- delete unused glyphs in html/10: arrow-inside, cellphone, chart, clock-red, crown, flag-blue, information, paper, table
- delete unused glyphs in html/16: bell, cut, ip, nuclear, zone-pencil
- replace hard-coded SQL queries [sql-hardcode]
- remove hard-coded bbcode [markup-bbcode]
- remove hard-coded memory reclaim queries [sql-memory]
- fix missing SQL transactions [sql-transaction]
- split "edit" and "quote" features when creating new post
- inject only instance variables or constants in Deval templates [deval-inject]
- fix favorites (and possibly other multi-value input fields) not accepting entries with a "," character
- stop using tables in template files [html-table]
- find a way to prevent inconsistent references [dangling]
- find a clean way of preventing empty topics [empty-topic]
- remove hack for private topics [hack-private-topics]
- on topic edit, take permissions into account for parent section auto-complete
- refactor old search table [legacy-search]
- remove SQL queries from pages [sql-page]
- rename sp to emoji
- remove hard-coded references to Boo account (728) [boo]
- apply uniform coding style
- rename and comment configuration file
- make sync.sh portable or remove it
- remove custom redirections .htaccess.dist and exclude from deployment
- write INSTALL.md
- write CONTRIBUTE.md
- allow configuring website logo as well as mascot
- use "duplicate" strategy by default in setup script
- create install script to generate working configuration file
- remove mascot (both file & dist configuration)
- fix tests relying on "fr" locale
- allow generating CSS from LESS without deploying
- create administrator account from install.php
- write README.md
- remove partner and re-apply in separate commit
- remove links to blogs & ynews & re-apply in separate commit
- add copyright to footer
- update "amato" module references to GitHub
- update "glay" module references to GitHub
- update "losp" module references to GitHub
- update "queros" module references to GitHub
- update "redmap" module references to GitHub
- escape html at rendering, not conversion
- implement regexp scanner
- switch everyone to Umen
- create/find a routing library
- remove cIDcheck
- unify logs
- move template to common template
- remove "load" handler (replace by "edit" handler)
- create/find a DAO library
- delete sujets2005 table
- don't use column name as array key in joins
- factorize field names and join conditions in SQL queries
- replace all $mbI references by $user object
- remove all references to $cook_id variable
- use User object for login & all cookies
- securize template names to avoid arbitration code execution
- allow template override & move JSON responses in a separate template
- add "fail" handler for jQuery requests
- redirect /account/message.json => /account/message-1.json
- lazy-load library files with "using" function
- remplace mandatory "setup.sh" step for static resources
- remove reference to $sql variable in HTML markup format
- merge posts2003 and posts4004 into posts
- convert old [source] tags to [code]
- move "memos" table to "account_note"
- associate one format per logger
- add revision-dependent identifier to static URLs
- create new "connect" entity & pages
- mutualize post/echo page for all previews
- fix duplicated users in presences
- use one single global "time()" value
- convert all posts to umen
- fix the "[img]\http://domain/image.png[/img]" reverse bug
- migrate signatures & forum descriptions (htmlsign) to Umen
- fix unrendered topic names in RSS pages
- remove all "mysql_query" calls from yN code
- fix invalid three-arguments db->get_first calls
- always cancel magic quotes
- use Umen for mini-messages
- fix yn1664.error rendering
- replace #&1234; unicode sequences by actual unicode characters
- remove ids from posts
- handle implicit relations (e.g. cache)
- don't force relations to update entities
- allow inner joins in remog
- remove loose permissions
- let client decide of joined entities
- cleanup old search results
- replace board.bookmark.peek by board.post.edit + JS HTML code generation
- migrate login-based columns
- merge relations & external join values
- shift post position by one in ref (./) tags & display
- find a replacement for headers hack in index/json templates
- split post "create", "edit" and "quote" processes
- replace sujetslasts by index on topic update time
- check cache when accessing entity via another one (e.g. topics via bookmarks)
- merge Bookmark::track & Bookmark::watch
- fix redirect location of "track" endpoint
- solve "primary vs key" mix in base model class
- support "where not exists" in Queros to fix dposts2
- per-link popup size
- create alternative to "favorites" popup
- fix links to "search" page from yn1624 template
- check user flag "FLAG_DISABLE" in pages
- open minimsg popup on nick click
- fix multipost issue
- missing activation link on new pages
- don't allow posts for non confirmed users
- remove support for old "copy" format
- fix 401 issue for bookmark/ln
- keyboard navigation shortcuts
- use forum template in new board pages
- add page for board.forum.view
- use icoT/entete from parent forum
- handle alerts in JSON endpoints
- preserve forum id in links to external sections
- remove caller-specified relations
- improve main menu in reduced mode
- use local storage for "citations" rather than a SQL table
- fix JS quote HTML decoding
- host avatars
- remove hacks for "smileys perso"
- fix stats page (bars not aligned in some browsers)
- host forum icons
- use same behavior for account/memo and help/page: silently (in entity code) delete empty memo
- use forum alias for all links to board.forum.view
- always search in "alias" for forums, "id"
- pass $query and $router as a single parameter
- replace "create_member" tests by MODERATE permission on topic edit
- move board_topic.create_member & board_topic.create_time to board_topic_cache
- replace flags by separate is_X fields
- allow value/label pairs in 'select' type like for 'radio' type in control-form
- move post state filtering from templates to pages [post-state-page]
- merge JS "peek" code in yn-board-bookmark.js and umen.js
- allow aliases in language files
- remove temporary code for language override [language-default]
- replace ?version query string by /version/ path for static resources
- protect SQL queries executed in "for" loops depending on user-injected arrays
- sanitize SQL queries parameters input in entity/* classes
- use Model for Account\Message entity
- explode entity export method into "export()" (raw) and "render(format)" (recursive)
- simplify "peek" test in topic-view page [topic-peek]
- improve pvg & magnetite themes on narrow screens
- remove inline JavaScript calls [inline-js]
- replace {cut} losp function by ellipsis CSS
- fix members page (can't show all members when 100+ share the same first letter)
- remove need to reload cache for just created entities [reload-cache]
- implement admin logs
- cleanup $pages & $page_X variables in HTML templates using control-page
- allow localization of strings used in code [locale-code]
- remove hack for invisible topics [inv-topic]
- remove invalid Umen dependency [umen-dependency]
- rename "board_member" to "board_profile"
- use email library [email]
- adding missing foreign forum information in topic view [forum-null]
- remove json/yn-account-memo-view.template
- do not throw exception when template file is not found
- replace / ::1 by private IP check [private-ip]
- allow "self" not to be in first position in activities [activity-self]
- refactor mini-messages feature [legacy-mmsg]
- replace library-umen-ref and json replacements by frame
- remove duplicated template code in board.topic.view and board.post.search
- create "shout" entity for flashchat messages
- limit login length on user edit
- missing forum description breaks home page layout
- add help message when creating new forum
- remove "gallery" section access
- use object references for "*.value" strings (except formatted-one, need alias reassignment)
- remove hack to support ignore option [hack-ignore]
- remove global references to logger [global-logger]
- make "items" property consistent across flags, image, radio and select control types
- use html wrapper whenever possible in Devate templates
- remove global references to user [global-user]
- remove global references to sql [global-sql]
- isolate blogs [blog]
- replace legacy.poll
- replace "stats" system [legacy-stats]
- delete legacy.metric
- replace backend code by full JS for JS quotes [js-quote]
- replace legacy.alert
- implement account.user.search page and provide search by ordered by pulse_time
- replace legacy.access.profile by board.section.permission
- replace legacy.access.admin by board.forum.permission
- remove redirection code for legacy pages [legacy-page]
- replace legacy.sp
- move common string aliases to dedicated xml file
- use different time windows for "too many requests" safety mechanism
- replace legacy.ban
- factorize image receive code [image-receive]
- merge ".create" and ".edit" for log event strings
- unify entity- vs entity/ in URLs
- fix draft not reset on post from bookmarks
- unify suffix with "*" mandatory field labels
- replace "viewforum" system [legacy-viewforum]
- unify ul.links in panel-header vs anchors in panel-footer
- use consistent naming scheme for Deval variables
- show "search" link near "account", "chat" and "disconnect" ones
- use a single "wrap" statement and local "unwrap" blocks when supported by Deval
- move search table to main database [sql-database-alt]
- do not reference MessageBox entity outside from entity/account/message.php