pages = {},
title = {Chargrid: Towards Understanding 2D Documents}
Receipt detection | Receipt localization | Receipt normalization | Text line segmentation | Optical character recognition | Semantic analysis |
❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❗ | ✔️ |
- Tesseract v4
Fields extracted:
- Invoice Number,
- Invoice Date,
- Invoice Amount,
- Vendor Name,
- Vendor Address,
- Line-items:
- Line-item Description
- Line-item Quantity
- Line-item Amount
A chargrid can be constructed from character boxes, i.e., bounding boxes that each surround a single character somewhere on a given document page. This positional information can come from an optical character recognition (OCR) engine
The advantage of the new chargrid representation is twofold: (i) we directly encode a character by a single scalar value rather than by a granular collection of grayscale pixels as is the case for images, thus making it easy for the subsequent document analysis algorithms to understand the doc- ument, and (ii), because the group of pixels that belonged to a given character are now all mapped to the same constant value, we can significantly downsample the chargrid representation without loss of any information.
We use the 1-hot encoded chargrid representation g ̃ as input to a fully convolutional neural network to perform semantic segmentation on the chargrid and predict a class label for each character-pixel on the document. As there can be multiple and an unknown number of instances of the same class, we further perform instance segmentation. This means, in addition to predicting a segmentation mask, we may also predict bounding boxes using the techniques from object detection. This allows the model to assign characters from the same segmentation class to distinct instances.
VGG encoder
To extract the values for each field, we collect all characters that are classified as belonging to the corresponding class. For line-items, we further group the characters by the predicted item bounding boxes.
Instead of serializing a document into a 1D text, the proposed method, named chargrid, preserves the spatial structure of the document by representing it as a sparse 2D grid of characters.
the model predicts a segmentation mask with pixel-level labels and object bounding boxes to group multiple instances of the same class
we collected manual annotations with bounding boxes around the fields of interest
The chargrid allows models to capture 2D relationships between characters, words, and larger units of text.