There's an arrow correspoding to each [[potion|Potions]] added by Ender IO, but with 1/9 the duration.
The Arrow of Decay applies the Withering Effect to the target(s).
There are 2 types of the Arrow of Decay:
- The Normal Effect Type, which applies Withering for 5 seconds
- The Extended Effect Type, which applies Withering for 15 seconds
The Arrow of Rising applies the Levitation Effect(the Vanilla effect applied by shulker shells) to the target(s).
There are 3 types of the Arrow of Rising:
- The Normal Effect Type, which applies Levitation for 0 seconds
- The Extended Effect Type, which applies Levitation for 3 seconds
- The Enhaced Effect Type, which applies Levitation III for 0 seconds
The Arrow of Confusion applies the Nausea Effect(the Vanilla effect applied by eating Pufferfish) to the target(s).
There are 2 types of the Arrow of Confusion:
- The Normal Effect Type, which applies Nausea for 5 seconds
- The Extended Effect Type, which applies Nausea for 15 seconds